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VReader5 | VRConvert5 | GoPlay5 | Hol5 | IPContact | SandR5 | Other futures... | About me

VReader5 version 2.01 released

Current revision is Version 2.01, released on october 19.

CYRILLIC (Russian at present), GREEK AND HEBREW (yes, with Right to Left support) SUPPORT BEEING ADDED...BETA TESTING FINISHED !!!

VReader5 is a text viewer application for the Psion® Series5, GeoFox® One and Osaris® palmtop computers, with support for viewing electronic books (ebooks) stored either as plain Ascii text files, or in TCR or Aportis compressed formats. OPL source files can also be displayed, the read-only mode of VReader5 preventing unwanted modification under the internal Program editor.

While the Word application internal to the palmtop allows for "importing" a text file from Ascii into it's own format, there is no such function for texts compressed in the TCR format, much used on the Psion S3 palmtops, or the Aportis format frequently found on PalmPilots

While reading such an ebook, the user can insert bookmarks, search for a given string, change the display style (font and size, but also text orientation and lines formating), or have the text automatically scrolling

Text display parameters, bookmarks and current position are preserved from session to session, allowing immediate resume of the last reading, much like you would do with a regular book.

The application is conveniently installable via a single SIS automated file, containing English, German, Italian, Norwegian, Finnish and French versions, as well as a localization feature to create other languages versions.

VReader5 has received the 5Cows award from PsionKing.   [5 cows]

VReader5 has been ranked "5 stars" by Elisabeth Liddell     [5 stars]

VReader5 on GeoFox One received "5 FoxGods"                 [5 foxgods] .

Download VReader5 Version 2.01 (84k)

Update : you can download a zip file vr_supp.zip which contains the language files for the Dutch (VReader5.M31, provided by Adrian Nijmanting), Austrian (VReader5.M43 provided by Eric Posher) and Swedish (VReader5.M46, provided by Peter Kindström) users. After "unzipping", copy the wanted file in VReader5 application folder, suppress or rename the existing VReader5.MSG file, then rename the new language file to that name.
A source for numerous eBooks in German at PsionWelt
A source for numerous eBooks in Russian on Akaev's site
Other PalmPilot compatibility applications can be found here.
A very interesting reader application, oriented towards Encyclopedia-type eBooks is Tome Raider

VRConvert5 ebooks format converter
future product

A companion product to VReader5, VRConvert5 will allow ebooks to be compressed or converted onto the palmtop itself.

VRConvert5 will be capable of translating both regular Ascii or TCR-compressed ebooks into the newer Aportis format, on the palmtop itself.

There is already a wide choice of applications available on miscellaneous platforms to produce Aportis format documents, from Ascii or HTML source files. For a complete list, please select here.

GoPlay5: Playing GO on your Palmtop
future product

Go programming is a real challenge, especially when memory size and processor speed are limited on our favorite palmtops ! So don't expect GoPlay5 to rank any much better than a beginner, yet it is an always ready opponent while you're commuting or boring away from home in an hotel room.

Also (later...) it will probably double as an SGF reader, so great games can be reviewed with their comments.

Hol5 version 3.1 released

The first revision for EPOC32 was numbered Version 2.1, to be consistent with the SIBO version. Starting with version 3.0, with the inclusion of Moon computation, the compatibility with Series3 rules files is no longer guaranteed since new keywords have been added.

May 6th 1999: Reto Beeler has now released Version 3.1, which brings multilingual support (English, Italian, German and French versions) together with some corrections and additions to the Moon and Hebrew computations (and yes, some bugfixes), grab it now here!

You can also download an update file for version 2.2 that contains new or updated calendar files, bug reports and comments about computations. Note: These changes are included in version 3.1, so you should probably get the new version instead. Last update date: 1 Mar 1999.

(June 16 1999) Thomas Schwarz has provided a file for New Zealand Holidays and Provincial Anniversary Days, so all Kiwis please click here.

Hol5 is a calendar application Psion® Series5 and GeoFox® One palmtop computers. It allows computation of holidays and their insertion into the system agenda file.

Dates can be computed based on either Roman, Hebrew or Islamic calendars, using rules files written with a specific macro language. Several files are provided, covering most countries and churches.

The original OPL16 version (which you can find here ) was written by Odd Gripenstam and soon became a classic for the Series 3.

To keep in line with original distribution under GNU public license, the complete source code is included in the archive. (Of course, this only relates to the Hol5 code itself, not to Andy Clarkson's Agenda2.opx nor RMRsoftware's SystInfo.opx).

Users of the S3 version can retain their computation rules files, since their format was retained in this version (but beware of accented letters, S3 and S5 differ in that respect !)

Installation is conveniently handled by automated SIS files, users on systems not running PsiWin can request a zip of all individual files for manual installation.

Download my own Hol5 Version 2.1 and get a taste of the good ol' S3, (119k)

Download Reto's Hol5 Version 2.2, with toolbar support (88k) (the last version to be fully compatible with Series3 rules files)

Download Reto's latest Hol5 Version (3.1) with multilingual support (English, French, German, Italian) (146k)

FTP distribution available from here

IPContact version 2.23

Ivo Pastyrik has created a very interesting application to manage contacts in a "relational" way : enter company records and people records, then define links between companies and people working there.

Attractive presentation, fast searches, CSV exports and imports in various formats and sorts (companies with linked people, people with or without their parent company, etc.) : this one should interest a lot of users so I commited the French translation which is now part of this multilingual kit (English, Czech, German and French at present) ...

Of course, this application is completely freeware. Sources are included in the distribution kit, under the GPL licensing : a good programming example albeit czech variables names may disorient the reader at first sight ;-))

Download version 2.23 of IPContact (168k)

Original FTP distribution site is here

SandR5: a Search and Replace utility...
future product

SandR5 will provide Searching and optionally Replacing a given string of Ascii or Binary codes in either a single file or a collection of files.

What for ? Might be that your employer just decided upon the name of that new product you are working on, or you just learnt the actual spelling of that nice town in Kirghizistan your customer lives in and you realize some twenty proposal documents need corrections, or as a programmer, you need a way to change the name of a procedure or variable in a complete set of sources and documentation files...SandR5 allows fast search and replace, keeps a log of changes, can keep or replace original files, and also includes a test mode to test your changes before they are actualy performed.

Other developments that might some day appear here...

I made a small electronics box that allows to interface my favorite Psion5 to the "external" world, via its serial interface.

So far, it has limited albeit useful capabilities, such as reading an analogic value from a A/D converter, and actuating some (externally powered !) relays.

I shall shortly clean up both the printed circuit plans and the microcode for the embedded microprocessor, and make a more generalized driving software on the Psion, so hobbyist enthusiasts can experiment with it, so stay tuned...

About me

Just in case you'd wonder: I'm 45, live some 50 km south of Paris, France, together with Nadia, my son Angelo, my dog Gulliver and my cat Chaminou, and I earn my living as a consultant in computer security

Suggestions, remarks, encouragements and constructive criticism are welcome

Copyright 1998 Jean Luc Damnet.

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