Symbian Foundation

Industry leaders to unify the Symbian mobile platform and set it free
Foundation to be established to provide royalty-free open platform and accelerate innovation


December 4, 2008

US companies welcome plans for the Symbian Foundation


Further endorsements from leading global services and software companies.

At the Symbian Partner Event today, the initial board members of the Symbian Foundation welcomed the latest supporters of the Symbian Foundation initiative. More than 500 delegates are in San Francisco to learn more about the future of Symbian OS and its associated ecosystem, including plans to establish the Symbian Foundation.


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December 2, 2008

Symbian Foundation moves closer to launch


Close of Nokia offer to acquire Symbian Limited is a key milestone for the planned foundation

Plans for the Symbian Foundation and the evolution of Symbian OS™ as the leading, open platform for mobile innovation moved closer to reality today, as Nokia announced that it had completed its offer to acquire Symbian Limited.


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December 2, 2008 Nokia acquires Symbian Limited


Nokia today announced that it has completed its offer to acquire Symbian Limited. All conditions to Nokia’s offer to acquire Symbian Limited have been satisfied and it has received valid acceptance of greater than 99.9% of the total Symbian shares that Nokia did not already own.


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November 20, 2008 Symbian Foundation gains stronger global support


Further endorsements from leading network operator, services and software companies.

The initial board members of the Symbian Foundation have welcomed the latest supporters of the Symbian Foundation initiative.
The interim Steering Group setting up the foundation has been meeting in Tokyo, Japan this week.


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October 22, 2008 Lee Williams nominated as Executive Director for the Symbian Foundation


Industry veteran to lead the foundation that will drive the future of the leading open mobile platform for smartphones

The ten initial board members of the Symbian Foundation (AT&T, LG Electronics, Motorola, Nokia, NTT DOCOMO, Samsung Electronics, Sony Ericsson, ST-NXP Wireless, Texas Instruments and Vodafone) today announced the nomination of Lee Williams as the Executive Director for the planned foundation. Lee is currently head of the S60 organization in Nokia’s Devices business.


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October 21, 2008 Broad industry support for Symbian Foundation continues to grow


Further semiconductor & device manufacturers, service & software developers and financial services firms reinforce the global appeal of the Symbian Foundation platform

On the first day of the 2008 Symbian Smartphone Show, the ten initial board members of the Symbian Foundation (AT&T, LG Electronics, Motorola, Nokia, NTT DOCOMO, Samsung Electronics, Sony Ericsson, ST-NXP Wireless, Texas Instruments and Vodafone) have welcomed the latest supporters of the Symbian Foundation initiative.


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September 9, 2008 Symbian Foundation continues to draw strong industry support


Plans for the leading, open mobile platform endorsed by further device manufacturers, software and service providers

Plans for the Symbian Foundation and the evolution of Symbian OS™ as the leading, open platform for mobile innovation continue to receive strong support from companies throughout the mobile ecosystem. Today, Acrodea, Brycen, HI Corporation, Ixonos, KTF, Opera Software, Sharp, TapRoot Systems and UIQ Technology are adding their endorsement for the planned foundation.


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July 10, 2008 Mobile industry endorsement for Symbian Foundation grows


Game changing initiative attracts praise and further supporters

The initial board members of the Symbian Foundation have welcomed continuing support from mobile industry leaders for their plans for the Symbian Foundation and the evolution of Symbian OS™ as the leading, open platform for mobile innovation.


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June 24, 2008 Mobile leaders to unify the Symbian software platform and set the future of mobile free


Foundation to be established to provide royalty-free open platform and accelerate innovation

Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Motorola and NTT DOCOMO announced today their intent to unite Symbian OS™, S60, UIQ and MOAP(S) to create one open mobile software platform. Together with AT&T, LG Electronics, Samsung Electronics, STMicroelectronics, Texas Instruments and Vodafone they plan to establish the Symbian Foundation to extend the appeal of this unified software platform. Membership of this non-profit Foundation will be open to all organizations. This initiative is supported by current shareholders and management of Symbian Limited, who have been actively involved in its development. Plans for the Foundation have already received wide support from other industry leaders.


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