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Psion Revo

Revol is a Linux Distribution for the Psion Revo.

Development on Revol ended years ago and this distribution is no longer maintained. This page is retained here for the benefit of people still interested in experimenting with Psion palmtops.

Please note: this is designed for the original Revo, although it runs on the Revo+ as well. If you have a Revo+ or a Diamond Mako, you may wish to try this distribution instead which makes use of the extra memory to fit some useful things in. It will probably not run on the 5MX. If you have a 5MX, you may wish to try the Psilinux project which developed a distro.

Version 1.1 is available for download! I have managed to fit quite a few programs into the Revo's memory. Please feel free to try this out and send comments/suggestions/queries to me.

Version 2.0 is package-based using spkg . You can browse a list of packages here .

Don't trust with your data or your projects! This site was hosted there for almost 20 years before they abruptly decided to delete everything with no warning or notification. Many better options exist nowadays that don't delete your work on a whim. If you're someone who has old projects still on there, you'll do well to move them off - if indeed they're even still there.

Simon Howard .
I am not associated with Psion Digital.