
Created 07-04-1999 T. Milius
Changed 12-31-2002 T. Milius


I worked already with a lot cpmputers and operating systems. There is an overview about this available.


In 1998 I programmed a freeware-VNC-Server using RISCOS. This is something similar to PC-Anywhere, that means you can connect to another computer by internet and can control them remote using a graphical desktop. It is also possible to let your computer be controlled by another computer. In opinion to PC-Anywhere the RFB-Protokoll allows computers of arbitrary manufacturers to connect (Apple with Acorn, Acorn with UNIX, UNIX with PC and so on). Detailed information of this concept can be find at the AT&T company which bought Olivetti-daugther ORL. The project has been frozen at the moment because there are some VNC-Server at RISCOS. A lot of the procedures has been improved during the HTTP-Server-Project.


At home I am working since 1994 on computer made by the british Acorn-Company. This machines are using a processor of Advandced Risc Machines (ARM) and an operating system called RISCOS. By a decision which cannot be accepted by Acorn-users Acorn decided in September 1998 to stop production of its computers and to concentrate itself on the development of settop boxes. Because there is still a need of the computers and the operating system at the moment a lot of companies are trying to overtake the production of the old computers and/or to develop new ones. A new Version of the operation system is available since July 1999! Because RiscOS-Computers with its ARM-Processors are very fast, stable and make small usage of resources, and RiscOS is one of the best documentated operating systems and has a high flexibility, these computers are still my best choice. People, who want to know more about these computers should read the Homepage of the German Acorn Computerclub GAG.

You can send me an E-amil if you have any common or technical questions on RISCOS-Computers. I will try to answer or give you an address of a person which may be able to help you.

Since March 1999 I am an owner of a Pocketbook Serie 5 from PSION.

The "Requestmod"-Project

Since the beginning of 1999 I am changing my privat software development to total portability. Therefore I am developing at the moment at specification called "Requestmod" and the needed software moduls. This moduls will be ever free of charge. Who is liking it can develop his own moduls using "Requestmod". I hope the moduls will be finished in 2000.

The "Regina"-Project

At my privat time I am developing an object orientated database under RiscOS. The name of the project is in the moment "Regina".

Das "Psionconv"-Projekt

Since end of 1999 I inserted the development of a file converting program for Psion S5 computers called "Psionconv". I also portated another converter for Psion S3 computers called "SIBOConv" to RISCOS.



I wrote all of the following programs myself. They are Freeware and are packed as ZIP-Files. Unpack them for example by using SparkFS. Excuse me but an english manual is not avilable in the most cases. I will change this if the programs are more professional or on your demand.


Portated Programs

All of the following programs I portated with agreement of the author to RISCOS. They are packed as ZIP-Files. Unpack them for example by using SparkFS.


I wrote all of the following programs myself. They are Commercialware, that means commercial users are needing a lizence to use the programs, will run under RiscOS-Computers and are packed as ZIP-Files. Unpack them for example by using SparkFS.


I wrote all of the following programs myself. They are Shareware, that all users are needing a lizence to use the programs regulary, will run under RiscOS-Computers and are packed as ZIP-Files. Unpack them for example by using SparkFS.


This chapter contains source code of my own which can be used freely of every who wants. I keep the right to use this code or improvements of it inside programs which are not made public too.






Sometimes you are able to connect directly to my computer and download information from there (but only during I am being online ...).