Date |
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Description |
09/08/2006 |
Lost & Found - Neuon stuff... |
A number of people had reported problems with the version of Rally that I'd uploaded previously. I said it was v1.04 but in fact it was v1.05. I've now corrected this and both versions are available on the Lost & Found - Neuon page. |
01/06/2006 |
Tomeraider Files... |
... and the second is a similar collection but covering all the major towns, cities, and regions in Europe. Thanks Mike!  |
29/05/2006 |
Tomeraider Files... |
Mike Hughes has very kindly sent me in a couple of Tomeraider files for the collection. The first of these is an updated version of the UK Towns & Cities database... |
13/05/2006 |
Lost & Found - Documents... |
This animated logo very nicely demonstrates how Psion created the hieroglyphs used in their brand logo - a little bit of fun! Image grabbed from a discussion on the PDAStreet forum and added to the ‘Lost & Found - Documents’ Page. |
11/05/2006 |
Lost & Found - i27... |
Colin Messer has very kindly coloured in the images for the 'PSIONSaver' 5creen saver. I've added this file to the ‘Lost & Found - i27’ page. Thanks Colin!  |
06/05/2006 |
WiFi on a netBook - Part 5... |
I've added the latest in my series of articles describing setting up and using a WiFi network on a netBook. This is the 5th part and describes what happened that led me to add a disk drive to my network - accessible from my netBook of course! |
05/05/2006 |
Lost & Found - Neuon stuff... |
Added Rally to the ‘Lost & Found - Neuon’ page. Rally is "Micro Machines"™ style gaming for your EPOC device. This game is an arcade style plan view racing game for EPOC with excellent graphics and many other unique features.
I've also added a link for PacMan to the Neuon page (since its author still has these on his own website for download and registration). I think this is the last of all the Neuon software that was formerly availalbe on their site but if I come across any more I will of course add it to the collection. |
04/05/2006 |
Lost & Found - Neuon stuff... |
Added Recycle to the ‘Lost & Found - Neuon’ page. Recycle is a recycle-bin style application for EPOC. It provides you with the ability to protect yourself against accidental deletion of files. After selecting files for deletion in the system screen, deleted items are then compressed and archived - these may then be deleted on a permanent basis or restored to their full entirety at a later date. |
03/05/2006 |
Lost & Found - Neuon stuff... |
Added VPM to the ‘Lost & Found - Neuon’ page. By using VPM - Virtual Psion Mouse - you can replace your PC's mouse, keyboard and use your EPOC machine as a graphics tablet!
I've also added links for Blobs, Chain Reaction, and Tile Fall to the Neuon page (since their author still has these on his own website for download and registration). |
29/04/2006 |
Xtra Software... |
Daniel Beardsmore has kindly given his permission for LBShips to be added to the Xtra Software page. LBShips (Lecture Battleships) is a battleships game for two players sharing a single Psion Revo, Revo Plus and Diamond Mako (it will run on other EPOC devices but will probably look odd). Only one machine is needed: the game does not use infra-red or the Internet. Freeware. |
28/04/2006 |
Lost & Found - i27... |
Uploaded the final i27 entry for the time being. The Song Writer's And Poet's Handbook (SWAPH) is a phonetic word finder which has a multitude of uses. Not only will it find a rhyming match to your word, you can also specify how many syllables to search for. Comes complete with a 12,000 word dictionary! |
27/04/2006 |
Lost & Found - i27... |
Added 5outhpark to the ‘Lost & Found - i27’ page. What does it do? 5outhPark runs in the background and consumes only 48Kb of memory. After a user-defined time, one of the 'park characters will show their face and hurl verbal abuse at you! (you may also set the delay before abuse to random). I think it runs on all machines - although in greyscale on S7/nB. Definitely an opportunity for some colouring-in if someone wants to do it!  |
26/04/2006 |
Lost & Found - i27... |
Added 5talk to the ‘Lost & Found - i27’ page. This is a talking clock for EPOC. Not only will it announce the day and time when the machine is on, (via a designated HotKey) it will also announce the day and time when the machine is off. As well as announcing the day and time, 5Talk will also flash the day and time on a readable display for a few seconds. You can also choose to have just the display without any announcements... |
25/04/2006 |
Lost & Found - i27... |
More 5creen savers added to the collection: EpocZone, ShapeFX, Spots, Sticks, and WARP. |
22/04/2006 |
Lost & Found - i27... |
Added 4 5creen saver modules to the ‘Lost & Found - i27’ page. Specifically: CenoBox, Hemp!, Pulse&Slide, and Squarez. More to follow... |
21/04/2006 |
Lost & Found - i27... |
I've added a new page under the ‘Lost & Found’ section called ‘i27’. This is (the start of) a collection of the software formerly available on Mark O'Neill's i27 site. Between early 1999 and mid 2002, Mark wrote some interesting and rather fun apps for EPOC. Some of these are already available on FreEPOC's site but I wanted to offer a slightly more complete selection here. I'll add more stuff to it over the next few days. |
20/04/2006 |
Lost & Found - Neuon stuff... |
Added nArchive to the ‘Lost & Found - Neuon’ page. nArchive allows you to compress and restore all of the files that belong to a program (or any other group of files) at the touch of a button. nArchive can automatically select which files belong to a program including any embedded files, using data from the Add/Remove control panel, or they can be selected manually by folder or file. Files are returned to their original location after decompression by either selection from the application's simple to use interface or by the user defined hotkey setup for the program group. |
19/04/2006 |
Lost & Found - Neuon stuff... |
Added Q-Calc to the ‘Lost & Found - Neuon’ page. Q-Calc is an advanced scientific calculator with integrated function grapher. It has a lot more features than the built-in calculator, including an advanced screen display and full fraction, hex and binary support. The history list provides easy access to previous calculations and results, and a hotlist is provided for frequently used calculations. A live calculation feature displays the answer to an expression as you type in real-time and an evaluate option simplifies entering complex calculations... |
15/04/2006 |
Lost & Found - Neuon stuff... |
Pete Marshall kindly pointed out that the SIS file in the 'mono' version of nFTP on my ‘Lost & Found - Neuon’ page was corrupt. I've now found a working replacement and uploaded it. Thanks Pete!  |
14/04/2006 |
Lost & Found - Applications... |
Added dCalc to the ‘Lost & Found - Applications’ page. dCalc - by Bob Hepple - is a fully featured RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) calculator as popularised by Hewlett-Packard. Like the HP calculators it operates much more intuitively than calculators with an equals sign. Available in English, German, French, and Italian. dCalc was formerly shareware but Bob has issued a generic key making the program now freeware. |
13/04/2006 |
Lost & Found - Neuon stuff... |
Added Merlin to the ‘Lost & Found - Neuon’ page. Merlin is an macro compatible, toolbar-driven, application launcher. With Merlin you can create toolbars for any application and you can even have different toolbars for individual documents within an application. Comes complete with 6 standard plugins but I've also uploaded the User Manual and an additional 5 plugins for both colour and mono versions of the program. |
12/04/2006 |
Lost & Found - Neuon stuff... |
Added Matience to the ‘Lost & Found -Neuon’ page. Matience is an implementation of Mah-jongg patience. The object of the game is to remove all of the tiles by repeatedly removing matching pairs of selectable tiles. |
11/04/2006 |
Lost & Found - Documents... |
Added a Quickstart Guide and the User Manual for the netPad to the ‘Lost & Found - Documents’ page. My thanks to Asri al-Baker for sending them in!  |
10/04/2006 |
Lost & Found - Communications... |
Added Dual_O to the ‘Lost & Found - Communications’ page. Dual_O - by Lutz Wohlfarth - is a program designed to allow the installation and use of both versions of Opera (v3.62 and v5.14) on your machine at the same time. Since both of these versions of Opera are now essentially free, this gives some useful flexibility. |
08/04/2006 |
Lost & Found - Utilities & System... |
I've uploaded Navigator to the ‘Lost & Found - Utilities & System Stuff’ page. Navigator is a System replacement program for EPOC machines offering a Windows-style program that handles drag'n'drop file management, zip compression/decompression/viewing, application launching, shortcuts, search capabilities, etc. Originally commercial software from the long-since defunct Purple Software, the program has long been freely available for unrestricted download elsewhere on the web and so I think it fair to call it 'Abandonware' and offer it here also. There are also replacement colour mbm patches and icons for the program on my Colour Icons page... |
07/04/2006 |
Lost & Found - Games... |
Uploaded Terrace to the ‘Lost & Found - Games’ page. Written by Chris Matthee (of nFTP fame below!) as freeware in 1999, Terrace is a solitaire type card game simular to Klondike - but played with two decks of cards. |
06/04/2006 |
Lost & Found - Neuon stuff... |
Chris Matthee has kindly given me permission to offer a generic registration code for nFTP - essentially now making it Freeware! I've added this code to the zip files on the Neuon page. nFTP was Neuon's FTP (File Transfer Protocol) tool, allowing you to transfer files to and from a remote connection, using the standard FTP format. Thanks Chris!  |
05/04/2006 |
Lost & Found - Applications... |
Added 5Account to the ‘Lost & Found - Applications’ page. 5Account - by Simon Berridge - is a banking and personal ledger system designed specifically to take advantage of the Psion Series 5mx/Revo/7 available functions and databases. Formerly shareware, the author has released a generic registration key to make it freeware. An extensive user manual is also available for download. |
04/04/2006 |
Lost & Found - Neuon... |
Added nOPLPlus to the ‘Lost & Found - Neuon’ page. nOPL+ is a programmers tool and features a project based OPL Developer's editor and OPP.exe, a back-end translator and pre-processor which supports standard EPOC OPL and adds a wealth of additional features such as #pragmas, Macros, 'C' style operators, re-use of code libraries, multi-dimensional arrays and STRUCTS. Also uploaded user manual, SiBO, MS-DOS, and WINS files. |
03/04/2006 |
Macros... |
I've added a small macro that I recently generated to the Macros page. TaskList is a (very) small little .opo file/macro that simply calls up the open files / programs list irrespective of whether you're in the System screen or not. Essentially it does the same as Ctrl+J in the System screen - but from any program/document. I wrote it because - being a control freak - I found myself increasingly switching back to the System screen in order to do a Ctrl+J to see what I had open at any given time.
Since it's a standalone .opo file, it doesn't necessarily need to be called by Macro5 (or compatible macro-running program). It can be run on its own just by double-tapping in the System screen for example (albeit a little pointless doing so). I use it as a macro under ExtraBars and have assigned it a Fn+J shortcut to echo the standard Ctrl+J shortcut in the System screen. |
01/04/2006 |
Help support Pscience5: Donation page... |
I've added a 'Donations' page to the site and a linking button to the top of most of the main pages (see above). Pscience5 has been online for almost 8 years and operating in its current guise for 2. Whilst I experimented with banner ads. a few years back, they never really worked out. And for the rest of the time, the site has been entirely 'privately funded' . As the number of people using the site and the amount of downloadable content steadily increases, so does the bandwidth being used - and hence the site's cost. Whilst is - and will always remain - free, I would dearly like help in defraying some of these costs if at all possible. The 'Donate' page has a PayPal button on it and I will also be establishing a 'Hall of Thanks' as my way of publicly saying thanks to everyone who helps. All contributions very gratefully received!
I'll be adding the button to the remaining pages over the weekend. Whilst I'm updating pages, I've also taken the opportunity to improve the navigation links at the bottom of each page and these now include a 'Top of Page' link - useful with the longer pages! |
31/03/2006 |
Xtra Software... |
Alexey Semenov has again upgraded his SDict program for EPOC - to v1.7.8 - and so I've uploaded this newer version to the new ‘Xtra Software’ page. Changes include: Some small bugs were fixed. Multiple dictionary directories are implemented. Word selection is cleared when <Left> pressed. Code cleanups and some small fixes. He's also upgraded his SView program to v1.5.1 which I've also uploaded to the same page. Changes include: 'Jump to ' dialog was added to navigate across the file. Small bugfixes and cosmetic changes were made. Thanks Alexey! |
30/03/2006 |
Colour Icons... |
The Colour Icons files have been updated again with some new colour icons and patches. My thanks to Kees van der Straten for his marathon effort over the past few weeks and months! Specific additions/changes are:
Encrypt (3rd version), InstApp (+ patch), Locker (2nd version), nOrganiser, NoteIt, plOpen (2nd version), Quicklist3 (2nd version), ThesLink (full colour version), Vins (2nd version), and _2ConnectU (Improved version). This brings the total up to something like 488 replacement colour icons (aif files) and 150 colour patches for programs. |
29/03/2006 |
Lost & Found - Communications... |
I received an unexpected - but very welcome - email from the guys at Opera Software yesterday asking me if I'd be interested in offering free generic registration keys for Opera v5.14 (both ER3 and ER5 versions). Would I? Well, of course I would! So I've added the keys to the appropriate download files and also added them on the ‘Lost & Found - Communications’ page itself. Thanks Opera - way to go! 
28/03/2006 |
Articles - How to partition a CF card |
I've updated my article on partitioning a Compact Flash (CF) card into multiple drives. It's a 6-month update explaining how (at one point) I even wondered if the technique actually worked and concluding that not all CF cards are created equal! Downloadable in EPOC Word and PDF formats. |
27/03/2006 |
Lost & Found - Neuon |
Back from my travels with quite a few things to add to the site over the next few days. A little bit of housekeeping first though: 1) I've received a fair bit of email whilst I've been away - it may take me a few days to respond to those that need replies, and 2) I've decided (and it's been suggested a few times recently!) to start linking directly to the page where a file is located. Originally I linked to a parent page in order to encourage people to explore. However, as the site continues to grow, this is just getting too confusing for people. Hopefully this will make finding things easier for everyone.
Anyway, another Neuon entry for the site today: nRSCUtil. nRSCUtil facilitates the creation and editing of EPOC resource files on EPOC devices themselves, primarily of use to OPL developers. Hence I've added it to the ‘Lost & Found - Neuon’ page and also the ‘Lost & Found - Programmers corner’ page. |
18/03/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
I've added all the Neuon OPMs/OPXs to the ‘Lost & Found - Programming corner’ page. Specifically: Cascade, nDirNav, nEdit, nListBox, nMPD, and nScrollbar. Also PDF manuals for nDirNav, nListBox, and nMPD. Could have added them to the Neuon page - but the programming one seemed more sensible. Wins (emulator) versions are included where appropriate. |
17/03/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
José Luis kindly sent me the latest version of the source code for Shell5. This has now been added to the download zip file on the ‘Lost & Found - Utilities & System’ page. Thanks José Luis.  |
15/03/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
Uploaded AlterNet to the ‘Lost & Found - Neuon’ page. AlterNet is a flexible website and email manager where you can store all your frequently used mail addresses and favourite web sites and a lot more beside. It interacts with Message Suite to offer you the ultimate in email and web integration. ER3 only I'm afraid. |
14/03/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
Uploaded Shell5 to the ‘Lost & Found - Utilities & System’ page. Shell5 is a command line interpreter which allows basic file operations (copy, delete, rename, etc) as well as many other sophisticated features. Source code file included in the download.
Also updated the Links page, adding in a few new links on the way. |
13/03/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
Uploaded Daleks to the ‘Lost & Found - Neuon’ page. Daleks is a simple but infuriatingly addictive arcade strategy game that has been popular on many different platforms for several decades. Colour icon and patch available on the Colour Icons page. |
11/03/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
Uploaded Doodler to the ‘Lost & Found - Neuon’ page. Doodler is a pen-based jotter for the Psion Series 5, where you 'doodle' notes directly onto the screen using your stylus/pen. |
10/03/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
Uploaded NoMore to the ‘Lost & Found - Neuon’ page. NoMore is an application to hide infrequently used applications from the Extras bar to reduce clutter. |
09/03/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
I've added MochaPPP to the ‘Lost & Found - Communications’ page. Mocha W32 PPP is a Windows app. that can be used to connect your Psion to a Windows 95/98/NT/2k/XP directly through a serial cable, giving direct access to the network (Internet) on your local PC. Works with both dial-up and broadband connections (although can't cope with proxy connections as far as I know). Not techincally 'lost' - but recently made freeware so I've added it anyway!
I've also added 'Onyx 100' to the ‘Lost & Found - Looking for...’ page. If anyone can help with this app I'd appreciate it. |
08/03/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
Uploaded QuikList to the ‘Lost & Found - Neuon’ page. QuikList is Neuon's top-notch listing application. Ideal for efficient 'to do' lists, task prioritisation, task grouping, filtering, and searches with wildcard support. |
07/03/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
Uploaded ThesLink to the ‘Lost & Found - Neuon’ page. ThesLink - by Alex Skilton - is a utility designed to integrate the EPOC word processor with the thesaurus. Just put the cursor in front of the word in question, and press the hotkey, and a list of synonyms will appear in Spell. Then select your synonym and press the hotkey, and the new synonym will be pasted back into Word. |
06/03/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
I've added all 4 versions of the Opera browser to the ‘Lost & Found - Communications’ page (v3.62 and v5.14 in both ER3 and ER5 flavours). |
04/03/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
I've now been sent a copy of Purple Software's FlipFlop and so this is now added to the ‘Lost & Found - Games’ page for download. My thanks to 'Alex218' for suggesting it and to José Luis Cruz and Toni Woodward for sending copies! |
03/03/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
I've been through all the links on my ‘Links Page’ cleaning things up, correcting a few links, and purging a few dead ones. I've taken note of these 'dead' links as some of them mean that the software that used to be there is now 'Abandonware'. Hence I'm planning on adding some of these newly abandoned programs to the site over the next few days and weeks. First of these is Dan Ramage's AIM for EPOC - AOL Instant Messenger. Now added to the ‘Lost & Found - Communications’ page. |
02/03/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
I'm looking for a copy of FlipFlop if anyone has it? FlipFlop was a Solitaire-type game produced by Purple Software and distributed as freeware. Hence I'm looking to try and find a copy of it to add to the site. Details added to the ‘Lost & Found - Looking For...’ page.  |
01/03/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
Added the ROM image (OS) files from Xtep's home page to the new Xtep page under the ‘Lost & Found’ pages here. Sadly I see that Xtep's home site has now closed - but glad that I was able to catch his software before it disappeared! I'll remove the links to his site in due course. |
28/02/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
Added PsiROMx to the new Xtep page. PsiROMx is a small EPOC utility for extracting a ROM from a Psion to a ROM image file. Eg. the image extraced from a 5mx can be used on a 5mxPro. Also fixed the links to the files over the weekend as I'd not entered them correctly! My thanks to everyone who pointed it out!
Also fixed a large number of broken links on the Psion Support Files pages. Looks like Psion have reorganised their servers and all the files got moved around. Should now all be okay but please let me know if you find any more broken links. Thanks! |
25/02/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
More work on the new Xtep page - and added a capture of his notes on PsiROM and it's use... |
24/02/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
I've created a new ‘Xtep Software’ page under the ‘Lost & Found’ page and have started adding his software there. Between early 2004 and the end of 2005 Juan J. Villacorta ('Xtep') wrote some interesting software for manipulating and editing the OS ROM images for netBooks / mBooks / 5mxPros / netPads. However, he's now switched to the Zaurus Linux platform and is planing to close his site down shortly. Juan has kindly agreed that I host his software here on the Pscience5 site. More of his files in the next few days... |
23/02/2006 |
Xtra Software... |
In addition to agreeing a free generic code for ExtraBars (below), Jason also agreed to the same for Backlite+Plus. Backlite+Plus is a backlight management system plus much more for the 5/mx/MC218. It also supports PostIt-type 'stickies', macro-handling, and a Jotpad. It almost makes me go 'gooey-eyed' - I think that Backlite+Plus was the first ever EPOC application I ever registered!  |
20/02/2006 |
Xtra Software... |
I am quite delighted to announce that Jason Kneen - author of ExtraBars - has very kindly agreed to a generic registration key being released with the program; thus effectively making it freeware. ExtraBars is one of the ultimate application launchers - ranking alongside Macro5 in my opinion. Now available on the Xtra Software page!  |
19/02/2006 |
Xtra Software... |
Alexey Semenov has also written a new freeware program - SView - which lets you view gzipped text files. Added to the Xtra Software page alongside SDict. |
18/02/2006 |
Xtra Software... |
Alexey Semenov has upgraded his SDict program for EPOC to v1.7.7 and so I've uploaded this newer version to the new ‘Xtra Software’ page. Changes since last update here include: Viewer for small text (.txt and gzipped .txt) files was added, Keyboard navigation schema was made different in full-screen and normal modes, Dictionary name is now visible in tasklist, Dictionary files can be opened in system's file manager, Word in entry is kept between dictionaries, Bugfixes, Cosmetic changes... Thanks Alexey! |
10/02/2006 |
Xtra Software... |
I've uploaded an Opera.ini file to the ‘Xtra Software’ page (for want of a better place to put it). This is a file for replacing the Opera.ini file in c:\System\Apps\Opera\ in order to optimise all of Opera's settings. In theory you can do this from within Opera - except apparently there's a bug within Opera v5.14 in that changes to the security settings are not saved/displayed correctly. Also, it's handy to have it all done for you instead of having to figure out the best way of doing it yourself.  |
09/02/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
Added Zoom to the ‘Lost & Found - Utils & System’ page. Zoom is a small system utility by Nikolai Antonov for zooming in on portions of the screen. Similar in function to the built-in Windows 'Magnifier' utility. |
03/02/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
Added nOrganiser to the ‘Lost & Found - Neuon’ page. nOrganiser is a “Today” style application with a combined view for Agenda To-do items, Email inbox overview and Agenda’s current appointments. |
02/02/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
Added HotKeys to the ‘Lost & Found - Neuon’ page. HotKeys is a task launcher with support for system bookmarks, clipbooks, Macro5 macros, application switching, and backlight control. |
01/02/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
Added nFTP to the ‘Lost & Found - Neuon’ page. nFTP was Neuon's FTP (File Transfer Protocol) tool, allowing you to transfer files to and from a remote connection, using the standard FTP format. Remember of course that v1.31 of nFTP was built into the netBook's last OS version... |
31/01/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
I've decided to start adding Neuon's shareware apps. to my ‘Lost & Found - Neuon’ page since these are proving harder to get hold of. I won't be uploading generic registration keys with them but I'll be happy to discuss anyone's individual requirements if they'd like to drop me a line. First shareware app. to be uploaded is nConvert: Neuon's arguably definitive on-board conversion application for all EPOC platform devices. |
20/01/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
Added nSISUtil to the ‘Lost & Found - Neuon’ page. With nSISUtil you can develop programs entirely on your EPOC machine, without ever having to use a Windows PC for the final build phase. Though nSISUtil offers more than the EPOC Windows SDK’s SIS compiler with a user Friendly user interface and helpful syntax checking and report and sometimes can automatically prepare a solution. Key features: Create/edit PKG files, Create SIS files, Recreate PKG files by extracting details from the SIS file, Optimise function, Syntax checking, Explore a SIS file and extract file details. |
17/01/2006 |
Colour Icons... |
Due to size, I've added a separate entry for colour patches for Zheroes to the Colour Icons page. Simon Johns sent me this collection of colour patches and icon for Zheroes some time ago... Actually, let's be honest here, Simon sent this collection a long time ago - I only just got around to adding it to the page (sorry Simon! ). Anyway, just use the files to replace the ones already there in order to get an even more coloured version of Zheroes. |
14/01/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
Added Zheroes to the ‘Lost & Found - Neuon’ page. "ZherØes - The garden's wargame" ZherØes is a tactical action game. The goal is to make your own team of soldiers survive the battle against the other teams. So be a hero, not a zero. There can be up to 4 teams playing, with up to 8 soldiers per team. There are four weapons: bazooka, grenade, shotgun and TNT. If you're not with friends, just turn on the Artificial Intelligence, and defeat your own computer! Fast graphics and the ability to zoom make it fun to play, also on devices with a smaller screen." Essentially this is the game of 'Worms' on the EPOC platform. |
12/01/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
Added Asteroids to the ‘Lost & Found - Neuon’ page. "Asteroids is the fast paced EPOC port of the old arcade favourite by the same name. One of the fastest paced EPOC games available, Asteroids recreates an arcade classic in full EPOC glory!" |
11/01/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
Added Marker to the ‘Lost & Found - Neuon’ page. "Fed-up of having to spend a lifetime wading through layer upon layer of folders to find the one you want? Well it's time to cheer-up!! Marker is a simple freeware utility to make system navigation easier." So said Neuon's description of what is essentially a clever System bookmark manager. |
10/01/2006 |
Colour Icons... |
The Colour Icons files have been updated again with some new colour icons and patches. My thanks to Cor van Avesaath, Jack, Kees van der Straten, and Matthew Walters for their help. Specific additions/changes are:
Adder (fixes previous .aif), Conjugue (v3 version), FTPServer (+ patch - alternative versions), Marker (+ patch), Pocket, PsiTris (alternative version), and RMRSnake. This brings the total up to something like 478 replacement colour icons (aif files) and 149 colour patches for programs. |
07/01/2006 |
Macros... |
Phil Aypee has kindly updated and fixed Colin Shearing's original AutoPhrase macro and this new version has been added to the Macros page. AutoPhrase is a macro application that resembles the AutoText function in MS Word. It allows the user to hold a list of frequently used phrases together with an associated code and to be able to replace the code with the associated phrase. Thanks Phil!
I've also moved the two Neuon nZip files to the new Neuon page (from ‘Lost & Found - Utilities’) as this seemed like the most appropriate place for them. |
06/01/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
Added nSwitcher to the ‘Lost & Found - Neuon’ page. nSwitcher displays an icon bar with a button for each running program. It allows you to switch to or close any running program with a single touch of the pen. It can be minimised or hidden at any time, and is fully configurable. Individual programs can be hidden from nSwitcher to save screen space. |
05/01/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
I've added copies of Nightkeys to the new ‘Lost & Found - Neuon’ page. Described by 3-Lib as "A great little utility...", Nightkeys
provides an on-screen, pen-driven, keyboard which allows you to continue using your machine when you cannot see the keyboard (e.g. in the dark!). |
04/01/2006 |
Lost & Found... |
Happy New Year! Wishing you and yours all the best for a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2006!
I've decided to add a 'Neuon' section to my ‘Lost & Found’ collection. Towards the end of 2005, Neuon announced that they were no longer accepting registrations for their shareware apps. and there have also been some site stability issues. Hence I am providing an alternative download location for some of their stuff here. Kicking off with nICQ which was originally shareware but which its author recently provided a generic registration key for thus making it free. I'll add more apps to this new page over the coming days and weeks. |
31/12/2005 |
Pscience5: 2005 |
Previous Pscience5 home page entries: 2005 |