Pscience5 Updates History

Date Activity
18th August: A few minor tweaks to the beta of ebc v1.06 on the Pscience5 Beta Page...
15th August: There's already a beta version of ebc v1.06 on the Pscience5 Beta Page if anyone would like to have a play.    I haven't had too much time to test it yet - so I'd be very interested in any feedback (especially if any bugs are found!).  Thanks!
14th August: Thanks to feedback from various people, ebc has been released from beta to v1.05 - see the ebc page for details and download.  I've also added a banner above for the new 'Psion - the home of the Psion Computer Journal & Psion Computer Society' - a new magazine and club being run by Will Green.  Good luck Will!
12th August: 3 new colour icons plus 5 colour patches added to the Colour Icons page today.  This brings the total up to something like 197 replacement colour icons (aif files) and 63 colour patches for programs.  I've also split the 2 zip files into 4 - to try and keep the file sizes down to almost manageable proportions!
8th August: There's now a beta version of ebc v1.05 on the Pscience5 Beta Page if anyone would like to have a play.  I haven't had too much time to test it yet - so I'd be very interested in any feedback (especially if any bugs are found!).  Thanks!
1st August: Due to requests from people on the EPOC Digest, I've been collecting inputs from people for the past week or so on makes / sizes of Compact Flash (CF) cards that they've found and reported to have worked / not worked in their EPOC machines.  I've now uploaded an initial file and it's available on both my Compact Flash page and Database Files page.  So far it has details on 63 different make / size combinations numbering over 100 individual cards.  If you haven't yet contributed and would like to then please drop me an email letting me know a) the make, b) the size, c) whether it worked or not on your machine, and d) any other comments... 
30th July: New program launched/updated today!  Due to pressure of other commitments, Neil Thompson has kindly agreed to have me take over maintenance and updating of his 'ebc' program.  'ebc' lets you add colour support to Jason Kneen's excellent ExtraBars!  See the ebc page for details / download of v1.04 - which has had some new features added!  Also on the ebc page, a new macro called 'Extras'.  It  triggers the launch of the built-in Extras bar from other 3rd party macro launchers - such as ExtraBars of course!
25th July: A small bug was spotted in IconPatcher (thanks Simon!).  I've uploaded v1.01 to fix it.  :¬)
24th July: IconPatcher has been updated from v0.90ß to v1.00.  See the IconPatcher page for details and download.  Some more links added to the Freeware & Shareware Links page also...
18th July: Some updates to the Compact Flash page and some other site maintenance.
10th July: New program launched today!  IconPatcher is designed to easily let you replace the program icon for older or no-longer maintained applications with a colour one - mainly so that they'll look prettier on a colour ER5 machine such as a Series 7, netBook, or netPad.
7th July:


I'm supporting the petition to ask PsionTeklogix to include a Symbian OS version of their new netBook Pro machine.  You can find out more (and sign up if you wish) here:
2nd July: Minor update: The icons for EBook and ExtraBars have been upgraded on the Colour Icons page to preserve the MIME recognisers so that they both now work as per the original grayscale versions.
27th June: 8 new colour icons plus 6 colour patches added today to the Colour Icons page.  This brings the total up to something like 194 replacement colour icons (aif files) and 58 colour patches for programs.  Also uploaded some new patches for colouring the synchronised Emails on your Psion - see the Colour Icons page also.  Updated the links on the Freeware & Shareware Links page too.
6th June: Added a colour patch for Psion Monopoly to the Colour Icons page! :¬)
2nd June: 10 new colour icons plus 14 colour patches added today to the Colour Icons page.  This brings the total up to something like 186 replacement colour icons (aif files) and 52 colour patches for programs.
20th May: An update to the Martin's Musings page: I describe how to get Jason Kneen's ExtraBars program working in colour!
16th May:


18 new colour icons plus 10 colour patches added today to the Colour Icons page.  This brings the total up to something like 176 replacement colour icons (aif files) and 38 colour patches for programs.  Updated the My Hardware/Software page slightly.
14th May:


I've more or less finished off my Infrared pages explaining how to get PsiWin to work over an IR link with Windows 2000 and XP!  See the Infrared Area for an explanation.
13th May:


At long last, an update to Clock5!  v1.88 fixes a bug that only occurred on a netBook whereby it wouldn't show the netBook (Psion) and EPOC logos correctly.  Available for download on the Clock5 page.
1st May: 24 new colour icons plus 3 colour patches added today to the Colour Icons page.  This brings the total up to something like 158 replacement colour icons (aif files) and 28 colour patches for programs.
18th April: A bumper upload today!  36 new colour icons plus 10 colour patches added today to the Colour Icons page. This brings the total up to something like 134 replacement colour icons (aif files) and 25 colour patches for programs.  The zip file was getting so large that I've split it into 2 for ease of download.  :-)
14th April: Another 3 colour icons and 2 patches added today to the Colour Icons page. Also, I've written an article for FoxPop explaining how to generate these replacement colour icons.  I've also uploaded a copy of the article to my Martin's Musings page here.
7th April: Another 13 colour icons and 2 patches added today to the Colour Icons page. This brings the total up to in excess of 90 icons.
31st March: Some minor updates to the Colour Icons page again.  Also, an update to the Martin's Musings page.
28th March: Another 9 colour icons and 4 colour patches added today to the Colour Icons page.
15th March: Another 14 colour icons added today to the Colour Icons page. This brings the total up to in excess of 70 icons.
10th March: Another 9 colour icons added today to the Colour Icons page. This brings the total up to almost 60 icons...   
7th March: And another 6 colour icons added this week to the new Colour Icons page.  
3rd March: Yet more colour icons on the new Colour Icons page.  Total now stands in excess of 40 icons (some with mbm patches also) to download to replace your greyscale Extras bar icons on your Series 7 / netBook / netPad.
26th-28th February: I was pondering the Extras bar of my netBook the other days (as one does...) and thinking "isn't it a shame that more authors/software houses haven't/didn't release their applications with colour icons for the Extras bar for us netBook/S7 users..." when it dawned on me that this is something that can be fixed retrospectively. It's a fairly simple matter for someone with a little understanding of how EPOC works to generate replacement .aif files for applications which will replace the greyscale icons with colour ones. Hence I set about doing this for some of my favourite apps. - see the new Colour Icons page for lots of downloadable icons...
10th February: I've acquired a netBook in the last couple of weeks - and I'm delighted with it.  I'm writing up an article about my experiences (and which may explain why things have been quiet here at the Pscience5 site for the past 18 months...) which'll be published on FoxPop and here at the end of the month.  I'm also currently working on a little update to Clock5 which hopefully will be out before then.
20th-30th January 2003: Finally done some updating of my Freeware and Shareware Links and Commercial Links pages.  I've weeded out all the dead links (I think), updated where possible, and added some new ones too!
18th November: I see that we've passed the 200,000th visitor on the counter!  Not up to some of the figures you get on the 'high turnover' websites but hey - not too bad for a site supporting machines that aren't made any more (netBook & Nokia's excepted of course)!  ;-)  Many thanks to all my visitors over the past 4 years for your help and support.  Next target...?  The 1/4 million mark of course!
5th November: Clock6 has been updated to v1.10.  This version adds some colour support, more formatting options, day and date view, and some fixes for earlier versions of the Communicator firmware.
14th August: Well at long, long last - and with the vast majority of the effort coming from my friend and colleague, Ewan Spence at FreEPOC - Clock5 has been ported to ER6 resulting in...  Clock6 of course!.  It's still a fairly basic port and doesn't have many of the features of its 'older brother'.  You can choose between a 12 or 24 hour clock, and set up a hot key that will bring up the time.  That's it!  However, this is how Clock5 started off and if there are particular features that you want to see added quickly to Clock6 then please let me and/or Ewan know.
1st May: Clock5 update.  After a couple of weeks of testing, Clock5 v1.87ß seems to have been stable and so it's now released fully as Clock5 v1.87 in English, French, and German.  It should fix the "Error in Clock5 LINKONCHK General Failure" that a number of people experienced with v1.86 - especially on the Revo/Mako machines.  I'll update and release the other languages as time allows.  Please also note that - due to a PC crash last year - I lost all the names of everyone on the Pscience5 mailing list who'd registered prior to August 2001.  If you've not yet received a site update in your email (and were expecting one) then please re-register so that I can add your name back onto the list.
16th April 2002: Again my apologies for the (very) slow updates.  The good news is that - thanks to some gentle nagging from a number of people - I've managed to cobble together some free time and have been working on a bug-fix for Clock5 v1.86 when running on the revo/mako.  Haven't had a chance to update the Clock5 page properly but there is a temporary beta release available on the Beta Page below.  It should fix the "Error in Clock5 LINKONCHK General Failure" that many people experienced.  However I haven't had time to thoroughly test it out - so please let me know if you find something wrong with it.  Cheers, Martin. :-)
6th November: <Sigh>  I knew I should never have tried to promise a quick update.  Truth is I've started a new job (i.e. in 'Real Life'™ !) and so I have zero spare time right now.  I was half way through writing the IrDA + Windows 2000 page and have had to stop work on it for just now.  However, thanks to the gentle prodding reminders from Bertus Beer and others, I've uploaded what I've done so far...  Please remember that it's not finished.  I will try and get it done as soon as I can - although I can't promise anything by way of dates just now.  
8th October: Sorry for the long break over the last couple of months.  Many things have been going on in the background - not all of them EPOC related (e.g. holidays!).  I hope to have a little more free time over the next few weeks to try and catch up on a number of things that people have been waiting for - for example my IrDA on Windows 2000 article - as well as some program updates.  Expect to see some more updates in a few days time...
26th July: I was greatly saddened (although perhaps not too surprised) when Psion announced their withdrawal from any further handheld PDA development a couple of  weeks ago.  Whilst it's not 100% clear (thanks to the ambiguous press statements and then counter statements they issued) whether this means that they'll never make another new PDA, it does certainly seem to mark the end of an era.  For more comment, discussion, and thoughts on where Pscience5 will go from here; please see the Martin's Musings page... 
10th July: Dirk Mika discovered a small bug in v1.4 of psAddle.  Tapping on either of the "player's turn" messages in 2-Player mode would cause the program to crash.  I've now fixed this and so this (fairly small) bug fix to psAddle brings it up to v1.41.  My thanks to Dirk for his help.
7th July: psAddle v1.4 released!  psAddle now has a 2-Player mode as well as the 3 skill levels against the machine plus other enhancements.  See the psAddle page for details and download.

Also updates to the Freeware & Shareware Links and My Hardware & Software Setup pages...

2nd July: Updated both the Freeware & Shareware Links and Commercial Links pages so that clicking on any link now creates a daughter window for the link.  You can now use the link page you're on to 'point' to any link and therefore much more easily navigate through any or all of the links.
27th June: Sorry about the lack of updates recently.  Things have been busy generally plus I've been away on holiday.  Be assured that there's stuff going on in the background though.  Expect to see a program update within the next couple of weeks...  ;-)

A few minor site updates plus I've added some more jokes to my jokes file on the Database Files & ISP Scripts page.  See the 'Wisdom v1.2' file for download!  :-))  Also, I see that the Quik-Nav menu above is broken...  I'll get around to fixing that in the next few days.  (NB: Should now be fixed! -MG)

11th June: Clock5 is now available in Spanish!  This brings the total number of language translations available for the program up to 14!  :-)  My thanks to Miguel Ricarte and Francisco Javier Muñoz for all their help with the translation.  See the Clock5 page for details and download.
28th May: The Danish version of Clock5 has now also been upgraded to v1.86.  See the Clock5 page for details and download.
25th May: The Czech and Dutch versions of Clock5 have now also been upgraded to v1.86.  See the Clock5 page for details and download.
24th May: The Finnish and Hungarian versions of Clock5 have now also been upgraded to v1.86.  See the Clock5 page for details and download.
23rd May: I've started a Pscience5 Updates newsletter.  Basically this means that I'll send an email to anyone/everyone that subscribes every time the site is updated with details of the update.  Since the site can get updated anything between once a day to once a fortnight, this'll mean you only need to visit when you know there's something worth coming to look at.  Click on the above yellow box for details. 

Last - but certainly not least - I've finally managed to find some time to continue upgrading some of the language versions of Clock5 to v1.86.  The German and Italian versions have now been upgraded to v1.86.  More to follow very soon.

8th May: VoiceMan5 is now available in Portuguese!  My thanks to Miguel Pereira for all his help with the translation.  See the VoiceMan5 page for details and download.  Also, some more minor updates to the Compact Flash page and one of the Infrared pages.
1st/2nd May: Large update to the Compact Flash page - a new 'Technical Notes' section has been kindly contributed by Dalibor Jelinek.  Other minor updates to the Freeware & Shareware Links page and the Clock5 page...
26th April: David Ferguson has again been busy and very kindly contributed a new collection of revo-sized images for use as wallpapers or logos - and has promised more to come.  The theme of this collection is 'Actresses'.  See the Wallpaper, Logos and EPOC Art page for details and download.

Minor updates to the Clock5 and Freeware & Shareware Links pages...


20th April: The Using IrDA with Windows Me article is now essentially finished - barring a few tweaks over the coming days.  Enjoy!  :-) 
18th April: Perrousset Serge has very kindly corrected a number of spelling and grammatical errors in the French Clock5 Help file.  I have therefore uploaded a new version (although still v1.86) of Clock5 in French with the new Help file installed.  See the Clock5 page for details and download...

David Ferguson has very kindly contributed a new collection of revo-sized images for use as wallpapers or logos - and has promised more to come.  His theme of his first contribution is a collection of cars.  See the Wallpaper, Logos and EPOC Art page for details and download.

Also added some more to the Infrared + Windows Me article - see the Infrared Area.


12th April: I've finally started work on a new Infrared article (Infrared + Windows Me to start with).  Very early days yet but feel free to check out the Infrared Area of the site.  More will be added in the next few days as I write some more...
10th April: Added a new set of Series 7 / netBook wallpaper images to the Wallpaper, Logos and EPOC Art page.  These courtesy of Pedro Regalla in Portugal.
9th April: Clock5 is now available in Portuguese!  My thanks to Miguel Pereira for all his help with the translation.  The French, Norwegian and Swedish versions have also been upgraded from v1.85 to v1.86.  See the Clock5 page for details and download.  The remaining language upgrades will be uploaded soon.
30th March: Updates to the Commercial Links page and the Freeware & Shareware Links page.
26th March: Clock5 v1.86 is now out of beta and available on the Clock5 page.  Also updated the Compact Flash page with 4 new CF card timings.
14th March: Updates to the Freeware & Shareware Links page and some preliminary update preparation to the Infrared Area to get it ready for the expansion I've got planned for covering Windows Me and Windows 2000!  ;-)
6th March: Updates to the Hints & Tips page and the Freeware & Shareware Links page.
28th February: Minor updates to the Clock5 page and the Freeware & Shareware Links page.
20th February: Updated Martin's Musings and some of the Freeware & Shareware Links...
14th February: Clock5 v1.86ß2 is now available on the Pscience5 Beta Page - why not check it out...
1st February: Clock5 is now available in Russian!  My thanks to Alek Yezubenko for translating the texts.  NB: Your Psion will need to support Russian language text for it to work.  See the Clock5 page for the download.
28th January: A new beta of Clock5 is available.  Clock5 v1.86ß1 is on the Pscience5 Beta Page - feel free to check it out.  Also, slight updates to the Clock5 page and to the Freeware & Shareware Links page.
17th -18th January 2001: Slight update to the Compact Flash page.

Sorry for the lack of site updates recently.  I'm working on (potentially) 2 new programs as well as a few updates for Clock5, VoiceMan5, psAddle, (the list goes on...!) so please bear with me until there's something to show for it.  :-)

28th December: Slight update to the Clock5 page and Freeware & Shareware Links page.
20th December: Darryl Kempster has kindly contributed 8 database files for the Database Files & ISP Scripts page.  They're copies of all the knowledgebase texts from Psion's own website converted into EPOC Data files for ease of download and use.  Think of them as extra Help files to go with the built-in Help file on your machine!  There are knowledgebase files for the following machines:- Series 3, Series 3a, Siena, Series 3mx, Series 5, Series 5mx, Series 7 and a MC218 FAQ converted from Ericsson's website.  Many thanks Darryl !
15th December: Updated the Norwegian and Swedish versions of Clock5 to v1.85 - see the Clock5 page for details.
12th December: Updated the Finnish, Hungarian, and Italian versions of Clock5 to v1.85 - see the Clock5 page for details.
11th December: psAddle now fully Series 7, netBook, and Osaris compatible! (as well as working on every other EPOC machine).  psAddle v1.3 released today - see the psAddle page for details and download.
1st December: Updated the Czech, Danish, and Dutch versions of Clock5 to v1.85 - see the Clock5 page for details.
30th November: Updated the Clock5 world map with a few more exotic locations!  Added a few sent-in contributions to the Hints & Tips page.
27th November: Clock5 has been updated to v1.85.  See the Clock5 page of details.
17th November: Updated the data file of jokes on the Database Files & ISP Scripts page to v1.1.  Updated the world map on the Clock5 page with a few new users...
8th November: Robert Magnusson kindly sent me an email with some suggestions for the Hints & Tips page - which has now been updated.  Also updates to the Wallpaper & Logos page, the Freeware & Shareware Links page, and the Clock5 page.
5th November: Added details of how anyone can create their own wallpaper files from any standard image on the PC to the Wallpaper & Logos page.
3rd November: Bruce Altman from New Jersey has been kind enough to send in a new collection of wallpaper files.  Most of them are sized for the Revo's screen - although they should work equally well on a 5mx, etc.  See the Wallpaper & Logos page for details and download.
31st October: Rob Mattholie has been kind enough to send me a set of measurements from his 32Mb Simple Technology CF card - so I've added these to the tables on the Compact Flash page and in the download file.  Also minor updates to the Clock5 and Freeware & Shareware Links pages.
30th October: VoiceMan5 has been upgraded to v1.43.  See the VoiceMan5 page for details.
27th October: I've now re-instated an alternative set of female voice files for use with Clock5 - now you can listen to the time from a lady!  See the Clock5 page for details.
24th October: Back from 10 days of vacation and I see that the Pscience5 homepage counter has topped the 100,000 mark.  Many thanks to all of of you who have supported the site over the last couple of years - much appreciated.  Just a quick update to the map on the Clock5 page today - more updates in the next few days however...
14th October: Updates to the My Hardware & Software Setup page, Clock5 page and the Clock5 Future Features page...
7th October: Updated the Compact Flash page with a new set of CF card speeds - my thanks to Gavin Probyn for his help with these.
4th October: Update to the Freeware & Shareware Links page.
2nd October: I've had a few reports of the sound files I've been playing on the Pscience5 pages causing problems with one or two peoples browsers.  Consequently - and after some thought - I've decided to remove all the tunes from the pages (with the exception of the Tunes page itself).  Hopefully, this will fix most of the problems that some people have experienced.
27th-28th September: I've added a new page to the site - Martin's Musings.  This is basically a general discussion/speculation page where I let my mind wander (dangerous!) and discuss various topics that take my fancy.  I've also set up a discussion forum link from it where you can post your comments / views / own thoughts / etc. and reply to other peoples.  I've started off with a juicy topic - speculation about Psion's replacement for the 5mx...  ;-)   Feel free to drop in and say what you think!
24th September: Updated the Hints & Tips page and Clock5 pages slightly.
21st September: Olivier Rongione kindly pointed out to me that there was a problem using Toggle! v1.1 on the Series 7 and netBook.  After some investigation I realised that I'd packaged the wrong icons for these machines (Doh!).  One quick fix later and I've now uploaded the correct icons into the download file both on Pscience5's Toggle! page and at FreEPOC.
20th September: Pscience5's old URL has now been consigned to re-direction.  From now on, will be the only maintained domain.  Sad in a way to see it go - but that's progress - and it'll lead to bigger and better things in time (some of which have already started - e.g. the GuestBook and the Quik-Nav menu above)...  Please change any old links / bookmarks you may have - thanks.
18th September: Toggle! has been upgraded to v1.1.  This fixes a number of compatibility issues and gives colour icons for the Series 7 and netBook.  See the Toggle! page for details and download. 
9th September: Minor updates to the Clock5, Database Files & ISP Scripts, and Freeware & Shareware Links pages...
6th September: Ooops.  I discovered a slight bug in v1.41 of VoiceMan5 - so I've uploaded v1.42 to the VoiceMan5 page.
4th September: VoiceMan5 updated again and another new language version available - Czech.  v1.41 is now available on the VoiceMan5 page.  The only Voice Notes manager available for the 5/mx/MC218 is available in Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish, Spanish, and now Czech ...
2nd September: Updated the Digital Cameras page and the Pscience5 Beta Page.
26-30th August: Added a drop-down 'Quik-Nav' Menu to the top of the page.  This will speed up site navigation if you already know where you want to go - try it and see - and it should also work with all the EPOC browsers!  ;-)  Also added a Guest Book - please feel free to drop by and leave some comments - and a feedback form on the Clock5 page.  Added more links to the Freeware & Shareware Links page, Commercial Links page - and added a new Link to Pscience5 page...
24th August: I've set up a new domain for the Pscience5 site:-  I've done this for a number of reasons:-
  • It's a much shorter URL and easier for everyone to remember
  • Faster page loading for everyone
  • It'll give me a lot more room to expand into (I've been running out of space on the CompuServe site for some time...)
  • The new site will become much more 'interactive' over time (feedback forms, guest book, etc.)
  • Longer term it'll probably be cheaper for me
  • I'll be able to update it remotely much more easily (via FTP, etc.)

The new site is already up and running.  To begin with, the new site will just mirror the old one.  Longer term however (say in a month or two from now), the old site content will be dropped leaving just re-direction links to the new one.  After 6 months or so, these links will probably disappear also - so please start to update your links and bookmarksDon't forget:

Some updates to the Freeware & Shareware Links and Clock5 pages added also...


18th August: Michael Degn has been busy again!  Clock5 is now also available in Danish - as well as Czech, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, and Swedish!  See the Clock5 page for details...

A few people asked whether it would be possible to control the music that's played on the Pscience5 home page.  Assuming that your browser supports plug-ins, there should now be a media control applet just below the 'Today's tune is...' text above...


10th August: Updates to the InfraRed, Compact Flash, and Freeware & Shareware Links pages today...
7th August: VoiceMan5 now speaks Danish! - as well as Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish, and Spanish...  My grateful thanks to Michael Degn for his help.  Have a look at the VoiceMan5 page for details...
28th-31st July: Added a new page - Compact Flash - which describes in some detail the different ways of formatting CF cards and the techniques for optimising the capacity of smaller cards and the speed of larger cards.  Also updated the Hints & Tips and Freeware & Shareware Links pages..
10th July: The birth of my son yesterday may mean a bit of a delay in site updates over the coming weeks...  However, I hope to add a few 'off-topic' pics (à la Steve Litchfield!) over the next week or two.  To start things off, here's the first picture of Cameron.
3rd July: VoiceMan5 has been upgraded to v1.4.  As well as new features, it's now available in Spanish (and English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Swedish, and Norwegian!) - see the VoiceMan5 page for details.
17th June: Christopher Hurley has written a nice review of psAddle on his Frevo site - thanks Christopher.  Click here to read the review.
10th June: Added 13 new links to the Freeware & Shareware Links page and another 3 to the Commercial links page.
8th June: Darren Prescott at EPOCGamer has reviewed psAddle.  He described it as "A refreshingly different strategy game" and gave it a 'Recommended' award - many thanks Darren!
7th June: A minor bug crept into psAddle v1.2.  v1.21 has now been uploaded to fix it.
5th June: psAddle is now Revo and Geofox-friendly...!  psAddle v1.2 released and available for download.
14th May: A bug crept into the latest Finnish, Italian, Norwegian, and Swedish release versions of Clock5 v1.82 which could cause the program to crash in the Worldtime: Dual Zones view.  This has now been fixed and new versions uploaded.  My thanks to Jukka Ponsi for pointing out the problem to me.
10th May: A few minor site updates & some new links on the Freeware & Shareware Links page...
30th April: New: a Hungarian version of Clock5 v1.82 is now available.  See the Clock5 page for details.  My grateful thanks to Tamás Gál for translating all the texts into Hungarian.  This brings the total number of language versions available for Clock5 to 10.  Anyone like to make it 11??  If you'd like Clock5 translated into your language and are prepared to do some language translation, send me an email and we can start work on it...
24th April: Toggle! v1.00 released jointly between Pscience5 and FreEPOC.  Toggle! is the collective name for 2 small applications - or app(let)s perhaps - that allow you to control your remote link and system sound from the Extras Bar of your machine.  They're called 'Link' and 'Sound' respectively and are designed to be 'minimalist' in operation but intelligent in use...

Updated the Pscience5 Beta Page with a new beta release of Clock5 - v1.83ß2.

20th April: Added a Clock5 Users Worldwide map to the Clock5 page.  Please send me an email and let me know where in the world you're using Clock5!  Updated the Clock5 Future Features page and the Links page.
15th April: Italian and Norwegian versions of Clock5 updated to v1.82.  My thanks to Nadia Pini for recording her Italian voice files for me.  The Norwegian voice files are still in English at present - anyone fancy creating a Norwegian voice? 
13th April: The Dutch language Help file has now been added to the Dutch version of VoiceMan5.
30th-31st March: Finnish and Swedish versions of Clock5 updated to v1.82.
23rd March: Updated the Pscience5 Beta Page with a new beta release of Clock5 - v1.83ß1.
9th March: VoiceMan5 v1.32 released.  Fixes a bug in the previous version of VoiceMan5.
7th March: Updated the Freeware & Shareware Links page with some new links.
4th-5th March: 23 more additions to the Wallpaper, Logos, and EPOC Art page from Mathieu Brugman.  Dutch and Czech versions of Clock5 updated to v1.82.  Also, German version re-packaged and uploaded again (I mistakenly packaged it with the English help file - sorry about that!)
1st March: German and French versions of Clock5 have been updated to v1.82.  More to follow...
26th February: Clock5 v1.82 released!  Clock5 is now Revo, Series 7, and netBook compatible (as well as Series 5, 5mx, Geofox, and Ericsson MC218 compatible of course!)
20th February: More updates to the Pscience5 Beta page with the latest news on the Revo and Series 7 / netBook versions of Clock5.  Some new Hints & Tips on the Hints & Tips page.  12 more additions to the Wallpaper, Logos, and EPOC Art page from Mathieu Brugman.
17th February: More updates to the Pscience5 Beta page with the latest news on the Revo version of Clock5.
13th February: Updated the Pscience5 Beta page with the latest news on the Revo version of Clock5...  More images from Mathieu Brugman on the Wallpaper, Logos, and EPOC Art page.
11th February: VoiceMan5 v1.31 is now available in Norwegian (as well as English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, and Swedish !).  My thanks to Gaute Hvoslef Kvalnes for his excellent translation skills.
10th February: More additions to the Wallpaper, Logos, and EPOC Art page...  Updated the Freeware & Shareware Links page with some new links.
8th February: Another 7 images added to Mathieu Brugman's EPOC Art section on the Wallpaper, Logos, and EPOC Art page.
6th February: Mathieu Brugman has artfully adapted some of the existing Wallpaper images in the Wallpaper, Logos, and EPOC Art page and these have been added to the EPOC Art zip file - as well as to the gallery for display.
5th February: David Fanshawe has very kindly generated some step-by-step tips for successfully establishing a good IrDA link with PsiWin on his Revo once you've got all the necessary hardware and software set up and running on your machines (i.e. after following the instructions that I've described previously).  As far as I can see, these steps apply equally well to any EPOC machine - so it's definitely worth taking a look at them.  They've been added to the InfraRed Area.  A downloadable copy of his instructions are also available.
2nd February: Mathieu Brugman has very kindly sent a collection of EPOC Art - i.e. images that he's created himself in Sketch for use as background wallpaper.  The quality of these sketches really is astonishing and I'm totally in awe of his artistic abilities - so I've decided to rename the Wallpaper & Logos page to Wallpaper, Logos, and EPOC Art and to add a new section to it: EPOC Art.  All of Mathieu's sketches are available for download and there's a gallery to display them.
1st February: Small bug fix for psAddle.  If downloaded before January, some people may have experienced problems with psAddle locking up when their EPOC machine's sound was turned off...
27th January: Updates to the Pscience5 Beta page and the Freeware/Shareware Links page.
24th January: Some minor site updates: VoiceMan5 page, Freeware/Shareware Links page, Commercial Links page.
23rd January: A new version of VoiceMan5 - and a new language version too!   VoiceMan5 v1.31 is now available in Swedish (as well as Dutch, English, French, German, and Italian).  I'm indebted to Michael Björck for his translation skills.  Updated some of the site graphics and added some HTML tweaks.   Updated the My Hardware & Software Setup page - finally.   (Thought for the day: Never meddle in the affairs of Bus Master Drivers - for they be dragons and your PC be small and crunchy...)
16th January: Clock5 v1.81 is now available in Norwegian - see Clock5 page below.  My grateful thanks to Gaute Hvoslef Kvalnes
for his translation skills.  Updated the Hints & Tips page again.
10th January: Updated the Hints & Tips page (long overdue) and the InfraRed Area.
7th-9th January: Alan Barlow has updated FoxPop's review of Clock5 with his Power Review and again awarded it 5 stars (i.e. 5/5) - many thanks Alan!  Updated the Pscience5 Beta Page, the Wallpaper & Logos page, the Freeware & Shareware Links page, and the Tunes Page.
4th January 2000: A Happy New Year to everyone.  Just a few minor site updates today (and taking the Xmas decorations down!).  Happy New Year !
30th December: Updated the Links Page again.  Also - because of the increasing number of links - I've actually split it into 2 pages:  Freeware/Shareware Links and Commercial Links.
29th December: psAddle was given a mini-review by Alan Barlow at FoxPop and received a 5-star (i.e. 5/5) rating - thanks Alan!
22nd December: A new freeware game is released on the FreEPOC and Pscience5 web sites as FreEPOC's 1999 Christmas present to the EPOC community: psAddle.
20th December: The French version of Clock5 has been updated to v1.81.  See the Clock5 page.
17th December: Wim den Hollander kindly reported a small bug in the Dutch version of VoiceMan5 - which completely stopped the Dutch version from working!   Sorry about that.  Now fixed and uploaded to the VoiceMan5 page.   And it's time to put some Christmas decorations up... 
16th December: Ooops.  My web counter finally bit the dust from old age a few days ago.  Now replaced with a nice new one.
12th December: New version of VoiceMan5 is now available!   v1.3 is available for download for English, French, German, Italian, and now Dutch language machines.
19th November: The German and Dutch versions of Clock5 have been updated to v1.81.
17th November: Another bug-fix for the latest version of VoiceMan5 - v1.22 now available on the VoiceMan5 page.  Hopefully the last for the time being!  Updated Pan Galactic Guide - EPOC Version (PGG-EV) slightly for distribution on FreEPOC.
12th November: Minor bug-fix for the latest version of VoiceMan5 - v1.21 now available on the VoiceMan5 page.  See there for details.
10th November: VoiceMan5 v1.2 released In English, German, Italian, and French.  Updated the Links PageSmile!
2nd November: Minor upgrade to VoiceMan5 - now at v1.13.   Added some more wallpapers on the Wallpaper & Logos page.
1st November: VoiceMan5 v1.12 available in English, German, Italian - and now French.  Updated the Links Page.
23rd October: New Wallpaper & Logos page created.   As the number of wallpapers available for the 5mx continues to grow, I though it should have its own space on the Pscience5 site...
19th October: Clock5 v1.81 now available in Czech - see the Clock5 Download page below.  Added some more wallpaper to the file on the Pscience5 Beta Page.  Updated Clock5 Future Features page.
15th October: Clock5 updated to v1.81 and new versions available in English, Finnish, Italian, and Swedish - see the Clock5 Downloads page below.  I have also recently joined FreEPOC and so future program updates will also be released through them (as well as here) - see the Why Freeware? page for details.  Updated the Links Page with 2 new links.  Added banner randomizer.
8th October: Added some more files to the file on the Pscience5 Beta Page.
1st October: Updated the Why Write Freeware page.
30th September: VoiceMan5 v1.11 available in English, German - and now ItalianBack from my hols & the Psion meet in London last night...  And I see that the counter's passed the 50,000 mark - many thanks to all who've visited over the last 14 months.
17th September: Added new wallpapers for download to the Pscience5 Beta Page.
11th - 13th September: Clock5 v1.80 released and now available for download on the Clock5 Downloads page - now with 'Stopwatch mode'!  See the Beta page for details of the latest version of Clock5...  Updated VoiceMan5 to v1.11 - see the VoiceMan5 page. 
4th September: Added two new links to the Links Page.
28th August: VoiceMan5 v1.1 released in English and German - see the VoiceMan5 page below.  New link added to the Links page.  Updated the Hints & Tips page.  Updated the InfraRed Area.
19th August: VoiceMan5 v1.0 released - see the new VoiceMan5 page below.
24th July: Clock5 v1.79 released and now available for download on the Beta Page - now with added 'Chimes'!
15th August: Added a couple of new links to the Links Page.
10th August: Stephen Batty kindly sent me some more 5mx wallpapers so I've added these to the Wallpaper file on the Pscience5 Beta Page.  No major updates today but I'm working on the latest update to Clock5 and on a brand new app. to be released in the next few weeks...
27th July: Added a new link to the Links Page.  Added a ReadMe.txt file to the Wallpaper zip file on the Pscience5 Beta Page (a few people were having problems figuring out how to use the files).
18th July: Since a number of people have bought UK 5mx's but want to use their own language versions of Clock5, I've made all the current language versions of Clock5 v1.73 ER5 compatible.  This means that they'll all work on the 5mx and the new ER5 emulator - as well as the Series5 and Geofox.  This is just a temporary measure until v1.8 can be released and then translated into its various versions.  I've also upgraded MCI and Invader5 to versions 1.01 and 0.90ß respectively so that they're ER5/5mx compatible.  There have been no other changes to any of the programs apart from these compatibility changes.
17th July: Added some 5mx wallpapers to the Pscience5 Beta page - try them out and let me know what you think!  Apologies for the lack of updates over the last week.  This has been due to Pscience5 running out of room on its existing CompuServe server.  I've now moved some of the larger files to another ISP and have been able to re-instate some of the pages that've been down over the last week.  All changes should be completely transparent however and everything should function as normal now...
10th July: Pscience5 is pleased to announce that the Project Galactic Guide - EPOC Version is now available for download.  See the new Project Galactic Guide pages.
4th July: Minor change to the InfraRed page. 
26th June: Clock5 v1.78ß2 released and now available for download on the Beta Page.  Now 5mx compatible!
19th-21st June: Added some new links to the Links Page.  Added a Series 5mx Features page to the 5mx News page (see below).
16th June: Clock5 v1.78ß released and now available for download on the Beta Page.
15th June: The 5 is dead - long live the 5mx!  Psion have at last released the new machine - see the 5mx News page for details, links, etc.
13th June: Updated the 5mx News page with details of / links to news of the supposed '5mx Pro' version of the new machine...
11th June: Updated the Beta Page.
9th June: Renamed the 5mx Gossip page to the 5mx News page - since it's not really gossip any more!  Updated the page with the latest info.  Fixed a couple of broken links on this page.   Mark McGimpsey sent me a Star Wars logo for use with Clock5 so I've added it in to the logos zip file on the Clock5 downloads page.
8th June: Added a new page: 5mx Gossip.   A collection of news, gossip, interesting links, etc. until a new machine finally arrives...  ;-)  Clock5 v1.77ß now available for download on the Beta Page.
3rd June: Added a couple of new links to the links page.   Updated the timescales on the Space Invader5 page.
2nd June: Updated the InfraRed page with a new tip emailed to me last week.
26th May: Turns out that the zipped voice file I uploaded on Monday was corrupt - sorry about that.  Stephen Batty has very kindly looked at it for me and fixed the problem so I've uploaded the fixed copy - available again on the Clock5 Downloads page.
24th May: Stephen Batty has been busy again (or rather his partner has!).  They've recorded a very clear female English replacement voice.  All the sets of voice files can be downloaded from the Clock5 Downloads page.
20th May: Clock5 has won a 'Best Award' from Psion Place.  :-)   Click on their award logo here to see their list of best software for the Series5.   Fixed a bug (again!) on the Beta Page where some people reported problems trying to download Clock5 1.76ß with Netscape Navigator v4.x when hovering over the Clock5 logo.   Nigel Riley and Alan Jenney have very kindly recorded a set of speech synthesised voices for Clock5 as an optional replacement for the current (English) voice files that come with the program.

Click here to see Psion Place's 'Best Awards'

19th May: Stephen Batty has also recorded a normal English replacement voice which is much clearer than the original.  Both these sets of voice files can be downloaded from the Clock5 Downloads page.  Also, Stephen Batty has generated a spoof 'virus.mbm' logo for use in Clock5.  This has been added to the file together with another one from myself called 'Abe.mbm'.  All the logos can be downloaded from the Clock5 Downloads page.
16th May: Clock5 v1.76ß available for download on the Beta Page.
6th May: Clock5 v1.73 now available in all language versions - see the Clock5 Downloads page.  Also Clock5 v1.75ß available in English - see the Pscience5 Beta page.  Added a new link to the Links Page.
1st May: Clock5 v1.74ß available for download on the Beta Page.  Updated the Clock5 Downloads page and Clock5 Future Features page.   Deleted a dead link on the Links Page.
23rd April: Updated the Pscience5 Beta Page with details of how I'll release future versions of Clock5.  Added a new link to the Links page.  New logos added to the Clock5 Download page for use with Clock5 in screensaver mode.
22nd April: 1st public beta release of Space Invader5 !
18th April: Make a couple of amendments to the DIY Clock5 Translations page.  Updated the Beta Page with latest details on Space Invader5...
17th April: Voice files added to the new Swedish version of Clock5.   See the Clock5 Downloads page.
15th April: Clock5 now available in Swedish!  See Clock5 Downloads page for details.  Fixed some links on the Links Page.  Updated the Clock5 Downloads page and Language Translations page.  Updated the Pscience5 Beta page.
10th April: Updated the Pscience5 Beta page and the Clock5 Translations page (with latest info on some new language translations in progress).
2nd April: Updated the Beta, Why Write Freeware, Tunes, and Links Pages.
30th March: Updated the Beta Page with the latest on Space Invader5.   Added 11 new links to the Links Page. Added a new page - My Hardware & Software - which lists all my current setup.
24th March: Back from my hols. :-)  Space Invader5 has progressed and is now in beta testing - updated details on the Pscience5 Beta Page.  Added some new links to the Links Page.
12th March: Updated the Pscience5 Beta Page and the Tunes Page.   I'll be away on holiday now for the next 10 days so there won't be any site updates now until I get back.
7th March: Minor update to the Beta Page with Space Invader5 progress.   Fixed a broken link on the Links Page.
5th March: Updated the Beta Page with latest Space Invader5 news...   Fixed the Database File & ISP Script page so that the Murphy's Laws file could be downloaded okay - sorry about that.
4th March: Partly as a result of Palmtop printing the URL for my InfraRed page, I thought that I should update it - it's long overdue...  I've also stopped using the Java applet hover buttons on this page that I tried out a couple of days ago - they slow down loading time horrendously and they don't work with Message Suite of course.   Switched back to a (more appropriate) animated gif.  :-)
2nd March: Updated the Database Files in the Database Files & ISP Scripts area with two new databases of jokes and truisms: 'Murphy's Laws' and 'Wisdom v1.0'.  Tweaked the main Pscience5 page design again.  Updated the progress on Invader5 on the Beta page.
25th February: Added a download file for the Portuguese version of Clock5 to the Beta Page.  Updated the progress on 'Invader5.  Added a direct link to the MCI page below.  I've also renamed the 'Freeware Programs Area' to 'Clock5 Downloads' - since all the other stuff is now on separate pages.  It's all still freeware of course!  :-)
17th February: Space Invader5 update on the Beta Page.
13th February: Latest news on Space Invader5 in the Beta Page.
10th February: Minor updates to the Beta Page, Freeware Programs Area, Links Page, and Tunes Page...
6th February: Voice files have now been added to the French version of Clock5 (v1.72) - see the Freeware Programs Area for details/download.  Updated the Beta Page with the latest news on Space Invader5.
3rd February: Updates the Pscience5 Beta Page and the Links Page.  Tweaked the titles again.  Added a new page below:  The Tunes Page!
1st February: Changing the look of the titles to fit in with the new-look logo...
30th January: French version of Clock5 has been upgraded to v1.72 - see the Freeware Programs Area.  Updated the Pscience5 Beta Page with something that I thing people might be interested in....  Since my experiments with animation on the site didn't get very far, I thought I'd try something else - a little music.  Some Popcorn to start things off with...!  :-)  A change of logo too - I've added various link buttons to the Links Page in case anyone wants to update exisiting links or add a new one to their site.
28th January: Added a Beta Page.  It's basically where I'll put snippets of unfinished stuff, pictures of work in progress, beta versions of things, etc.  Put a couple of things into it...  Got rid of some of the animation effects on the site - they were really beginning to bug me and seemed to slow down page loading quite a bit.
25th January: Finnish version of Clock5 has been upgraded to v1.72 - see the Freeware Programs Area.  All other v1.7's changed to v1.72 just for continuity...   Updated some of the links on this page.  Updated the DIY Clock5 Translations page.  Added a new page (below) called: 'Why Write Freeware?'  I'm also playing around with a little animation on the site (Explorer v4 only I suspect).
17th January: Czech version of Clock5 has been upgraded to v1.72 - see the Freeware Programs Area.  Added a brand new page - DIY Clock5 Translations.  Now anybody can generate their own language version of Clock5 by themselves!
12th January: More updates to the Dutch version of Clock5 - see the Freeware Programs Area.  Updated this home page slightly to make the navigation a bit easier - there are now direct links to the Clock5 Future Features page and the Clock5 Language Translations page.  Updated the Links Page, Future Features page, and Language Translations page as well as adding some new logos for download...
11th January: Minor bug fix to the Dutch version of Clock5 - see Freeware Programs Area for details...
9th January: Clock5 v1.7 released in English, German, Italian, and Dutch.  See the Freeware Programs Area for details...  Updated the Freeware Programs Area, Future Features page, etc.
7th January: Released a new little contrast utility: MCI. 
6th January: Clock5 v1.7 is in beta testing.  Here's a quick screenshot of one of the tweaks if anyone's interested.  Should be out within the next week or so.  Updated the Links Page and the Freeware Programs Area slightly.
4th January 1999: Well, I'm back from my hols!  One nice thing to come back to was to discover that Clock5 has won the 'Best EPOC Freeware App.' award in the The First Annual 1998 EPOC Awards as sponsored by Start@EPOC.  I certainly wasn't expecting it but many thanks if you voted for it!  I'll put the 'trophy' up on display in the next few days or so...
17th December: Merry Christmas!  :-)  Please note that there won't be any more updates to Pscience5 until the 1st week in January as I'll be away on vacation between 18th Dec. and 4th Jan.  In theory, I may be able to pick up my email occasionally - but I can't guarantee my connectivity I'm afraid.  Please don't be too surprised if you don't receive a reply until next year!  I will be busy however whilst I'm away!  ;-)  See the latest updates on the Future Features page and Language Translations page in the Freeware Programs Area for news of what I've got planned for January...  Also updated the Links Page and added the German voice files to the Freeware Programs Area.
14th December: Dutch version of Clock5 upgraded to v1.61.  Updated Future Features / Lanaguage Translations pages in the Freeware Programs Area.
10th December: French version of Clock5 released.  Updated Lanaguage Translations page in the Freeware Programs Area.
9th December: Italian version of Clock5 upgraded to v1.61.  Updated Links Page and the Future Features / Lanaguage Translations pages in the Freeware Programs Area.
8th December: Minor bug fixed in both English and German versions of Clock5.  See Freeware Programs Area.
6th December: German version of Clock5 v1.6 released.  See the Freeware Programs Area.
2nd - 4th December: Site updates.  Updated the Links Page and the Future Features / Lanaguage Translations pages in the Freeware Programs Area.  Changed the background watermark on some of the pages.
26th November: Clock5 v1.6 released and available for download!  See the Freeware Programs Area...  Italian version of Clock5 released.  Updated Future Features and Language Translations pages.
21st November: Clock5 v1.6 is in Beta testing and will hopefully be released next week.  Added a few more screenshots of the beta version to the Programs Area.
18th November: Bob Norris has written a review of Clock5 for Fox Pop - read his review here:-   Updated the Links Page.  Added a 2nd beta screenshot of the new Calendar view in Clock5 v1.6 to the Future Features page (in the Programs Area)
16th November: Jody Armstrong's written a review of Clock5 for 5 Alive - read his review here:-   Updated Links Page.  Updated Language Translations page.  Added a beta screenshot of the new Calendar view in Clock5 v1.6 to the Future Features page (in the Programs Area)
14th November: Finnish version of Clock5 v1.5 released.  See the Freeware Programs Area.
12th November: Czech version of Clock5 v1.5 released.  See the Freeware Programs Area.
10th November: Dutch version of Clock5 v1.5 released.  See the Freeware Programs Area.
8th November: Added a Language Translations page to the Freeware Programs Area with latest status on all the language translations.  Updated the Links Page.
5th November: Clock5 v1.5 released and available for download.  Updated Programs Area, Future Features page, screenshots, and Links Page.
3rd November: Added new ISP script to to Database File & ISP Scripts page.  Minor updates to Homepage, Programs Area.
29th October - 1st November: I'm looking for people to help me translate Clock5 into their own language - see the Programs Area for details.  Tidied up and updated the Links Page and Programs Area pages.
24th October: Added new Pscience5 logo.  I'm still experimenting with it - what do you think?
23rd October: Some people have reported difficulties upgrading to Clock5 v1.4 from v1.3.  See the Programs Area for the fix to this.   Updated Links Page.  Added Geofox screenshots.  Programs Area page updated. Future Features page updated.
22nd October: Clock5 v1.4 released.   Programs Area page updated. Future Features page updated.  Links Page updated.
20th October: Updated the Programs Area/Future Features page to give more details of what's coming in v1.4 of Clock5 and beyond...
17th October: Clock5 v1.3 released.   Programs Area page updated. Future Features page updated.  Links Page updated.
13th October: Updated InfraRed Area.  Interesting news about the Message Suite IR patch (v1.52)...
12th October: Clock v1.22 released.
10th October: Clock v1.2 released.  Programs Area page updated.  Updated Hints & Tips Area.  For an unbiased opinion, read Steve Litchfield's 3-Lib review of Clock5 here:
6th October: Clock5 awarded a 5 Cows rating by PsionKing!  Updated the Links Page (to include a link to PsionKing <bg>).   Updated the IRChat5 concepts page (in the Programs Area). A 5 Cow rating from PsionKing!
5th October: Added SysRam1.opx to the file which I'd forgotten to package with it yesterday.  Ooops!
4th October: Clock v1.1 released.  Programs Area page updated.  Clock5's Future Features page updated.  Changed the layout of the web-site slightly.  Updated the InfraRed Area.  Updated Database Files & ISP Scripts/templates page.
29th September: Minor change made to Programs Page for people upgrading from previous versions of Clock5.
25th September: Clock v1.0 released.  Programs Area page updated.  Clock5's Future Features page updated and details of a new program idea - IRChat5.
18th September: Clock5 v0.95ß now available for download.  Programs Area page updated.
13th September: Clock5 v0.9ß now available for download.  Programs Area page updated.
6th September: Clock5 v0.8ß available for download.  Programs Area page updated.  Clock5's Future Features page updated.
3rd Septmber: Working on v0.8ß...
31st August: Clock5 v0.7ß now available for download.  Programs Area page updated.  Clock5's Future Features page updated.  Updated Hints & Tips area.
28th August: Clock5 v0.7ß will be uploaded by Monday evening latest.   I'm away for the weekend so there won't be any more Pscience5 updates until then (although I'll still be writing code!).  Version v0.7ß will have the initial password protection implimented as well as the System keys lockout working.  It's mostly working already so I don't imagine the schedule will change.  'Future Features' page has been updated.
26th August: Clock5 v0.6ß uploaded.  Programs Area page updated.  Clock5's Future Features page updated.   Pscience5 history page updated.
24th August: Clock5 v0.5ß uploaded.
23rd August: Clock5 v0.5ß should be uploaded tomorrow (time permitting as I'll also be going along to the Psion meeting in Reading).   Updated Clock5 'Future Features' page in response to the large number of emails received.  Added Psilocybe Search link to Links page.
22nd August: Added link to Andy's Psion Series 5 Site.
20th August: Clock5 v0.4ß available.  New ISP file and 2 new databases added to Database Files & ISP Scripts/Templates page.  Re-arranged home page layout slightly.  Created 'Future Features' page for Clock5.
19th August: First screenshot from my Clock5 program uploaded - see Programs Area.
17th August: CompuServe Area updated to include coverage for Message Suite 1.5.
12th August: Development on Clock5 has started (see Programs Area below).   Added S5 Evolution article in downloadable S5 Word format.   Created separate Updates History page.
11th August: Added S5 Evolution page.  Uploaded new ISP file to Database & ISP Page.  Moved web links to separate Links page to speed up home page loading.  More minor site tweaks.
7th August: Minor site tweaks.  Changed some of the gifs around.
5th August: Added  Hints&Tips as downloadable S5 Word file.   Added more links.
4th August: Added new Hints & Tips Area.  Uploaded tentative details about my first program to the Programs Area.
2nd August: Added more files to the ISP scripts/templates page.   Digital Camera article updated with more info.  More site formatting.
29th July: Database Files & ISP Scripts page added.  More site formatting.  Fixed 3-Lib link.  Added Word downloadable camera article.
28th July: Digital camera article added.  Counter added. Optimised graphics to speed up page loading.
26th July: InfraRed & PsiWin walkthrough uploaded.  More site formatting.
24/25th July 1998: Web-site created.  Basic structure laid out.  CompuServe section uploaded.

Click here to go to the Pscience5 homepage