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Pscience5: Newsletter

Subscribing to Pscience5 updates:

If you'd like automatic notification of changes to Pscience5, please click the 'Subscribe' button below. This will generate an automatic email to Pscience5 and then all you have to do is hit 'Send' on the email (you don't need to add anything else to the email). In most cases I should be able to add your name to the list within 48 hours. If you're already subscribed to the list and you'd like to unsubscribe then similarly click on the 'Unsubscribe' button.

Note: Due to the fact that the Pscience5 Website is now managed and driven entirely from my netBook, the frequency of site updates has increased considerably (typically at least once a week). Hence from now on (June 2004) I'll only be sending out updates to notify new or updated programs, articles, or other significant goings on - and probably only every couple of weeks or so. Checking the home page on a regular basis is the best way on keeping up to date with all the other updates however.

NB: If a Pscience5 Update is sent to you and the email 'bounces' from the supplied address, your subscription will be removed and you will need to re-subscribe. Also, please don't supply an address that is 'spam protected'. I don't have time I'm afraid to authorise every antispam-bot that the updates bounce from - these will also simply be un-subscribed.

Note for AOL email subscribers (Aug'03):

Unfortunately AOL have started bouncing my Pscience5 Update mailings back assuming them to be Spam. I've therefore had no option but to unsubscribe the people who were using AOL accounts from the mailing list (about half a dozen people). I tried to email them individually to let them know but now AOL has identified my server as a 'Spam server' - and won't accept ANY emails from me! So if you're one of the affected people and want to keep subscribing then please re-subscribe using the above button and a different email provider. My apologies for the inconvenience.

NB: This also means that I can no longer accept new subscriptions from any AOL accounts as well - sorry. :¬(

Privacy policy:

All names and email addresses will be held in the strictest confidence. They will not be sold, passed on, or given to anyone else without the individual's express permission. Pscience5 Updates will be emailed out to a 'blind' email list - i.e. the recipients will not be able to see the other recipients on the email list.

Please send any queries concerning the mailing list to Anti-SPAM email image: just type it in as you read it.  :¬).

The Psion Digest:

If you're interested in all things EPOC-related then I can heartily recommend the new Psion Digest. Run by enthusiasts for enthusiasts, it's a free email digest sent (usually) daily. See here for details. (NB: I've no connection - just a enthusiastic subscriber!).

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Tuesday, 5 July 2005