Link |
Description |
3-Lib |
Steve Litchfield's original / excellent Psion and Symbian site. Lots of useful info. - including an excellent OPL tutorial series. Recommended! |
FoxPop is dead! Long live @FOXPOP! New and re-vamped, the site is back with an archive of all the old articles and new ones being added. I'll be adding some of mine there too! Recommended! |
Adam Dawes |
Adam Dawes's site / home page - called |
Advanced Computer Services | - Home of Advanced Computer Services. Check out Alex Skilton's excellent freeware: Converter and QuickSuite. |
AlarmPlus |
AlarmPlus - Robin Hood's excellent (and free) utility for controlling your alarms and system restores - see the other programs from him and 'King Midas' there too such as Atomic Time, Reset Plus, and others. Recommended! |
Alexey Semenov's Home Page |
Alexey Semenov's home for Sdict and other programs. Sdict for EPOC is a dictionary handling program that uses the standard cross-platform '.dct' format. A large number of various language dictionaries are freely available in Bzip2 format (need to be unzipped using bzip2 unzipper) - I counted more than 40 when I looked. |
Andrew Ferry |
Andrew Ferry's EPOC Software site. Home of Demarco5 (a flow diagram editor application) and ldpclient (a line printer daemon client program) amongst other things. |
Andrew Giddings' software |
Home of Anglicise, TCR, Polar, CixEd, and a Hymn Tune Index... |
Andrew Gregory's Webpages |
Andrew Gregory's Webpages - some really useful freeware SIBO and EPOC programs and other stuff here. |
Andrew Johnson's Canon Bubblejet Drivers |
Andrew Johnson's Canon Bubblejet Drivers (BJC-80 Printer Driver for EPOC, etc.). |
Andrew Johnson's HP Printer Driver |
Andrew Johnson's HP Printer Driver for EPOC (fixes the HP printing bug on ER5 machines). |
AntiWord |
A 'console based' (i.e. shell based) EPOC program that can take MS Word files and export them as text files with a user-specified screen width. |
Apps4Mobiles |
Apps4Mobiles (formerly ZenoByte Ltd., formerly SG Software) - home of PhoneMan, Monopoly, and PGP for EPOC amongst others). Steve Godfrey |
Bando's Page |
Bando's Page (a Japanese language Psion page - run by Hiroaki Bando). |
Ben Vaughan Software |
A whole bunch of high-quality shareware from Ben Vaughan: Psi-Jong, Fruit Crazy, Golf Pro, Tile Trix, Dine Zone, LEM, etc. |
Binaryfish |
Binaryfish - formerly FatCatz - various hi-quality freeware and shareware programs. They're producing for PocketPC and Smartphone nowadays but still have their previous EPOC programs available (mostly for free). | |
 Andrew Flegg's site with some interesting EPOC utilities. |
Blue Binary |
Blue Binary (Daniel Sissman's homepage with his collection of freeware and shareware programs). |
Burd Software |
Gavin Lewarne's Psion page with his own freeware tltles such as EpocDos, Pad, Defrag, and EzCrypt. |
Cade Roux |
Cade Roux's site with Psion Development stuff and some free SIBO software. |
Clove Technology |
An excellent online store - still selling Psions & accessories. |
CoDriver |
Patrick Fox's CoDriver add-on for RoutePlanner/ StreetPlanner/ CityMaps/ MS Autoroute. |
Corisoft |
Various well-known Psion shareware programs such as ProjXpert, Business Warrior, X-Link, SmallBase, Trip+, and DCP. |
DevRag Software |
Devrag Software - home of Convert5 Pro, ETools, and Pipe5. |
Digital Progress |
Martin Maxwell's site - home of dpToolbar. dbToolbar provides compatibility with Andrew Gregory's Toolbar Patcher fix and the ability to display Robin Hood's MoonClock (if installed) on the netBook and Series 7. More details on the site. |
Dr. R. Wünschiers Homepage |
Dr. Röbbe Wünschiers homepage. Home to: Buffer Calculator, the Berlin Clock, GeoGrid (a geographical calculator), and ToastMaster (a speech organizer) for the 5mx Series and Revo. It is all freeware. |
EPOC Boulevard |
EPOC Boulevard (French site - Gérald Aubard - Psionist). |
EPOC Chat |
EPOC Chat (a chatroom open every Sunday evening - UK time). Recommended! |
EPOC ER5 "Emulator" for the PC |
Psion Teklogix's current download page for SDKs to obtain the ER5 Emulator. Each of the EPOC Release 5 SDKs (Software Development Kits) includes a copy of the 'Emulator'. This can be a very useful tool to let you open Psion files directly in the PC, particularly in the event of your Psion having failed. Note, however, that it is primarily a software development tool, not a Psion running on the PC, and many of the third party programs you have in the Psion will not run in the 'Emulator', unless the author has written a 'Wins' version of any relevant OPX files. |
EPOC FAQ(ish) |
An excellent and large FAQ of lots of EPOC-related questions - a very useful reference. Always a good place to look if you've a query. Recommended! |
EPOC Software |
Alexander Zavorine's excellent free programs for EPOC: MP3 player, MP3 Voice Recorder, Font Store, Localisation Software, Font Editor, and Font Utilities. Recommended! |
EPOC and Psion |
Eric Lindsay's site - very useful reference and lots of links. Recommended! |
EPOC+Plus |
EPOC+Plus (Jason Kneen's web site - home of ExtraBars, Backlite+, etc.). |
EPOC32 Freeware |
EPOC32 Freeware - the name says it all! A number of nice programs here. |
A shareware house with some freeware also (home of Color Magic, Recycle Bin, etc.). Mostly Symbian these days but still hosting some Psion stuff. |
EpocZone |
EpocZone - a good source of information and links on software. Especially good for finding the latest updates to programs since the authors post the details there themselves. |
ExaBetal |
Huub Linthorst's website for his range of freeware EPOC programs. |
Excepsion |
A French-language site offering a large number of freeware games: 27 for the Series 5/mx, 5 for the Revo, and 2 for Series 3 machines. |
Expansys |
An excellent online store - still shipping Psions & accessories. |
FileSaveAs |
This site contains information on mobile phones, palmtops, smartphones, and PDAs. It also covers technologies such as GPS navigation, mobile travel news, as well as offering a wide selection of Internet links, tools, details on various products and services. Its stated aim is to provide access to information not found on other sites. |
FinCalc |
FinCalc - Greg Love's financial calculator site. | | - a pda-optimised portal / web site by Kartsten Koos. |
Frank Fiedler |
Frank Fiedler's Psion site - home of AgnPrint and AgnClean - for printing out our Agenda files and cleaning Agenda files respectively. |
The first and only EPOC software house dedicated solely to freeware! Updated frequently. Recommended! |
Fredy's Psionseiten |
Fredy's Psionseiten/News (Fredy's Psion Site/News - Fredy Ott). |
FreeByte |
Psion Freeware @ 'FreeByte' (A collection of freeware utilities and games from various authors). |
Fresh Software |
Home of PsiMIDI (MIDI player for EPOC), PsiBridge, and other useful things... |
Frevo |
Psion Revo freeware and reviews. Over 120 free software listings for Psion handheld PDAs. (Christopher Hurley) |
Gary's Psion Page |
Gary Bainbridge's Psion page. Home of his Facilities Manager, Carlog, STLink, and BlinkZ programs. |
Gen5 - Michel Catton's home page |
Home of Gen5 - a family tree program for EPOC. |
Geosynn |
A DXF viewer (Autocad v12) for EPOC PDAs. |
Graham Holden's EPOC Page |
Home of AldurFile OPX and AldurContacts OPX - programming files for software authors. |
Great Ape Software |
Home of No Man's Land. |
HandHeld Crime |
HandHeld Crime - an excellent (& free) series of crime stories for downloading and reading on your PDA. Use EBook or a similar program to read. |
Home-made Software |
'Home-made Software' (Fred Botton's page for his excellent freeware games). |
How to: TCP/IP over PPP connection |
'How to establish a TCP/IP over PPP connection from Psion to Windows 98'. Describes in detail how to connect a Series5 direct to your PC without PsiWin - although should work for any EPOC machine and any version of Windows I suspect. |
Impasse Psion |
Impasse Psion: (French site - Christophe Cordonnier). |
JBNet |
Jon Baker's new website with a few EPOC-related articles on it amongst other things. |
JBSoft |
JBSoft (John Boyce's site with all his excellent freeware utilities for the Series 3/a/c/mx and EPOC machines). |
JS Solutions |
Various nice programs here such as WinEPOC, jsBattery, jsLogix... Also some nice wallpapers and other add-ons. |
Jaap Laméris's Homepage |
Jaap Laméris's homepage - home of BikLog, SailLog, and Atmos. |
Jean-Luc Hochart's site |
Jean-Luc Hochart's site. Home to: some Street Planner overlays for Paris and his own software: Calcmar (Tides prediction software - SiBO), Garpsi (GARMIN GPS interface software - SiBO), Siemar (Tides prediction software - Siena), CalcMar5 (Tides prediction software - EPOC), and GarPsi5 (GARMIN GPS interface software - EPOC). |
Jim Pollock's Infrared Site |
Jim Pollock's Infrared site (useful infrared programs for EPOC & SIBO). |
Kabestin |
Kabestin Software Products (Useful shareware and freeware). |
Keith Walker's Home Page |
Keith Walker's Home Page: Home of his programming tools (perl scripts), OPX's (COPX Suite), Psion 5 WebServer, and Psion 5 VIM. |
Kevin Golding |
Kevin Golding's homepage. Home of psiMind, Ameol Utilities, etc. |
Kevin Millican |
Kevin Millican's Home Page (author of PassThru, RealMaps, PsLight5, various hints & tips pages, and of course the amazing PsiDat...). Recommended! |
Kylom |
Kylom: Home for the excellent Porfolio, MiniCalc, Monnaie, and Converti financial/conversion programs. |
Leo's Psion Page |
Leo Hendry's homepage for SiBO and EPOC machines and programming. |
Little Spikey Land |
John Montomery's website. Home of JPL (Java Psion Link - a Java implementation of the "Psion Link Protocol" - effectively a Java PsiWin connection which can be used on Macs, Linux, etc.) amongst other things. |
MSN Messenger for Psion |
Psion version of MSN2Go. Currently kindly hosted on Gareth Saunders website. |
Marcus von Cube's Systemsoftware |
Marcus von Cube's website - best known for his freeware SmtpAuth program which provides SMTP Authentication functionality for EPOC's Email program. |
Mario Collado's EPOC Sites |
Home of Mario's Assistant and RunMacro programs as well as a useful set of macros. |
Mark's Epoc program page |
ClokSwp, DataSel, Micropwr, UHF 5, Channel, CatCalc5tb, and other stuff here... |
Marukusu's Homepage |
Home of BatGauge, various macros, a replacement world map for the TimeW app., and various other things. (German) |
Mathematical and gaming software |
A large collection of home-grown freeware for numerical analysis, artificial life, data handling, card and board games and other stuff. | |
John McAleely's Psion Pages. |
Memoware |
MemoWare: A large collection of reference documents - many of which can be viewed using Jean-Luc Damnet's excellent freeware VReader5 (v2) or Simon Quinn's Ebook... Recommended! |
Michael Sheldon's EPOC32 Stuff |
Home of Hangman, Egg Hunt, and Haenia - freeware games. |
Mike McConnell's website |
Mike McConnell's very useful reference site - including various notes on getting connected to various ISP accounts. Recommended! |
MobiPocket |
MobiPocket - free multi-platform text reading software. |
MobileOpera |
Get the best out of Opera V5 and Opera V3 on EPOC. A useful site for both users and authors. There is a simple message board where you can post queries that are answered by a Moderator who appears to be quite an authority on Opera. |
Mondo~Psion |
Mondo~Psion (Italian Site - Salvo Micciché). |
Mosetti Psion Page |
Fabio Mosetti's homepage - home of NoteIt Lite. |
MundoPsion |
MundoPsion - a Spanish language Psion site. |
Nautical Psion Website |
The Nautical Psion Web Site - French & English. |
NavPro+ |
NavPro+: Andre Hofmeyr's add-on for Purple Software's Navigator program. Adds a Taskbar to the bottom of the screen showing what's running and graphical status indicators for the remote link, batteries, contrast, sound, etc. |
NavTech Software |
Home of Sierra7 and Odyssey 2000 - software for flight planning and a professional pilot's logbook. |
Netogram: The Psion Page |
 Patrick Freeman-Jones's Psion pages explaining why he's gotten back into Psions and details on their history, Psion Linux, links, etc. |
Neuon |
Neuon (An EPOC software house supporting both freeware and shareware). Recommended! |
NicBit |
Niklas Larsson's website - with various useful programs for CAD and eText reading on EPOC. |
Onflo International |
Various EPOC titles including McJapanese, Megg, JongJong, MMM Sticker, and HTML Viewer. |
OpenPsion |
Openpsion (formerly psilinux) is a project to port the unix-like operating system Linux to a group of palmtops produced by Psion, and related machines such as the Geofox One. At present, working linux systems can be installed on any of the Series 5, Series 5MX, Series 5MX-Pro, Revo (Revo+, Mako) machines (NOT the Series 3). Linux on the Series 7/netBook is rudimentarily working. |
Opera |
Opera Software (download the Opera web browser for EPOC). | |
French site (English translation available) dedicated to supporting the Oregon Osaris. Well maintained and frequently updated. |
PCAgenda |
Chris Hartley`s page for PC Agenda - a PC program capable of reading and using EPOC Agenda files as input. It can only output in SiBO Agenda format - but PsiWin can convert this to EPOC Agenda format. The program is effectively an implimentation of Agenda running natively on PC. |
PDAGeek |
PDA Geek (industry PDA news and gossip). |
PDAStreet |
The Psion forum at PDAStreet has - along with the Psion Digest (see below) - become the default place for discussing all things Psion related. Whether it's Psion advice, a technical query, or just a chat; this place is... Recommended! |
PDAtotaal |
A popular Dutch site with large SIBO / ER5 / Psion news sections. |
Need to get your Psion repaired? POS (Pinnock Organiser Services) provided competitive and extremely quick repair services. If your local to London you can even book yourself in and go see them for an 'as your waiting' service. They also sell some units. |
PalmTime |
PalmTime are back (their previous web site was off-line for a long time). Excellent mix of shareware and freeware - check it out! Recommended! |
Palmanac |
Palmanac - a site specialising in Series 7 and netBook games & utilities. |
Palmaris |
Palmaris is dead - but long live Shane McKee's website! He's still hosting all his Psion programs (Clinet_L, PDBRead, StereoVu, and various other medical apps.) on his own homepage. |
Palmtop Support Services |
Repairs of Psions and other PDAs in Toronto, Canada. |
Patches |
A collection of program patches from Nikolai Antonov that patch various programs so that they work on different machines (e.g. Osaris, Geofox, S7/netBook) from their 5/mx originals. |
Pete's Psion Pages |
Pete Sipple's Psion Pages - BankPlus software, links, plus details of how to get online. |
Peter Csutora |
Peter Csutora's web site (various freeware & shareware programs). |
Peter's Place |
Want to play Doom directly on your Psion? Peter's place is where to go...! |
Phil Spencer's Home Page |
Phil Spencer's home page (various freeware & shareware programs). |
Phil While's Home Page |
Home of Reviser, PSiBrew, PPP/Slirp, Vim, and other stuff. |
Philip Bister |
Philp Bister's website for his EPOC freeware. |
PieCafé |
The PieCafé Takeaway (Freeware for EPOC and Java - David Rushall). Recommended! |
Pocket Info |
Pocket Info - loads of database files and reference files for free download. Now maintained by Steve Litchfield on behalf of Psion. Recommended! |
Pocket and Soul |
A commercial site selling netBooks, netPads, and various other accessories. | |
Home of Meeting Manager, other time management software, Office Log, TaskManager, TripManager, etc. Also various ebooks for EPOC. |
Pod |
Sellers of S7/netBook/5mx/revo car stands, USB-Serial converter, docking stations, link cables, power supplies, and various other accessories. |
ProSoft |
ProSoft (Freeware programs - Gary Ewer). |
Proporta |
Proporta (formerly Palm-Tec) still sell a variety of Psion accessories. |
Psi-Log |
David Fords' new Psion blog written from the perspective of his netBook. Or, as he describes it; "The journal of a wandering Psion netBook."! |
PsiLoc |
PsiLoc - A Polish site (also in English) writing some innovative software. |
PsiWin2.x |
A FAQ on PsiWin 2.x and various other Psion-related pages. |
Psiconv |
EPOC32 PSION 5(MX) file format data conversion utilities (primarily aimed at Linus users - but also of use generally) - Frodo Looijaard. |
Psion 5 Repair |
A Psion 5 disassembly guide - with pictures. |
Psion 5 Series Palmtop Computer Page |
Ulrich Hornstein's Psion page. Home of MorseIt (a Morse Code tutor), DMMtr5 (a mobile datalogger), IndentOPL (Automatic indentation of OPL programs and macros), Marsland5 (An adaptation of the moonlanding concept to the Psion 5 / EPOC ER5), Monster5 (fractals on EPOC), and a number of other programs/macros. |
Psion 5 Web Ring |
It says: "Psion Series 5 related web pages, including programmers pages with software downloads, companies selling Psion Series 5 products, and links to many other Psion Series 5 related web pages. A convienent way to group and find Psion Series 5 web pages and information. Any page with Psion Series 5 related content is welcome to be in this ring." |
Psion |
Psion - the home of the Psion Computer Journal & Psion Computer Society (a new magazine and club dedicated entirely to Psions). No direct connection with Psion themselves. |
Psion Screen Flexi Repair Site |
Paul Wright's new 5mx/MC218 screen cable replacement business/site. He uses a redesigned type of cable which apparently isn't prone to failing again (as a standard replacement one from Psion or POS might eventually do). |
Psion Wallpaper |
Thomas Yorkshire's new site for Psion wallpaper - currently with a couple of collections of 5mx wallpaper to download. |
Psion and Apple Macintosh Connectivity |
This page helps you to connect your Psion 5mx / Ericsson MC218 to an Apple Macintosh computer. Why should PC-users have all the fun? |
Psion plc. |
Psion's official web site. |
Psion reviews |
Thomas van der Zijden's reviews of various Psion programs. |
PsionEx |
Offering a 'Second User Exchange Service' - essentially buys and sells used Psions, accessories, and software. |
PsionLapok |
Psion Pages (in Hungarian & English). |
PsionWelt |
PsionWelt (German Psion/Symbian news site run by Thomas Schmidt). Regulalry updated. |
Psioneering |
Psioneering - The new web location for the new Psion Digest (an ongoing emailed FAQ covering Psion computers - well recommended!). Recommended! |
Psioneers Web Ring |
Psion web ring covering all makes, models, etc. Describes itself as: "A ring of Psion palmtop affectionados (all styles/all periods). We just all love our little Psions ;-) If you ever get the chance to get close to one of these beasts, beware, you will be mystified and enchanted by it! It's like a drug, you won't be able to live without it anymore... truly! These pages are the testimony that all Psion owners are fanatics and that this palmtop is not just another toy (or gadget!). Pass on by, you're always welcome... and you're just a click away ;-)" |
Psionet |
Psionet (Psion in South Africa - still maintains useful links, hints, tips, etc.). |
Psionology |
Psionology (Andy Nott's website of news, links, reviews, etc.). | |
A new Psion site offering revo power flexi's - amongst other things... |
Pulsters |
Christoph Pulter's Psion site in Germany selling Psions and accessories. |
RMRSoft |
Al Richey's RMRSoft is one of the leading shareware houses for EPOC software. Many, many useful applications - check it out. Recommended! |
Ralph Sprenger's Web Site |
Ralph Sprenger's web site (home of freeware programs: OPXScan, Compact, and shareware Backup - all highly recommended utilities!). |
RealMaps |
RealMaps - by Kevin Millican - offers an alternative approach to GIS/Mapping on the Psion Series 5 and other EPOC32 computers. It's offers the following features: atlas, storage & display of quality maps - either scanned or produced by PC applications for use on the move, coastal navigation, GPS moving map display. |
RevoWorld |
The RevoWorld site (Jason Kneen). |
Rey's Psion Series 5 Page |
Japanese on a Psion! Various programs. |
Robert Longbottom's Software |
Robert Longbottom's EPOC software is now also available on the Pscience5 site - check out Tickle, his list making program! |
Rolf Aeschbacher's Homepage |
Bilingual homepage (English/German) to Rolf Aeschbacher. Home of GeoDis (map display system), Silan (Steganography for sound files), and Dirdir (directory lister) for EPOC and GeoDis, Dirdir, and Gedfried (GED geneology file reader) for SiBO also. |
Rolf H. vonAu |
Rolf Vonau's homepage. Home of DigestHandler (to help with replies to the EPOC Digest) and RepEvMail (help with replying to standard emails, etc.). | | (Philipp Salvis's home page - download his excellent Crypto and StartUp freeware programs). |
SiBO's Series 7 FAQ |
New site of SiBO's Series 7 FAQ... |
Silverfish |
A site for the Diamond Mako (i.e. revo) with various files for download. |
Simon Quinn |
Simon Quinn's site for the excellent Ebook v2.3 (was shareware but now free!). Recommended! |
Sink |
Sink is a tiny program to prevent EPOC machines (Psion 5/7/NetBook/Revo, Ericsson MC218) from freezing when connected to ISPs that don't filter out traffic to port 135. Hans Lub's website. Also TightVNC for EPOC. |
Sit5 |
SIT5 (Italian Site - Filippo Zerboni). |
StamPark |
StamPark - home of 5FX for the EPOC range of computers. |
SymbCity |
EpocCity has become 'SymbCity' - A news & software listings site (from the author of EpocAsia - Justin King). |
Symbian Developer Network |
Symbian's Developer Network site (formerly EpocWorld). | |
Daniel Beardsmore's website and specifically his revo page with links to his own free program: Lecture Battleships. |
The 7 Site |
The Seven Site - a site dedicated to the Series 7 (Eirik Newth). |
The Fionn Psion Page |
Fionn Behren's Homepage: "This Page is dedicated to the best palmtop computer ever, the Psion. Besides my Psion Inside pages you can also find AddBDay, the useful birthday tool and some other useful links." |
The G0HZK Web Pages |
Roger Muggleton's website full of his Psion freeware. Ranging from file utilities, font viewers, and text utilities through to radio-ham programs for packet radio, latitude & longitude calculators, and radio logbooks. |
The Psion File |
The Psion File - EPOC freeware from Neil Thompson. |
The VPoker Page |
A shareware poker game. |
Thouky's Home Page |
Thouky's Home Page (home of PsiFS - the freeware Risc OS connectivity program - essentially PsiWin for Risc OS). |
Tim Bentinck |
Tim Bentinck's site - an actor who's also written some Psion software! Home of his Conversion Calculator for SIBO and EPOC machines. |
Tixy's Psion Pages |
J.D.Medhurst's site for his superb freeware programs (Quicknote, Filedump, FileLink, Fileswitch, etc.) and tips. NB: FileSwitch has been taken over and updated by FreEPOC. |
TomeRaider |
Site of the excellent TomeRaider application - access massive amounts of data quickly on your EPOC machine... |
Tony Crocker's Psion Site |
Tony has sections describing various Internet Settings, WAP Settings, Modem Settings, and Mailbox Settings - as well as having some ofhis own shareware and freeware available. |
Top 100 PSion Sites |
A somewhat optimistic title. However, another good list of Psion-related sites. |
Totally Trygve |
A (largely) Psion-related site. Current home of HTMLEdit (freeware) and other Psion software. |
Tucows EPOC software |
An excellent source of EPOC software. |
Twiddlebit Software |
Twiddlebit Software (Home of Plan5 and other shareware programs). |
TwinFeats Software |
Home of Kevin Smotherman's freeware Boggle clone for the Series 5: WordBox |
UPS5 Digest Archive |
An archive of all the original 'Unofficial Psion Series 5 Digest' postings (since superceded by the new Psioneering Psion Digest - see elsewhere on this page). Still a good reference however. | |
Paul Vigay's Psion and Acorn site. Shareware apps. such as ArcLink5, PsiOrg, etc. |
Wikipedia |
Wikipedia on Pocket PC, Palm and EPOC OS. The 'Wikipedia' is a massive online encyclopedia (you can add entries to it online). It's captured periodically by Erik Zachte and made available as an almost equally massive Tomeraider file (116Mb at my last count). Large CF card definitely recommended! :¬) |
XnView |
XnView - a freeware image file viewer which can convert images to and from EPOC mbm (wallpaper) format - Pierre-e Gougelet. |
'Yet Another Fred's Abysmal Pages': Fred Pacquier's actually pretty good site - home of JaSPER (Just a Simple Psion Expense Recorder) - worth a visit/download. |
Yet Another Home Page |
Henri Spagnolo's Psion home page with his programs (MenuS5, Dirnote, and Julian) available for download. |
abp5 Home Page |
abp5 home page (Home of Malcolm Bryant's excellent freeware banking program). Recommended! |
dCalc RPN |
 Bob Hepple's graphical RPN calculator for Psion/Revo/EPOC. Available in English, German, French, Italian. Freeware |
home@384/PSION |
English page of Noriyuki Mihashi's EPOC software. Most notable is aSync - which allows you to sync an EPOC Agenda file with a Mac's iCal file. |
mBrain |
Home of Pdf and Pdf+ - the definitive PDF viewers for EPOC. Also FontMachine and PdfPrinter. Recommended! |
ths-soft |
Thomas Schmidt's Psion site (in German). |
vkv@internet |
An English/Russian site run by Victor E. Kviat with various bits of info. about networking your Psion to other machines and networks. Also his excellent freeware Network Utilities program - a must have for anyone using WiFi or Ethernet connections on their Psion! Recommended! |
If you'd like me to link to your EPOC/Psion-related site then please send me the details - together with a graphic no larger than 88x31 if possible - and I'll try to get it added here as soon as possible. :¬) |
Feel free to use either of these two standard button-size graphics - or the animated logo icons below - to provide links to Pscience5 from your site. N.B. please only link to the home page - - and not to another page directly (since only the home page is guaranteed not to move around!). Other graphics (larger versions, banners, etc.) are available on request - just drop me an email. Thanks. |
This icon is designed to be used on top of a white background. |
This icon is designed to be used on top of a blue background. |
This icon is designed to be used on top of a grey background. |
This icon is designed to be used on top of a yellow background. |