File |
Description |
Berlitz Phrase Book - colour icons (96KB) |
Colin Messer has kindly generated some replacement colour icons for Berlitz Phrase Book when running on a netBook/Series7/netpad/etc. Simply copy the file contained in the zip to c:\system\apps\phrase\ (or same on d: if installed on CF) and replace the original file. |
Chinese Chess (162KB) |
Oscar Dario Lopez has kindly generated a replacement colour mbm patch for Purple's Chinese Chess and due to the file size I've given it a separate entry here. This is in addition to the existing replacement aif icon in the file above. Thanks Oscar! | (6KB) |
Colour Synchronised Email: If, like me, you use the Psion Email synchronisation software to sync Outlook email with your Psion's Email program; you may have noticed that the icons for the sync'ed email are in B/W. It occurred to me that these could probably be coloured and Lewis Barton very kindly agreed to create some colour replacements... Installation instructions are in the Zip file and there's a choice of 3 schemes! | (275KB) |
File #1: 'A' - 'C': The zip file currently contains: 5outhPark, 2ConnectU (+ patches), 4play, abp5, Adder, AdTrasher, Advent4D, Agenda+, Agenda+ (alternative icon + patch), Agn2Mob, AgnClean, AgnPrint, AgnPrint (alternative icon), Alarm+, AlterNet, AOClassify, Assistant, Asteroids, Asteroids (alternative version), Astroplan, Atmos5, Awari, Backgamm - Matt Miller verison (+ patch), BackUp (x2), Bandit, Bandit (alternative version), BatCheck (+ patch), BatGauge (icon + patch), Bible, Biklog5, BlackJack5, Bomz5, BridgePro (icon + patch), BusyView (icon + 2 patches), BW (Business Warrior), c2f, CADmx, CalcCRC, CalliGrapher, CapsView, Cbeam, Charmap, ChChess, Chef (+ patch), ChemTools (2 icons + patch), Chess (PurpleSoft version), Chess (alternative version x2), CleanIt, CleanMe, Client_L (+ patch), CMagic5, CoBuild (+ patch), Cocktail, Codecheck, CodeSafe, Collins Dictionaries (a collection of replacement .aif files for all 7 of the Collins Dictionaries - together with 2 alternatives), Compact, Compass (icon + patch), Compactor, Conjugue (3 versions), Conquete, Conquette (+ patch), Convert5 Pro (+patch), Converter (+ patch) x2, Converti x2, ConvertPro (+ patch), CountSigns, CronTab x2, CrossWord, and Crypto (x2) - as icons that can be used to replace the standard b/w ones on your Extras bar. Detailed installation instructions are included in the file. | (165KB) |
File #2: 'D' - 'E': The zip file currently contains: D, Daleks (+ patch), DarkHorizon (x2), DataSafe, DayCount (+patch), Dcalc (3x icon + 3x patch), DCP, DCustom (icon), Defrag5, Defrag5 (alternative icon), DeMarco5 (+ patch), DigHandler, DinoZone, DriveMap5 (x2), DstEdit, DSTEdit (+ patch), EasySwitch, EasySwitch (alternative icon), EBook, Eec5 (x2), Encrypt (4 versions), Enigma, ENoteM, EnRoute, EPlayM, EpocBackup, EpocDos, EpocSync patch, EpocSync (2x alternative icon+patch), EpocToday (icon + patch), EnRoute (aka Route- original 'Highway+Bridge' icon plus newer TomTom 'hands' icon), ERubik, Essential Disk Utilities (ChkDisk, DiskEdit, Optimize, and SmartFmt + 2 sets of patches), Euro, ExAb, Exodus (+ patch), Expenses (+ patch), and ExtraBars - as icons that can be used to replace the standard b/w ones on your Extras bar. Detailed installation instructions are included in the file. | (161KB) |
File #3: 'F': The zip file currently contains: FastBackup (alternative icon), FavDat5, Fax, Feiertag, Ferret (2x icon + patch + logo), FileDump, (+ patch), FileLink, FileSwitch, FinCalc (2 icons + patch), FinCalc5, Find (x2), 3x Flashback (+ patch), Fleurs, FlFinger (+ patch), FlWorld, FlWorld (alternative .aif + patch), Flipflop, flyTerm, Fonts, Fonts (alternative icon), Fos5Zins, FreeCell (+ patch), FreeCrypt, FreeMem, FrotzS5, Fruit, FsMan, Ftest and FTP Server (+ patch - 2 versions) - as icons that can be used to replace the standard b/w ones on your Extras bar. Detailed installation instructions are included in the file. | (187KB) |
File #4: 'G' - 'J': The zip file currently contains: GaRoute, Gemtile, Gen5 (icon x2 + patch), Goby, Golf, Graph32 (+ patch), Groups, HauntedHouse2, Hermes, HexEditor (+ patch), Hh110, Hh2, Hol5, HtmlConv (icon + patch), HtmlDesigner (icon + patch), HtmlEdit (Icon + patch), iBattery (icon), IcaCli, IconBOXX, iContacts (2 patches), iLaunch (x2), Imaging, InstApp (+ patch), InstCtrl, Invader5, Invaders, Invasion (+ patch), JB5StopGo, JB5Utils (+ patch), JB5Utils (alternative icon), JongJong (+ patch), JTelnet, Julian, Julian (alternative version), and Jumpy! (+ patch) - as icons that can be used to replace the standard b/w ones on your Extras bar. Detailed installation instructions are included in the file. | (167KB) |
File #5: 'K' - 'L': The zip file currently contains: GaRoute, Gemtile, Gen5 (icon + patch), Goby, Golf, Graph32 (+ patch), HauntedHouse2, Hermes, HexEditor (+ patch), Hh110, Hh2, Hol5, IcaCli, iContacts (2 patches), iLaunch, Invader5, Invaders, Invasion (+ patch), JB5StopGo, JB5Utils (+ patch), JongJong (+ patch), JTelnet, Julian, Julian (alternative version), Jumpy! (+ patch), Klip, Kniffel, Labyrinth, Lingo (x2), Line, Link.On, LineCount, LittleSense, Locker (2 versions), Lotto5, and Luach (+ patch) - as icons that can be used to replace the standard b/w ones on your Extras bar. Detailed installation instructions are included in the file. | (218KB) |
File #6: 'M': The zip file currently contains: Macro5 (4 versions), MagicKeys, MagicKeys (alternative icon), MahJongg (+ patch), MailArc, MailArc (+ patch), MakeLink, MakeOver, Mappergb, Master (+ patch), Marker (+ patch), MbmUtils (x2), MbmView, MBornes7, Memory5 (+ patch), Mentor, Menus5 (+ patch), Meter, Metro, Metsvins, Michelin, MindMap, MindTools (a collection of 4 .aif files and 3 colour patches for the MindTools suite of programs - ActionPlanner, Brainstormer, and CreativeMind), Mobireader (+ patch), Money (+ patch files), Monopoly, MonthMgr, Moon, MoonClock (2 versions of patch - to colour the moon!), Movie, Movie (+ patch), MSN Messenger (+ patch), MultiContacts, MyCar, MyEpoc, MyEpoc (alternative version) and MyNotes - as icons that can be used to replace the standard b/w ones on your Extras bar. Detailed installation instructions are included in the file. | (139KB) |
File #7: 'N' - 'O': The zip file currently contains: nArchive, Navigator (5 icons + patch), nCnvMIMEUI, nConvert, NetUtils (+ 2x patches), nFTP, NightClock, NightKeys, NoMore (+ patch), nOPLPlus, nOrganiser, NoteIt, Notepad (+ patch), nSwitcher, nZip (+ patch), OandX (+ patch), Ocean (various icons + patches), Ocean5gb, Odyssey, OPLError, OPLError (alternative icon), Opmmbm (patches for scroll bars), OandX (+ patch), Optimize, OptionApp, OPLError (3 versions), OPXScan, and Orga (2x icon + patch) - as icons that can be used to replace the standard b/w ones on your Extras bar. Detailed installation instructions are included in the file. | (291KB) |
File #8: 'P': The zip file currently contains: PBConvert, PdbRead, PdbRead (alternative icon), PDF (+patch), PDF+ (+ patches), PengoRo, PGP (2x + patch), 2x PhoneMan (+ patch), Photopal (2x + patch), Phrase (3 icons), Plan, Pipeline (+ patch), plOpen (3 versions), PlBeam, Pocket, PocketChess, Poker - Widget (+ patch), Pong, Porfolio, PostIt (x3), PowerBase (+ patch), PowerBase (3x alternative version), Problem, Presentation (+ patch), Procyon, ProLingua (+ patch), PsiBATT, PsiBio (+ patch), Psi-Jong, PsiCallSave, PsiList, psiMind (+ patch), PsiNMEA, PsiTris (icon + patch - 2 versions), 2x PsiWallpaper, Psolly (patch), Psolly (icon + patch), Psynergy, Psynergy (+ patch), Puzzle and Px (icon) - as icons that can be used to replace the standard b/w ones on your Extras bar. Detailed installation instructions are included in the file. | (355KB) |
File #9: 'Q' - 'R': The zip file currently contains: Q-Calc (+ patch), Quad, QuickList3 (2 versions), QuickNote, Quiz (icon), QuoteMyMail, QuoteOn, Reaction, Realmaps, Reclaim (x2), RecycleBin, ReDate (x2), ReDate (alternative icon), RegEdit, Remapper, Reminder, Restart, ReturnPath, Reversi, RevTran, RMRArt (+ patch), RMRDraw (+ patch), RMRFile (+ patch), RMRFile (alternative icon+patch), RMRFTP (+ patch), RMRMonth (icon + patch), RMRNews (+ patch), RMRRCG (+ patch), RMRSnake, RMRTable, RMRText (+ patch), RMRUtils (icon+patch), RMRZip (+ patch), RMRZip (alternative icon+patch), RockFall (+ patch), and RuR (+ patch) - as icons that can be used to replace the standard b/w ones on your Extras bar. Detailed installation instructions are included in the file. | (217KB) |
File #10: 'S': The zip file currently contains: S5Dive, S7Tie, SafePlace(2x icons+ 2x patches), SameGame (+ patch), SaveMail (3x icons), Scuba (icon), SeaPad, ShopCL (2x icon + patch), Shortcut, Sierra7, Signature, Signit, Silan, Simon (+ patch), Sink2, SmallBase (SB), SolarMap, SolitaireDX (3 icons + 2 patches), Solun (+ patch), Solun (alternative version), SoLune, Sound, Sound Master (+ patch), SoundTrans (x2), SpellX, Start5, StartUp, Stb (+ patch), Sticker, Stigma5, StopWatch, Street (+ patch), SunStar (icons + patch), Symlink, and SysBack - as icons that can be used to replace the standard b/w ones on your Extras bar. Detailed installation instructions are included in the file. | (113KB) |
File #11: 'T' - 'Z': The zip file currently contains: T5mdb (icon + patch), Tactile (x2), TasMan (x2), TbPatcher, TeamPsion (x2), Terra Force, TForce (alternative icon), TheDialer (2x + patch), ThesLink (2 versions), Theole, Tickle, TightVnc2, TileTrix, Tomeraider (+ patch), Tourmate, TripPlus (icon), Trivia, TrueDic (+ patch), TrueTerm (+ patch), TubeRoute, TunePal, vCal, Vexed, Vins (2 versions), VoiceMan5, VoiceMan5 (alternative version), VNC, Voyage5 (+ patch), VRally (+ patch), VReader5, VReader5 (alternative icon), VRule (icons + patch), Xjmail, X-LinK (XC), xPen (+ patch), XTM, Yacht, WapBrowser, WAPBrowser (+ patch), War, WebCol, Went, Whist, WinMail, Wombat, Wordbox, XtraLink, Xtras, YFH Subst, Z80 (+ patch), and Zheroes - as icons that can be used to replace the standard b/w ones on your Extras bar. Detailed installation instructions are included in the file. | (186KB) |
This patch upgrades Psion/SGSoftware's Monopoly to run in colour and full-screen on your Psion Series 7 or netBook. It is based on Steve Godfrey's own (much fabled) upgrade patch but also includes extra colour files from Lewis Barton and myself - e.g. colour toolbar icons, colour program file on the Extras bar, coloured player pieces, better colour dice rendering, some improved board icons, etc. As such, Lewis and I have been referring to this as the Monopoly 'uber-patch'! To illustrate the difference here is an image of 'before' on a netBook and here is an image of 'after' the patch has been applied (NB: both links open new windows).
Important: Installation of this patch/update must be a) over an existing installation of Monopoly, and b) on the same disk as the previous installation. The updated game will not work unless both these conditions are met. The original version of Monopoly is still available for purchase from Handango. | (189KB) |
Oscar Dario Lopez has kindly generated a couple of replacement colour mbm patches for Purple's Navigator and due to the file sizes I've given them a separate entry here. These are in addition to the existing mbm patch and replacement aif icons in the file above. The icons are more XP-esque and feature a proper netBook/Series 7 icon. The larger file also has a very nice startup image - see here for a preview. Thanks Oscar! |
O&X - Colour upgrade (10KB) |
Matthew Walters has generated this patch and upgrade for O&X which colours all the icons, extends the toolbar to the correct size for a nB/S7 and has the toolbar recompiled to work with dpToolbar (if installed). More interestingly, he's added a new option to let you pick the image set - Standard (O's and X's), Sport (Football & Cricket), Xmas, or Drink. Installation instructions included in the zip file. | (120KB) |
A set of colour replacement maps/clipart for Presentation - courtesy of Fritz Waechter. |
ProcyonXL Colour Patch (688KB) |
Kees van der Straten has kindly contributed this colour patch. It's fairly large - hence it's separate entry on this page. See the ‘Lost & Found - Applications’ page for downloads of ProcyonXL. Installation instructions are included in this patch's zip file. |
PsiTris SpeedPatch (8KB) |
This is a speed patch for PsiTris 1.5X. Running Speed Patch will update PsiTris so it can run at the correct speed on your machine. This version of Speed Patch will detect any of the following EPOC machines: Series 5, Geofox One, Series 5mx, Series 5mx PRO, MC218, Series 7, netBook. If you are not sure which machine you have install Speed Patch anyway and it will automatically set PsiTris to the correct speed. |
S5mboles - Colour icons (389KB) |
Cor van Avesaath has very kindly sent in his collection of coloured mbm files for Huub Linthorst's S5mboles application. Many thanks Cor! Copy of latest version of S5mboles also included in zip file plus two different S5mboles.ico icons. | (404KB) |
I've also put together a complete SimCity upgrade. It's a big zip file (404Kb) so I've kept it separate from the rest. The blurb from my ReadMe.txt (in the zip file) is as follows:-
"This is really a collection of updates. The first is Atelier's own free upgrade from v1.0 to v1.1 for SimCity ( and allows the programs to run on revo's and Osaris's (Osari?). It's also a prerequisite for the colour upgrade. contains the colour upgrade as created by 'Gaz & Chris' - I take no credit for it whatsoever. It upgrades the whole program with colour tilesets that look quite superb on the Series 7 / netBook. Last but not least (well, maybe...) is my own contribution - a colour aif file to replace the standard one which - for some reason - 'Gaz & Chris' haven't done in their version."
Zheroes - colour icons (381KB) |
Simon Johns sent me this collection of colour patches and icon for Zheroes some time ago... Actually, let's be honest here, Simon sent this collection a long time ago - I only just got around to adding it to the page (sorry Simon! ). Anyway, just use the files to replace the ones already there in order to get an even more coloured version of Zheroes. |