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APDialer: APDialer (or more fully 'Airport Dialer') is an early beta of a Java utility that I've written a basic EPOC front-end for. It provides dial-up control of an Apple Airport WiFi Access Point when using its 56K modem. I wrote this months ago intending to improve it for a proper release. However, with the impending arrival of ADSL at Guthrie Towers, that's not likely to happen. Rather than condemn it to unpublished hell, here it is - somewhat clunky and fairly unsupported for anyone that wants it. There's a ReadMe file in the zip - but no program page I'm afraid. You'll need to have the Java runtime installed on your machine (it's already built into the netBook). Any questions; let me know. |
Clock5... |
Clock5: Clock5 is a full-screen digital clock display with a built-in calendar, stopwatches, world clock, dual time clock, and other displays that doubles as a password-protected screensaver for the EPOC platform. Clock5 v1.88 is available for download in English. Clock5 v1.87 is available for download in French, and German Clock5 v1.86 is available for download in Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish, Portuguese, and Spanish. Clock5 v1.85 is available in Russian. A large selection of logos and alternative voice files are also available for use with Clock5. Clock5 is Freeware.
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Clock6... |
Clock6: Clock6 is a full-screen digital clock display for the Nokia 9200 Series of Communicators (9210, 9210i, 9290). Clock6 v1.10 is available for download in English only at present. Clock6 is Freeware. |
Colour Icons... |
Colour Icons: Fed up with a drab looking Extras bar on what's supposed to be an all-singing, all-dancing colour machine? Would you like to replace all the grayscale icons on the Extras bar of your Psion Series 7 / netBook / netPad with colour ones? Here's a large collection of icons to let you do just that! Also separate colour patches available for Atelier's SimCity, Psion Monopoly, and EPOC Email synchronisation.
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Databases... |
Databases: Databases - A collection of useful Data files. This page is dedicated to the memory of Darryl Kempster who was brutally murdered in South Africa in June 2004. Darry was a long-time Psion user and contributed a number of the files on this page. May his soul find peace.
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Dic files... |
This is a collection of dictionaries for use with Otfried Cheong's 'Dic' dictionary program. A copy of the program itself - together with some initial dictionaries - is also available at the top of the files. | (3KB) |
DiskBench was originally written by Jan Rydval as a freeware utility for testing Compact Flash (CF) cards speeds. His original version and details are still available on his website here. Simon Johns upgraded it to v2.0 last year with the authors permission so that it could cope with cards in the E: drive on Series 7 / netBook machines. To my regret - and with apologies to Simon - I never got around to publishing it. I have now however upgraded Simon's version slightly to allow for still further drives (in a partitioned CF card) all the way up to K: drive. See the readme.txt file in the zip for further details. Freeware, v2.1 |
ebc... |
ebc: These are the continuing adventures of Neil Thompson's excellent 'ebc' program. Due to pressure of other commitments, Neil offered to pass its further development over to me - which I gladly accepted. What exactly is ebc? ebc lets you add colour support to Jason Kneen's excellent ExtraBars! v1.10 of the program is available for download. ebc is Freeware.
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'Extras'... |
'Extras': 'Extras' is actually 2 small programs/macros - Extras5 and Extras7. Extras5 is for use on a Psion Series 5 / 5mx / MC218 / revo / mako / etc. Extras7 is for use on a Psion Series 7 or netBook. The program(s) trigger the launch of the built-in Extras bar from other 3rd party program launchers. They were originally designed for use with Jason Kneen's ExtraBars program - but could be used with others such as Macro5, HotKeys, etc. 'Extras' is Freeware.
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IconPatcher... |
IconPatcher: IconPatcher is designed to easily let you replace/extract/view the program icon(s)/caption for older or no-longer maintained applications with a colour one - mainly so that they'll look prettier on a colour ER5 machine such as a Series 7, netBook, or netPad - although you can equally well use it to replace icons on a monochrome machine. v1.20 of the program is available for download. IconPatcher is Freeware.
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K2 files... |
A small collection of K2 files. A download of the K2 application itself is available on the ‘Lost & Found - Applications’ page. If you've got any K2 files that you feel are useful then please send them in and I'll add them to the collection. |
Lost & Found... |
‘Lost & Found’: A collection of EPOC software that was at risk of evaporating into the ether without trace. If you're looking for a specific program and can't find it, have a look here. Alternatively make a suggestion for appropriate candidates to be added to the collection. It'd be a shame for all those hard-developed bits & bytes to go to waste...! |
Macro5... |
Macro5 - It's Alive!: The continuing adventures of Pascal Nicolas's superb and definitive macro-handling, task-switching, shortcut-launching, key-remapping program. I've taken over its ER5 further development for now and v2.45 sees it upgraded to support colour machines. Macro5 is Freeware.
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Macros... |
Macro Collection: A collection of more than 150 EPOC macros for use with Macro5 (and other macro-compatible programs such as Extrabars, HotKeys, Assistant, RunMacro, etc.). | (11KB) |
Keith Giles has written his own personal set of instructions and tips for using Macro5 and kindly contributed them here for others. The zip file contains his notes in EPOC Word, MS Word, and plain text. Thanks Keith! |
MCI... |
MCI: MCI - Minimalist Contrast Indicator. A program for showing you what your machine's contrast is set at without having to go through the Control Panel. MCI is Freeware.
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Palette... |
Palette: Use all the colours on your Series7, netBook or netPad...! Palette lets you use all 256 of the Psion's colours in Sketch - instead of just the 16 built-in ones. Obviously therefore, Palette is designed for use on a colour ER5 machine such as a Series 7, netBook, or netPad. It works on English and German OS machines. v1.01 of the program is available for download. Palette is Freeware.
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Project Galactic Guide - EPOC Version... |
Project Galactic Guide - EPOC Version: To quote from PGG's own FAQ, "Project Galactic Guide (PGG) is a collaborative Internet attempt at creating an electronic book meant to guide and misguide its readers in matters of life, death, and finding a parking spot anywhere in the Universe. Ever since 1991, editors, field researchers and other contributors alike have been involved in building a database of articles ranging on all matters in and out of this world. They have built browsers, Web sites and written articles, all in order to create something as fun, helpful and brilliant as the late, great Douglas Adams' fictional Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy (HHGTTG) -- only for real." At the time of writing, they say they are still working on the fun, helpful and brilliant bits! PGG-EV is Freeware.
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psAddle... |
psAddle: is an addictive numbers strategy game for the Revo/Series 5/Geofox/5mx/Ericsson MC218/Series 7/netBook/Osaris. Based on the original Series 5 game by John Peat and now upgraded to v1.41, psAddle is a
simple game - but one which requires some clever strategy to be able to consistently beat the machine or your opponent. psAddle is Freeware. Compatible with :         | (18Kb) |
RemoveApps: Kees van der Straten has very kindly made and contributed some dummy apps. that remove any combination of the built-in apps. from the Extras bar (although of course the applications are still installed and available for use). I've packaged them into a single zip file. No dedicated page for this file as it's simple to understand and easy to install. Instructions are included in the zip file. Update: Kees has advised that he's seen occasional soft resets and/or memory leaks being apparently caused by these dummy apps. - use with care I guess. Freeware
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SDictionary files... |
A collection of multiple/cross-platform SDictionary (.dct) files that work with Alexey Semenov's SDict program on the Psion platform. If you have any .dct files that you would like to contribute, please email them to me (preferably compressed) and I'll be glad to add them to the page. |
Space Invader5 |
Space Invader5: Space Invaders for the Series 5/mx! v0.90ß - a public beta release version until I get a chance to fix the final remaining bugs... Space Invader5 is Smileyware.
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Toggle!... |
Toggle!: Toggle! v1.1 is the collective name for 2 small applications - or app(let)s perhaps - that allow you to control your remote link and system sound from the Extras Bar of your machine. They're called 'Link' and 'Sound' respectively and are designed to be 'minimalist' in operation but intelligent in use... Toggle! is Freeware.
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Tomeraider files... |
A small collection of Tomeraider files. Currently these are files that I keep permanently on my netBook because I've found them so useful - but if you've got any that you feel are equally useful then please send them in and I'll add them to the collection. |
TomTom Overlays... |
This is a collection of overlays for TomTom's (formerly Palmtop) EnRoute, RoutePlanner, Street, and CityMaps programs. Since these are no longer sold by TomTom for the EPOC platform, they removed all the EPOC overlays that they used to host. In fact, the original collection has been expanded to include more recent overlays that were published for use on PocketPC/Wince platforms - these have been converted to EPOC format.
My thanks go to Ian Fitzhenry and Gideon Jones-Davies for their help in retrieving and converting the overlays. |
VoiceMan5... |
VoiceMan5: is a Voice Notes manager for the Series 5/5mx and MC218. It's a small program which checks to see if you've any Voice Notes recorded on your Psion when you switch your machine on and gives you the option to review them or ignore them until the next switch on. It'll also let you change the drive used to store your Voice Notes on. VoiceMan5 v1.43 is available for download for Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish, Spanish,
and now Portuguese language machines. VoiceMan5 is Freeware.
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Wallpaper, Logos, & EPOC Art... |
Wallpaper, Logos, & EPOC Art: Collections of free wallpaper images (for use with the 5mx / EPOC ER5 machines), logos (for use with Clock5 and other screensaver programs), a collection of EPOC Art by Mathieu Brugman, and a collection of EPOC Art by Bruce Altman. Also: collections of Series 7 / netBook wallpaper images and revo images.
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