Page Created: 4th August, 1998 Last Update: 13th May, 2003 Compatible with: Clock5 running on the Series 5/mx. To see Clock5 on a
Revo, click here. Where
in the world do you use Clock5 ? Email
me at
Why Clock5?:
I use my Psion at work on a daily basis. Some of the information in it is relatively sensitive. Quite often I have to wander away from my desk and on a number of occasions I've come back to my desk to find someone playing with my Psion out of 'techno-curiosity'. I'd started to use the built-in password screen on the machine but it's a pain to use every time and I didn't always remember to set it. On my PC I make use of one of the standard 'sleeping' screensavers that has password protection built into it to 'guard' its contents temporarily and I thought it'd be useful to have something similar on my Psion that looked after the 'security' automatically.
Initially I thought that something similar to Daniel Landes 'Polygon' program with password protection and a time-out feature added would be fine. After thinking about it some more though, I thought that I'd rather have the 'screen candy' doing something more useful than just bouncing lines around the screen...
When I had a Psion Series 3a, I was a great fan of Dan Comiskey's 'Clock' program for the 3a/c that displayed a very nice digital clock over the whole space of the screen. The digits were displayed with grey 'shadows' behind them and the whole thing looked very appealing - especially from a distance. After a while he developed Clock to have a bring-to-front-on-timeout feature - although from memory I don't think there was ever password protection built into it (I may be wrong though). So that was the plan then - to generate an improved EPOC version that could be used as a password-protected screensaver...
Since it was going to be freeware, I could quite happily release Beta's, and then version improvements as I went along. As with many of the Psion-related things I do, this would be a learning curve for me as much as anything else. If others liked what I was doing too then great!
Clock5 Awards:
Clock5 Downloads:
Click on the appropriate country flag above to download. If your own language isn't here (and you're prepared to translate some texts), then please let me know - don't worry, there isn't any programming required!
Clock5 Users Worlwide:
(Map updated 13th May, 2003)
(Latest town(s) added: Szczecin, Poland; Mugla, Turkey; Florence, Italy; Aarhus, Denmark)
I've received hundreds of emails over the years since Clock5 was first published - with questions, suggestions, requests, 'thank you's, or even - just occasionally - bug reports! ;-) Some of these come from very far afield (relative to where I am in the UK anyway) and it always makes me feel good to know that people all over the world can get some use out of my software. I've always had half a mind to track how far it gets and so I've eventually managed to overcome inertia and start doing just that.
The red dots on the map below mark the location of some of the people who have sent me emails about Clock5. I'd like to see just how many more red dots I can add in the future so if your location isn't marked then please send me an email and let me know where you are using Clock5! And if you have already sent an email in the past but I haven't marked your position then please accept my apologies - my email filing isn't as good as it should be! Send me another to remind me and I'll add your town to the map.
or use the On-line
feedback form
Saturday, 1 April 2006