File |
Version |
Author |
Description |
Backlite+Plus (158KB) |
2.1 |
Jason Kneen |
Backlite+Plus - by Jason Kneen - is a backlight management system plus much more for the 5/mx/MC218. It also supports PostIt-type 'stickies', macro-handling, and a Jotpad. Jason has very kindly agreed to a generic registration code being released for the program - effectively now making it freeware. Since the installation files weren't packaged in a SIS file, I've now done this to make it an easier process. | (45KB) |
1.2 |
Jan Palenicek |
BatchRenamer is small but multipurpose renaming utility. It allows you to rename all files in specified folder, create log file with formatting options and also reverse changes based on the log file. Source code and an EPOC Word description are included. | (28KB) |
1.06 |
Ivo Woltring |
ClipIt by Ivo Woltring is a multi-clipboard handling program for use by anyone who wants to use (potentially) a database full of different bits of clipboard information. Uses standard Data files for storing the multiple clips. Freeware. |
Companion (23KB) |
1.6 |
Robert Longbottom |
Companion is an extension of Signature (below) which allows you to store email addressess and fax numbers for inserting directly into the email application. It also has a comment option for placing those comment markers (>) in reply to emails. Written as shareware in 1999, Robert has since made it freeware so there is a keygen included. |
EpocBackup (262KB) |
1.01 |
FatCatz (aka Binaryfish) |
EpocBackup is a non-Windows back up solution for your EPOC device. EpocBackup helps you protect data from: accidental loss due to hardware or battery failure, as well as accidentally deleted or overwritten files. You can easily restore the data from the back up copy. Using EpocBackup you can: back up selected files and folders, back up files to a FTP site, restore the backed up files and folders to the internal disk or memory disk, password protect and compress your backed up files using the industry standard Zip 2.0 format. Originally shareware but now converted to freeware, the program comes with 2 versions - a 5/mx version and a seperate S7/nB colour version. |
ExtraBars (176KB) |
1.20F(148) |
Jason Kneen |
ExtraBars - by Jason Kneen - is one of the ultimate file launchers for EPOC computers. Originally shareware, Jason has kindly agreed to the release of a generic registration code (see in the zip file) - effectively making it freeware now. Based on the standard Extras bar, ExtraBars goes a lot further, allowing you to:
- Create up to 100 "extrabars"
- Create up to 40 shortcuts per extrabar.
- Create shortcuts to applications and documents.
- Create REAL folder shortcuts in the system screen or a dialog.
- Create shortcuts to web sites.
- Create shortcuts to EScript macro applets or Macro5 macro modules
- Create Template shortcuts to pre-formatted documents.
- Create ClipText shortcuts for signatures, phrases etc.
- Create Keypress shortcuts eg Ctrl+Shift+W
- Create ExtraBar shortcuts
- Launch shortcuts with a single key.
- Configure single key launch prefixes
- Select icons for shortcuts
- Assign hotkeys to any extrabar, allowing fast access to your shortcuts
- Assign hotkeys to any shortcut, allowing you to launch shortcuts from anywhere
- Move shortcuts around the bar using Shift+ the arrow keys.
- Add, Edit and delete shortcut with single pen click and key combinations.
- Configure a STARTUP bar to launch all shortcuts when ExtraBars is launched.
- Configure a POWERUP bar to launch all shortucts when the machine is switched on (Backlight control, batt checks)
- Write powerful macro solutions with the built in EScript commands.
- Add macros to menus, and bars, and even manipulate shortcuts and bars using macro code.
- Customise every feature from single or double pen clicks, to sound and launch messages.
- Use wizards to aid you through starting ExtraBars and creating shortcuts and bars.
- Control the Backlight on powerup.
- Hide applications on the real Extras bar.
ExtraBars is designed to run on the 5/mx/MC218. However, netBook/Series7 users might be interested in looking at 'ebc' on the Software page which adapts ExtraBars to work in colour and to use the full screen.  | (27KB) |
2.3a |
Rolf Vonau |
Rolf Vonau is probably best know for being the author of 'DigestHandler' - a variant of which is used for the daily handling and publishing of The Digest (an EPOC / Symbian email digest. Groups is a similar type of program for sending 'blind' email lists from your EPOC device. Features include:
Send 'blind' mails to up to 1000 people
Insert email text and/or EPOC Word documents
Standard EPOC Data file to manipulate - 5 language options supplied
Rolf has kindly agreed for it to be published here. | (34KB) |
3.01 |
Ivo Woltring |
KeyDirect is a very useful little app that makes redirecting softkeys (like: word, sheet, Cut & paste, zoom, ...) to another application easy. Originally published as freeware in 2000 by Ivo Woltring. |
LBShips (6KB) |
1.0d2 |
Daniel Beardsmore |
Lecture Battleships is a battleships game for two players sharing a single Psion Revo, Revo Plus and Diamond Mako (it will run on other EPOC devices but will probably look wonky). Only one machine is needed: the game does not use infra-red or the Internet.
The two players each set up their fleet in turn (player one first and then player two) and then proceed to play, starting with player two. The screen is cleared between turns so that no cheating can occur while the palmtop is passed back to the other player. The last move made by the opponent is indicated by a square on the fleet grid.
Drag to arrange is possible during fleet set up but it works in a strange way and is best avoided. The ships still look like Borg cubes put through a mangle.
The game features only the basic rule set, not any of the salvo rules. However, the program is released into the public domain as freeware; the source code can be found on the LBShips page: |
MagicKeys (191KB) |
2.12 |
FatCatz (aka Binaryfish) |
MagicKeys performs two functions: 1) It offers a way to store and quickly insert text, sketch, and other items that you use frequently. 2) It can also collect and paste multiple items. Uploaded with a generic registration key for use as freeware by kind permission of Binaryfish (aka. Fatcatz). Works with 5/mx, nB, and S7 - may work with limited UI on revo. | (6KB) |
1.0 |
Robert Longbottom |
This is the traditional game of Noughts and Crosses, or Tic Tac Toe as it is sometimes called. You can play against the computer or against a friend. Written in 1999, Robert thought he'd managed to write an unbeatable level - why not test your skill? Designed to work on a 5/mx, it will also run on a S7/nB in 'letterbox mode' - don't think it'll work well on a revo. | (1KB) |
Simon Johns |
This is a file for replacing the Opera.ini file in c:\System\Apps\Opera\ in order to optimise all of Opera's settings. In theory you can do this from within Opera - except apparently there's a bug within Opera v5.14 in that changes to the security settings are not saved/displayed correctly. This file was listed on PDA Street by Simon in 2004 but I've seen a few people asking about this recently and so thought it might be useful to be able to download. | (19KB) |
2 |
Robert Longbottom |
This is Robert Longbottom's version of Othello; sometimes called Reversi, and is played on an 8x8 board with black and white pieces. The object of the game is to have more pieces of your colour on the board than your opponent at the end of the game. You can play against the computer or in two player mode against a human being! A keygen is included and if you register you get some cheat options! Designed to work on a 5/mx, the game will work on a S7/nB in 'letterbox mode'. |
PhoneManPro (178KB) |
2.101F |
Steve Godfrey |
PhoneManPro allows you to send and receive SMS and edit the phonebook on your mobile phone using your EPOC machine. It supports both infrared and serial connections to your phone. You can also send email messages via SMS. Additional features, supported by some phones, include allowing you to edit operator logos, set up the ringing pattern on the phone and compose your own melody for the phones ring. Melodies can be saved, and Ring profiles allow you to quickly set the phone to a saved ring setup.
PhoneManPro was shareware for many years before being released with a generic registration code by Steve. Registration details are: Name: "freecode", Code: "94934055". Works with Series 5, 5mx, 5mx-pro, Revo, Series 7, netBook, Geofox and MC218. |
PhoneManPro - Add-on files (147KB) |
Various |
Steve Godfrey |
Various zip files packaged in one as follows:
Patch to fix problem reading certain SMS from some phones 27th May '03 41K
Unzip and copy the 'PmEngine.dll' file over the existing one in \System\Apps\PhoneMan\ (Note: This requires PhoneMan v2.101F)
Plug-ins for adding extra features to PhoneMan (PhoneMan v2.98F or later required. Install on the same drive that you installed PhoneManPro on.)
Data view (English/German 1.08F)
Adds "Data" view for accessing Data files (Works on any EPOC device)
Contacts view (English/German 1.14F)
Adds "Contacts" view to access Contacts database (Only works on 5mx, Revo, netBook, 7 and MC218)
SmartSMS (English only 1.07F)
Adds ring tones, logos, email SMS & ICQ SMS support (Works on any EPOC device. Requires a PhoneManPro registration to work - PhoneManLite codes will not work with this plug-in)
Phone support modules: The following modules are available to add phone specific functionality to PhoneMan. (Install on the same drive that you installed PhoneManPro on)
General (Language independent 1.06F)
Adds support for phones other than Ericsson and Nokia
Ericsson support (Language independent 1.12F)
Adds ring tone editing support for Ericsson phones
Nokia 61xx (Language independent 1.10F)
Adds support for Nokia 6110/6150/nk702
Nokia 6210/7110/6310 (Language independent 1.15F)
Adds support for extended phonebooks on 6210/7110/6310/8310/6510 | (1.7MB) |
1.05 Pro |
John Sussenbach and Pedro van Can |
Procyon XL for the Series 7 / netBook is an astronomy program from John Sussenbach and Pedro van Can. Previously John had released a 'Light' version of the program which could be updated to a 'Pro' version by the purchase of a software key and adding extra files. He has now decided to make this Pro version freeware as well. Also, he made some improvements to the program but - due to an issue with his ISP - he's been unable to update his website. These changes are:
Fixed bugs in the lunar eclipse and meteors sections
Program can now run from Disk E in addition to C and D
There is a new moon viewing option: "Mares & Craters" (Ctrl+Shift+F)
Moon can now be viewed in full
Mars now viewable in colour (Ctrl+Shift+M)
New intro screen
Now possible to view images in lower half of screen (Ctrl+Shift+Q)
I have repackaged the program's SIS installation files so that the full Pro version is installed together with the appropriate key in one process. I have also included Pdf captures of John's website in the Zip to help explain what the program does.
NB: Have a look on the Colour Icons page for some additional colour patch files for ProcyonXL to add even more colour | (1.2MB) |
1.17 Pro |
John Sussenbach and Pedro van Can |
Procyon X for the Series 5/mx/MC218 is an astronomy program from John Sussenbach and Pedro van Can. Previously John had released a 'Light' version of the program which could be updated to a 'Pro' version by the purchase of a software key and adding extra files. He has now decided to make this Pro version freeware as well. Also, he made some improvements to the program but - due to an issue with his ISP - he's been unable to update his website. These changes are:
Fixed a bug in the lunar eclipse section
I have repackaged the program's SIS installation files so that the full Pro version is installed together with the appropriate key in one process. I have also included Pdf captures of John's website in the Zip to help explain what the program does. | (820KB) |
1.06 Pro |
John Sussenbach and Pedro van Can |
ProcyonR for the revo/revo+/mako is an astronomy program from John Sussenbach and Pedro van Can. Previously John had released a 'Light' version of the program which could be updated to a 'Pro' version by the purchase of a software key and adding extra files. He has now decided to make this Pro version freeware as well.
I have repackaged the program's SIS installation files so that the full Pro version is installed together with the appropriate key in one process. I have also included Pdf captures of John's website in the Zip to help explain what the program does. |
PsiTris (142KB) |
1.51 |
FatCatz (aka Binaryfish) |
PsiTris is the classic falling blocks game (i.e. Tetris) for EPOC. Features: Choice of game styles, endurance or points achieved after 25 lines, Different block styles, Random garbage and random garbage height selection, High score table. Originally designed to run on the 5/mx - but speedpatch available for other machines (below). Also, don't forget that there are colour patches/icons available for PsiTris on the Colour Icons & Patches page. Freeware. |
PsiTris SpeedPatch (8KB) |
1.10 |
FatCatz & Matthew Walters |
This is a speed patch for PsiTris 1.5X. Running Speed Patch will update PsiTris so it can run at the correct speed on your machine. This version of Speed Patch will detect any of the following EPOC machines: Series 5, Geofox One, Series 5mx, Series 5mx PRO, MC218, Series 7, netBook. If you are not sure which machine you have install Speed Patch anyway and it will automatically set PsiTris to the correct speed. | (30KB) |
1.00 |
Andy Harsent |
RMRSnake is the traditional game of snake for EPOC. This is a patched - and hence essentially now freeware version - of RMRSnake v1.00. This patched version has been kindly authorised for release by Andy Harsent (the program's author) and Al Richey (of RMR Software). My thanks to both of them for their consent. Works on all EPOC machines as far as I know. | (18KB) |
1.0 |
Kees van der Straten |
Kees has very kindly made and contributed some dummy apps. that remove any combination of the built-in apps. from the Extras bar (although of course the applications are still installed and available for use). I've packaged them into a single zip file. No dedicated page for this file as it's simple to understand and easy to install. Instructions are included in the zip file. Update: Kees has advised that he's seen occasional soft resets and/or memory leaks being apparently caused by these dummy apps. - use with care I guess. Freeware. | (235KB) |
1.0 |
BeeLogic & RMRSoft |
Revertris is a puzzle game that combines concentration tactics with time-attack arcade action. Using conventional tetramines (tiles made of four linked cells), Revertris starts where Tetris ends, pushing the game to a new level of fun.
Revertris was originally written by BeeLogic but they sold the rights to RMRSoft who in turn marketed it as shareware up until a few months ago. Al Richey at RMR has very kindly provided a generic registation key for it and allowed me to offer it here for free. This zip file contains a version for the revo/+/mako and the registration key. | (253KB) |
1.0 |
BeeLogic & RMRSoft |
As above but for the 5/mx. | (428KB) |
1.0 |
BeeLogic & RMRSoft |
As above but for the S7/nB. | (34KB) |
1.0 |
BeeLogic & RMRSoft |
Replacement help files for the above game: Danish, Dutch, French, Italian, and Spanish. |
SDictionary (392KB) |
1.7.9 |
Alexey Semenov |
SDict reads standard platform-independent '.dct' files. Visit his web site for details. He's also kindly given permission for his program to be hosted here. Similar in function to both Tomeraider and K2. Freeware. Works on all ER5 devices. |
SDictionary files... |
A collection of multiple/cross-platform SDictionary (.dct) files that work with Alexey Semenov's SDict program on the Psion platform. If you have any .dct files that you would like to contribute, please email them to me (preferably compressed) and I'll be glad to add them to the page. |
SDjVu (229KB) |
1.3.2 |
Alexey Semenov |
This program lets you read DjVu format files with your favorite Psion PDA (Psion NetBook, Series 5/5MX/7, Psion Revo). Freeware |
SView (104KB) |
1.5.3 |
Alexey Semenov |
This program lets you read gzipped text files with your favorite Psion PDA (Psion NetBook, Series 5/5MX/7, Psion Revo). Freeware | (5KB) |
1.11 |
Robert Longbottom |
Signature is a small helper app which allows you to add signatures onto the end of emails you write in Psion's email software. This is a version for ER5 machines (5mx, revo, Series 7, etc.). The program is supplied with a keygen utility (Signature.opo) as it's now been made freeware. | (5KB) |
1.11 |
Robert Longbottom |
Signature is a small helper app which allows you to add signatures onto the end of emails you write in Psion's email software. This is a version for pre-ER5 machines (i.e. using Message Suite). The program is supplied with a keygen utility (Signature.opo) as it's now been made freeware. |
Solitaire (5KB) |
1.0 |
Robert Longbottom |
This is the classic peg version of Solitaire where you have to jump the pegs over each other and finish with the last peg in the centre hole. The program has a built in solution so you can see how to do it if you can't work it out yourself. Written in 1999, the program is designed to run on a 5/mx but also runs in 'letterbox' mode on a S7/nB. | (290KB) |
1.12 |
FatCatz (aka Binaryfish) |
The ultimate solitaire card game. Not just one but a collection of solitaire games! Written as freeware in 1999 by FatCatz (now Binaryfish), this is still available on his site. However this copy has more plugins (i.e. games) as well as the SDK for developing more games than the one available on his site. Runs on 5/mx, S7, and nB. | (25KB) |
1.52 |
Rob Haskell |
Rob's Sudoku Solver program has evolved into a fully-fledged Sudoku generator and solver application! This version provides scaled views to fit revo/+, 5/mx, and S7/nB sized screens and will either check/solve existing Su Doku puzzles for you or generate its own for you (or it!) to solve. Freeware with source code. | (33KB) |
2 |
Robert Longbottom |
Tickle is a list making/ticking program which allows you to make lists and have multiple columns in which to place ticks when you have started, finished, given up on, or whatever with each item in the list. Written by Robert Longbottom in 2000, he made it freeware in 2004 by also releasing the keygen (run Tickle.opo in the zip file) and has kindly allowed it to be placed here too. Runs on 5/mx/nB/S7. |
VRule (25KB) |
1.11 |
FatCatz (aka Binaryfish) |
VRule transforms your EPOC device into a virtual rule instantly. You never know when it might come in handy! Freeware from Binaryfish (aka. Fatcatz). Works on 5/mx - separate version supplied in zip file for netBook/Series 7. |
WallpaperMan (52KB) |
1.21 |
Binaryfish (aka. Fatcatz) |
WallpaperMan is an advanced wallpaper management system for your EPOC device. It allows you to easily switch between different wallpapers, swap between them automatically, and manage your wallpaper collections. It will also generate fractal wallpapers for you. Freeware. | (122KB) |
1.26 |
Martin Maxwell |
Re-released as freeware by its author and proposed by him as a candidate for these pages. dpLatin is a searchable guide with more than 2000 common Latin terms and maxims in business, law, medicine, art and technology. It also contains commonly used quotes and maxims, most of which are of classic Roman and Greek origin. |