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Back to the Future... |
'Back to the Future' with a netBook: This is an article I wrote for FoxPop and which was published there in March 2003 describing why I effectively left the Psion scene - and then why I decided to return... |
Compact Flash... |
Compact Flash: Want to know how to double the usable formatted capacity of your 16Mb CF card? Or how to double the speed of your 96Mb card? This page describes in some detail the different ways of formatting CF cards and the techniques for optimising the capacity of smaller cards and the speed of larger cards. Downloadable in EPOC Word format. Also two spreadsheets (one Excel, one Sheet) with complete sets of measurements on a Series 5, 5mx, and Series 7 of 11 different drives - as kindly donated by Stephan Richardson. |
Digital Cameras... |
Digital Cameras:Technology trends and why buy one? - The various pros and cons, whys and wherefores for Psion users. Downloadable in EPOC Word format. |
DreamConnect... |
DreamConnect: I wrote a review back in March of this year (2004) of DreamConnect - the Contacts replacement program. It was intended to be published around that time as a comparative review alongside Craig Murphy's review of iContacts at Foxpop. Due to Foxpop going offline at that time, it was never published. Here it is - slightly updated. |
EBook for EPOC... |
EBook for EPOC: This is an article I wrote for FoxPop in June 2003 describing Simon Quinn's EBook program and exploring the slightly clandestine topic of illicit eBooks! |
GPS on a netBook... |
GPS on a netBook: An article describing my experience of using a CF GPS card on my netBook. Downloadable in zipped EPOC Word format. |
Hints & Tips... |
Hints & Tips:Hints, tips, and generally useful snippets of information. Downloadable in EPOC Word format. |
Infrared & PsiWin... |
Infrared & PsiWin:How to get PsiWin to link to your EPOC machine over Infrared (IrDA). Includes screen dumps from PC and Psion to illustrate. Also instructions by David Fanshawe on how to establish a reliable link once all the hardware and software is set up. Downloadable in MS Word format. The current descriptions cover Windows '95, '98, ME, 2000, and XP. Downloadable in EPOC Word format. |
My Hardware & Software Setup... |
My Hardware & Software Setup:For anyone that's interested I thought I'd make a quick list of what hardware and software I use - both with my Psion and to generate the Pscience5 web pages... |
Palmtop GPS on a 5mx… without a car!... |
Using Palmtop GPS on a 5mx… without a car!: A guest article by Austin Taylor describing his experiences of using a Palmtop GPS unit on a 5mx - but without any car in sight! Also downloadable in zipped PDF format. |
Partitioning a Compact Flash card... |
Partitioning a Compact Flash card: Want extra drives on your PDA? Want to make your memory card run faster and/or store more data?? This article describes how to partition a Compact Flash card - and what the advantages of doing so might be! |
PsiDat... |
Using PsiDat to run your website:An article describing how it's possible to use Kevin Millican's excellent (and free) PsiDat application to create and maintain a website from your EPOC machine. |
Thinking of buying a PDA? |
Thinking of buying a PDA?: A guest article by Jon Baker where he explores the options and choices available as well as the decisions to be made by a potential PDA/Smartphone buyer. Available for download in EPOC Word and MS Word formats for reading offline as well. |
Why Write Freeware?... |
Why Write Freeware?:A brief history of how I got started and why my programs are freeware. |
WiFi on a netBook - Introduction... |
'WiFi on a netBook - Introduction: This is the introduction to a series of articles I wrote for FoxPop and which was published there between October and December 2003 describing how to use 802.11b (aka. WiFi) on a netBook. |
WiFi on a netBook - Part 1... |
'WiFi on a netBook - Part 1 - Choosing equipment: This is the 1st part of a series of articles I wrote for FoxPop and which was published there between October and December 2003 describing how to use 802.11b (aka. WiFi) on a netBook. |
WiFi on a netBook - Part 2... |
'WiFi on a netBook - Part 2 - Configuring your equipment: This is the 2nd part of a series of articles I wrote for FoxPop and which was published there between October and December 2003 describing how to use 802.11b (aka. WiFi) on a netBook. |
WiFi on a netBook - Part 3... |
'WiFi on a netBook - Part 3 - Using WiFi on the netBook: This is the 3rd part of a series of articles I wrote for FoxPop and which was published there between October and December 2003 describing how to use 802.11b (aka. WiFi) on a netBook. |
WiFi on a netBook - Part 4... |
'WiFi on a netBook - Part 4 - Upgrading to broadband: This is the 4th part of these series of articles and brings my experiences up to date now that I'm finally able to get broadband at home and also describes its use with my netBook and my endeavours to extend the range of my WiFi coverage at home. |
WiFi on a netBook - Part 5... |
'WiFi on a netBook - Part 5 - Extending the network: This is the 5th part of these series of articles and describes what happened that led me to add a disk drive to my network - accessible from my netBook of course! |