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Welcome to 'Toggle!' - two minimalist freeware 'toggle' apps for your EPOC machine.

Page Created: 18th April, 2000

Last Update: 21st September, 2000

Toggle!.zip  (41.0Kb)     Toggle!  v1.1 - Enjoy the power to Toggle!

(Click on the Toggle! icon above to download)

Compatible with: Psion Series 5 Psion 5mx Series 7 Ericsson MC218 Geofox netBook Revo Oregan Scientific Osaris

What's new?:

21st September Update:

• Olivier Rongione kindly pointed out to me that there was a problem using Toggle! v1.1 on the Series 7 and netBook. After some investigation I realised that I'd packaged the wrong icons for these machines (Doh!). One quick fix later and I've now uploaded the correct icons into the download file - sorry about that (NB: This doesn't affect users of non-colour machines if you've got the 'pre-fix' version)

18th September Update:

• Improved compatibility. Toggle! should now work 100% with all EPOC devices on all drives. v1.0 didn't seem to work reliably on c: drive on some machines - and sometimes not at all on Series 7 / netBook machines.

• Colour icons for the Series 7 / netBook (NB: these will appear once the programs have been run for the first time)

NB: Please note that in order to guarantee reliable icon toggling on all machines, it has been necessary to resort to a 'manual' installation of the apps. In other words, you cannot use the normal 'SIS' file installation that you would with other programs. However, it's a simple matter to install the files. Details are below (and contained within the zipped download file).

What is Toggle! ?:

Toggle! is the collective name for 2 small applications - or app(let)s perhaps - that allow you to control your remote link and system sound from the Extras Bar of your machine. They're called 'Link' and 'Sound' respectively and are designed to be 'minimalist' in operation but intelligent in use.

By way of example, here's what 'Link' does when selected from the Extras bar:-

• Checks to see if machine's remote link is open or closed

• If open, it closes it; if closed it opens it

• Displays a small message in the bottom right hand side of the screen saying what the new status is

• If being run for the first time, displays 2 small 'About' screens. These are not subsequently shown when the program is run again.

• Changes the icon in the Extras bar to show the link's current status - i.e. open or closed

• Quits

'Link' on the Extras bar with the remote link switched off

The 'Link' icon on the Extras bar before it's run and with the remote link off...

The message back from 'Link' once the remote link is enabled

The 'Link' app(let) having done its job (well, I said that it was minimalist!)

'Link' on the Extras bar with the remote link switched on

The 'Link' icon on the Extras bar after it's run and with the remote link now on...

'Sound' does exactly the same but with the machine's sound control and appropriate 'Sound' icons.

Why were they written?:

Especially since there are a number of similar app(let)s already available that do this...? Well basically because none of the similar programs already around did exactly what I wanted. I.e. very minimalist in operation but intelligent enough to check your machine's status before doing anything (as opposed to just trying to 'remember' it from the last time they were run...). Since I wanted them enough to write them for my own use, I figured that others might find them useful too.

They're designed to work at two levels. For the first time user, they're simple and intuitive in operation (with icons and names to suit) and give feedback both on the screen and via the Extras bar. For the power user, they're ideally suited for calling from a macro program (such as Macro5, Extrabars, etc.). For example, I have 'Link' set up so that it's called using Ctrl+Fn+L and toggles the remote link from any program whatsoever that's running... Note: The 'Link' and 'Sound' icons in the Extras bar will only change when these programs are used to control the sound. E.g. if Ctrl+L is used in the System screen the icon will not change until 'Link' is used again.


'Link' and 'Sound' have been tested on a Psion Revo, Series 5, 5mx, Series 7, netBook, and Oregon Scientific Osaris. They should also work on an Ericsson MC218 and Geofox.


Please note that v1.1 of Toggle! installs differently from previous versions

The Toggle! applications need to be installed 'manually' to your EPOC device. The procedure for this is as follows (using 'Link' as an example where appropriate):-

• If you had v1.0 of 'Link' or 'Sound' installed, remove it first by using the Add/remove icon on your EPOC machine's Control panel.
• Unzip the Toggle! application that you want to install (i.e. 'Link' or 'Sound') to your PC's hard disk and then copy the files - without conversion - onto your EPOC device using PsiWin/EPOC Connect (or unzip directly onto your EPOC machine if you have an appropriate EPOC zip program).
• Double tap on the Systinfo.sis file to install Symbian's Systinfo OPX file automatically on your machine.
• Make sure that the "Show 'System' folder" option is ticked in your System preferences (Ctrl+K).
• If you have a previous version of Link (say) installed on your machine, delete the contents of c:\system\apps\Link\ (or d:\system\apps\Link\ if appropriate).
• If you don't have a previous version of 'Link' installed, create the c:\system\apps\Link\ folder (or d:\system\apps\Link\ if you prefer and have a compact flash card installed on a Series 5/mx/7/etc.)
• Move the following files into this new folder:-, Link.aif, Link.mbm, Link.On, Link.Off, Link.OnC, Link.OffC

The 'Link' icon should now be available for use on your Extras bar (allow a few seconds for it to appear) - repeat above procedure for the 'Sound' application.

"Incompatible opx version" during installation:

If you should get this error when you're installing Systinfo.sis then you've probably got a program already running that's using systinfo.opx (which is contained inside Systinfo.sis) when you try to install it (e.g. Macro5). Close down running programs before the installation.

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Saturday, 1 April 2006