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‘Lost & Found’ - Games

File Description (28Kb) 'Clueless' v1.0 published by Damien Lewis in 1999 is a freeware crossword program capable of importing and running standard crossword format files. It was designed for the Series 5/mx but works on the larger colour machines - albeit in a reduced letterbox format (and the colour masking on the toolbar isn't great). Doubt whether it'll work well on a revo. Also, it was pre-SIS install files - so it's a manual install per the included instructions. (282Kb) This was a freeware offering from Palmtop (nowadays called TomTom) and was the first 1st-person perspective shoot-em-up clone (i.e. in the 'Doom' genre) for the EPOC platform. Palmtop/TomTom no longer offer any EPOC software so here it is... Believed to be compatible with all EPOC ER5 machines. Includes a 'game wad' for actually running and 'makegame' for compiling your own scenarios. (120Kb) Invasion - by Thomas Ashton - is a graphics game falling under the 'Command & Conquer' genre. As far as I've been able to ascertain, Thomas quit things Psion back in 1998-1999. Emails to the supplied address bounce and a detailed web-search finds no obvious web presence. Hence this is now being supplied with a generic registration code (in the zip file) for anyone to use. The game was designed for the 5/mx but I'm pleased to note that it plays full-screen on S7, netBook, etc. machines. I don't think it will run properly on revo-size devices however. v1.2 (60Kb) Fritz Waechter has very kindly generated a replacement colour icon and graphics patch for Invasion (above). I've added this to the appropriate downloadable colour icon/graphics file - but at 296Kb for the file, I thought people might like an individual download as well! (9Kb) MasterMind was written and released as freeware by the late Lieuwe de Vries in 1997. It is the classic Mastermind game using letters - 4, 6, or 8 different letters - to represent the different possible colour combinations (it was written prior to colour EPOC machines). In re-releasing it here, all I have done is re-package his original manual installation into a SIS file for ease of use and added the option of installing colour icon files (kindly supplied by Fritz Waechter). NB: The colour toolbar icons don't appear properly on colour machines as Lieuwe did not use masking when he wrote the program originally - it wasn't necessary on a monochrome machine. The program was written for the Psion Series 5 but will also work on a 5mx, Ericsson MC218, and netPad. It will also work on a Series 7 or netBook in 'letterbox' mode. It won't work on a revo/mako as it won't correctly fit the screen. v1.00 (103Kb) Mbornes5 - by Fred Botton - is one of the original classic Psion Series 5 games. Essentially its an adaption of the French card came, Mille Bornes, which was popular 20 or 30 years ago. It's freeware and still available on the authors website - but I'm including it here for completeness alongside Mbornes7 below. v1.1 here is compatible with the Series 5, 5mx, and MC218. It won't play properly on the revo. (162Kb) Mbornes7 is a larger screen colour adaption of Mbornes5 above designed for the Series 7, netBook, etc. This is v1.3 as adapted by Francis Goguelat. Was available as freeware from his site but unfortunately that seems to have disappeared. (92Kb) MbornesRevo is a smaller screen adaption of Mbornes5 above designed for the revo, revo+ and Diamond mako. This is v1.2 as adapted by Francis Goguelat. Was available as freeware from his site but unfortunately that seems to have disappeared. (11Kb) Reversi from EpocWare in 2000 was given away for free as a demo/taster for their Logic & Card Games Pack. I haven't been able to locate their other games (but then they weren't free anyway!) but this one plays a decent game of Reversi/Othello. v1.00 (41Kb) This is Max Westen's adaption of Jon Read's classic original (which was renamed Cascade and included by Psion in the revo's ROM!). Max coloured the program for use on the S7/nB and made more use of the screen-space. Max's website still exists but - try as I might - it doesn't seem possible to get to his Psion page any longer. Freeware - v1.30 (106Kb) Another freeware offering from Palmtop (nowadays known as TomTom). Palmtop/TomTom no longer offer any EPOC software so here it is... Key points:

• Emulates 48K and 128K Spectrum with Kempston joystick.
• Loads .SNA and .Z80 snapshots and from .TAP tape files. Also loads from .POK files to enable pokes to be activated in games.
• Saves .SNA snapshots and .SCR screenshots.
v4.0 Believed to be compatible with all EPOC ER5 machines. (377Kb) Mark Needham - the MD at Widget and founder of Widget Software - has kindly given permission for the Widget Leisure Pack to be added to the site. This suite of games includes Bandit (a slot machine simulator), Castle (an interactive text adventure), Chomper (PacMan game), Palmtris (Tetris game), Poker, Solo (Solitaire), and Reversi (Othello game). The suite was originally released in 1997 and so is designed for use on a 5/5mx - although will work in 'letterbox' mode on a S7/nB (it'd be a nice colouring project if anyone wants!). See below for revo/+ version. v5 (145Kb) As per above but sized for the revo/revo plus/mako.

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Monday, 7 March 2005