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PSI NT was established in 1997.
The company has been focused on two major directions - EPOC OS national localization package and enhancements of the EPOC OS.
The company has a 4 years experience in developing software on the Symbian platform.

Localization technologies, developed to change OS language without changing ROM, has shown new direction of development for national markets of EPOC OS machines, that couldn't be covered in the past due to their non-English language environment.

Curently all Polish distributors of computers with EPOC system sell new computers together with PSILoc+ localization package.

Please contact us with questions, ideas and offers. We are always ready to open business with you!


PSI NT Koszalin

76-021 Krêpa 20
e-mail :
phone: +48-94-347-77-66
fax: +48-94-347-34-57

NIP: 499-023-39-80

Bank Name: KB PBI SA I/o Koszalin

Bank Address: Pilsudskiego 85, 75-523 Koszalin, Poland

Account Number: 15001096-121090032729

Account Name: PSI NT

Routing/SWIFT Number: KR DB PL PW KOS


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