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Global Partners:

PSI NT is a member of the Nokia Developer ProPoint program.

PSI NT is a member of the Forum Nokia.

PSI NT is a Professional member of the Symbian Developer Network.

OEM partners and Distributors:

Czech | Dubai | Germany | Kuwait | Poland | Qatar

Josef Ladra - Czech Distributor.

Hassan Al-hammadi - Dubai Distributor.

NeTec Gmbh - German Distributor.

Future Communications - OEM partner, exclusive Distributor (for Kuwait territory).

Apollo Electronics sp. z o.o.- Official Polish distributor of Psion Plc. OEM partner.

CIE sp. z o.o. - Official Polish distributor of Psion Industrial. OEM patner.

Glen sp. z o.o. - Polish distributor of Ericsson palmtops. OEM partner and distributor.

Palmtop Experts - Polish Distributor.

MikroTOP - Polish Distributor.

Advancement Computers - Qatar Distributor.