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At the moment the following plug-ins are available for PSILoc+ :

  • Full EPOC system localisation module - in other words: a full localisation (module depends on the computer - there are versions available for all the machines using EPOC system). You get Polish versions of all the applications built into Psion. Additionally you get system help (Help) in Polish.

  • Additional localisations and code pages module - there are localisations available for all the countries using the following code pages: ISO 8859-2 (Central Europe), CP 1250 (Central Europe), CP 1251 (Cyrillic), CP 1252 (Western), CP 1253 (Greece), CP 1254 (Turkey), CP 1257 (Baltic), CP 1258 (Vietnam).
  • Time database by Andrzej Potocki - corrects and supplements information included in Psion's ROM (e.g. enlarges the list of Polish cities - there are only 3 in the original version). If you want your city to be added to the database, you can use an application form and send the information to Andrzej Potocki - the author of the database.
  • Open with... module - makes it possible to link files with applications (e.g. linking .TXT files with Editor application, and not with Web) and to add new types of data.
  • Set system - allows for restoring the System application (Shell) and the EPOC system settings after a computer reset.
  • Autostart - allows to define a list of applications and documents to be open automatically after a computer reset.
  • Backup Server - all the applications, not only documents, are automatically run after a data backup thanks to this module.

Soon there will be two more plug-ins available: Extras Bar (enhancing the capabilities of the system's applications bar) and EPOCToday (collecting information concerning a given period of time and presenting it in a clear and concise form).