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This page is dedicated to the memory of Darryl Kempster who was brutally murdered in South Africa in June 2004. Darry was a long-time Psion user and contributed a number of the files below. May his soul find peace.

It's for anyone and everyone to contribute their favorite database file to for the EPOC community. As long as you own or have permission to post the file, please email me a copy toAnti-SPAM email image: just type it in as you read it.  :¬)and I'll add it to the list - with full acknowledgement to the contributor of course!


Date File Description
26/06/2005 (90Kb) Two Data files entitled Comms Terms and Comms Glossary - a glossary and list of terms used in the Communications industry. Contributed by Jon Baker
25/01/2005 OPLX32(114Kb) The OPL/32 programming manual in an EPOC help file.
20/12/2004 (14Kb) Ericsson MC218 knowledgebase - taken from Ericsson's knowledgebase on it's website and converted to EPOC Data format. Contributed by Darryl Kempster
10/11/2004 Quotes(7Kb) Phil Aypee has kindly sent a file of famous quotes.
08/07/2004 N.A._Area_Codes.dat.dat (9Kb) Area codes in North America (e.g. 201 = New Jersey, 519 = Ontario, etc.).
08/07/2004 Int._Dialing.dat (6Kb) International dialing codes for all the countries in the world.
08/07/2004 Domains.dat (5Kb) A database of all the domain name suffixes and their meaning/country (e.g. .com = commercial, .al = Albania, .cy = Cyprus, etc.).
06/07/2004 Collective_Names.dat (3Kb) A clowder of cats? A decanter of deans? A tabernacle of bakers?? You'll find them all in the Collective Names database.
05/07/2004 Airports.dat (32Kb) Want to know the airport code for Dhaka? BA's reservation number in Addis Ababa? The distance from Naples airport to the city? Then this is the database you need...
01/08/2003 CF Database (8Kb) Database of Compact Flash (CF) cards detailing reported compatibility / non-compatibility with Psion EPOC machines.
27/06/2001 Wisdom v1.2 (100Kb) I regularly get emailed jokes and anecdotes and it's often occurred to me that I really ought to get around to formatting these and collecting them in a Data file for others to enjoy.  'Wisdom' is the 1st collection of these jokes, quotes, ditties, truisms, and anecdotes arranged into various categories.  As time allows, I'll be updating and adding to the file - I've still got lots of categories to add!  If you have any lists that you'd like to contribute, please email them to me and I'll add them in. NB: I've tried to avoid including anything that might be deemed too offensive.  There is a section called 'Blonde Jokes' however - download at your own risk!  ;-)
20/12/2000 (36Kb) Series 3a knowledgebase - taken from Psion's knowledgebase on it's website and converted to EPOC Data format. Contributed by Darryl Kempster
20/12/2000 (36Kb) Series 3mx knowledgebase - taken from Psion's knowledgebase on it's website and converted to EPOC Data format. Contributed by Darryl Kempster
20/12/2000 (26Kb) Series 5 knowledgebase - taken from Psion's knowledgebase on it's website and converted to EPOC Data format. Contributed by Darryl Kempster
20/12/2000 (27Kb) Series 5mx knowledgebase - taken from Psion's knowledgebase on it's website and converted to EPOC Data format. Contributed by Darryl Kempster
20/12/2000 (25Kb) Series 7 and netBook knowledgebase - taken from Psion's knowledgebase on it's website and converted to EPOC Data format. Contributed by Darryl Kempster
10/12/2000 (30Kb) Psion Siena knowledgebase - taken from Psion's knowledgebase on it's website and converted to EPOC Data format. Contributed by Darryl Kempster
10/12/2000 (24Kb) Series 3 knowledgebase - taken from Psion's knowledgebase on it's website and converted to EPOC Data format. Contributed by Darryl Kempster
02/03/1999 Murphy's Laws (54Kb) A large collection of Murphy's Laws that I picked up from somewhere when 'surfing'. Author unknown.
04/10/1998 (93Kb) Contains the following EPOC OPL32 Help files: S5 OPL (180 kB): Psion's OPL-reference, without Series 3-specific commands, S5 Constants (17 kB): The description of constants in Const.oph, S5 OPX (79 kB): Usage of the OPX-files in ROM plus SysRAM1.opx, S5 OPX extra (17 kB): Usage of third-party OPX's. Currently only OplDb. Contributed by Willem Smouter
20/08/1998 Jessops.dat (10Kb) A database of Jessops stores in the UK. Contributed by Tim Salmon
20/08/1998 Techno.dat (7Kb) A database of Tecno stores in the UK. Contributed by Tim Salmon
29/07/1998 UK_Post_Codes.dat (61Kb) Postal (zip) codes for the UK.
29/07/1998 UK_Dial_Codes.dat (39Kb) STD/area codes for the UK towns and cities.
29/07/1998 Essences.dat (5Kb) A collection of those soul/team building phrases gleaned from the posters often displayed inside companies.
29/07/1998 Emoticon.dat (3Kb) A collection of emoticons ('emotive icons') for your email!

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