David Fanshawe has very kindly generated these step-by-step tips for successfully establishing a good IrDA link with PsiWin on his Revo once you've got all the necessary hardware and software set up and running on your machines (i.e. after following the instructions below). As far as I can see, these steps apply equally well to any EPOC machine - so it's definitely worth taking a look at them. A downloadable copy of his instructions in MS Word are available here: Linking the Revo To a Laptop / PC by IrDA Notes / Pictures SET UP INFRARED LINK ON REVO: From SYSTEM: (this action is only necessary if your Revo is set to CABLE for use on the cradle) SET REVO TO LISTEN: (start here if re-linking after time-out) SET PC TO CONNECT: Observe link software starting. Watch progress on icons at bottom of PC screen: Stage 1 – no IR communication yet. Stage 2 – PC & Revo communicating, but no link yet. Stage 3 – PC gives up. IMMEDIATELY press CANCEL on Revo screen. The PC should try again, and a few seconds later… Stage 4 – Linked (animated wave shows data exchange). Stage 5 – CopyAnywhere ready. IR Monitor / Options IR Monitor / Preferences PsiWin Setup: Control Panel / System / Devices
Saturday, 1 April 2006