Page Created: 22nd April, 1999 Last Update: 27th July, 2004 Compatible with: (NB: Space Invader5 is not compatible with the
revo/mako) Please email me at The Startup Screen Ooops - didn't get out of the way in time! Bombs away! Not many left now! Missiles away! Space Invader5 - early movement screenshot... Space Invader5 - now in colour!
What is Space Invader5?:
Not surprisingly, it's a Space Invaders clone for the Series 5. The program is fairly complete and has already undergone some initial closed beta tests but I'm releasing it as a public beta purely to chase out any last 'undocumented features' that I'm not yet aware of (as well as the ones that I am!) - and because people have asked me to. I'll post incremental fixes here for download until v1.0 is 'officially' released...
• Series 5mx, MC218, Series 7, and netBook compatible (not revo/mako)
• Large, fully animated sprites
• In colour on colour machines
• Realistic sound effects
• Hi-Score and Hi-Scores table
• 3 lives per game - extra life every 1500 points
• Clear and easy to understand Help screen (no long help file to wade through...)
• Easy installation via .sis file
• It's SmileyWare - so it's free!
and let me know what you think - it's SmileyWare after all! ;-)
Program Status/Known Bugs:
• Gameplay is still a little slow and tends to get slower as the game goes on and with subsequent games. This is due to some memory leaks that I'm still tracking down...
• Aliens occasionally scroll off the edge of the screen when a left or righthand-most alien is killed that's not at the bottom of its column
• Missiles and aliens bombs can occasionally go slightly off course when the aliens are left-most or right-most of the screen
• Game can ocassionally crash if it's the foreground app and the machine is switched off for a long period (say >2 hrs)
Tentative Timescale:
Not for release. All the preliminary programming and bug-fixing prior to initial testing.
An initial closed beta test to weed out the worst of the bugs that I haven't spotted and to help set the game-play levels correctly (speed, difficulty, etc.).
v0.93ß (Current version)
Public beta release. Just to root out any final bugs.
Full release.
Sometime, maybe... ;¬)
Saturday, 1 April 2006