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Anything to do with the Web or Connectivity on or with your EPOC machine.

‘Lost & Found’ - Communications

File Description (5KB) AIM is Dan Ramage's freeware mini-app facilitating the use of AOL's Instant Messaging software on EPOC. Requires EPOC Release 5 with Java and a working net connection. Runs best on a Series 7 or netBook. v1.00 (64KB) Bloobox - released as freeware by Wired Pr0tea and Phull Phat Software in 1998-99 - was essentially a phreaking aid/program. And if you don't know what 'phreaking' is then you almost certainly won't be interested in this software! v0.9b (1.4MB) Similar to MochaPPP (below), DsLink is a small windows utility that allows EPOC devices to connect to the internet via a Windows 95/98/Me/2k/XP PC. For example you can use it to log on to your email server (internet) and download your email. Originally published by David Spooner's Makesure Services Ltd. as uncrippled shareware, it was sold to another company but now appears to be unavailable. I've added a couple of PDF files explaining how to set it up (generated from their original website and from one on revoworld). v1.00 (010) (18KB) Dual_O - by Lutz Wohlfarth - is a program designed to allow the installation and use of both versions of Opera (v3.62 and v5.14) on your machine at the same time. v1.00 Freeware (58KB) The IMAP4 patch from Psion that lets you use IMAP4 email with your ER5 email program. (8KB) These are the original beta Ethernet drivers originally released by Psion for the Series 7. In actual fact they're apparently more alpha than beta... Reported to work with both the Series 7 and the malayBook - but fairly buggy apparently. (33KB) MailArc is a message archiver for the Psion ER5 Email program. It enables received and sent emails and SMS messages to be stored in plain text files, for archiving or for subsequent import into the Psion Data application. It was published as un-crippled shareware by KuDaTa in 2002 but their website has disappeared so I guess it's abandoned now. Works on all ER5 machines - not Series 5. v1.04ß
MochaPPP (141KB) Similar to DSLink (above), Mocha W32 PPP is a Windows app. that can be used to connect your Psion (or PalmPilot or Windows CE device) to a Windows 95/98/NT/2k/XP directly through a serial cable, giving direct access to the network (Internet) on your local PC. Works with both dial-up and broadband connections (although can't cope with proxy connections as far as I know). There's a good guide on how to configure it for Psion use on Thomas F. van der Zijden's Psi-On Line website. MochaPPP used to be shareware but I'm pleased to say that MochaSoft recently released it as freeware. v4.0
Opera v3.62 (ER3) (208KB) Full version of Opera v3.62 for ER3 machines (Series 5, Geofox, Osaris).
Opera v3.62 (ER5) (213KB) Full version of Opera v3.62 for ER5 machines (5mx, revo, mako, Series 7, netBook, netPad, MC218).
Opera v5.13 (ER3) (997KB) Opera v5.13 for ER3 machines (Series 5, Geofox, Osaris).
Opera v5.13 (ER5) (1.01MB) Opera v5.13 for ER5 machines (5mx, MC218, revo, mako, Series 7, netBook, netPad).
Opera v5.14 (ER3) (998KB) Opera v5.14 for ER3 machines (Series 5, Geofox, Osaris). You may also be interested in the 'OperaSettings' file on the ‘Xtra Software’ page. This is a file for replacing the Opera.ini file in c:\System\Apps\Opera\ in order to optimise all of Opera's settings. In theory you can do this from within Opera - except apparently there's a bug within Opera v5.14 in that changes to the security settings are not saved/displayed correctly. NB: Some people have reported problems running v5.14 on Series 5 machines - v3.62 may work better.

Update: Opera Software have very kindly provided free registration codes for v5.14 for general use. I've added the registration code to the zip file as well as quoting it here. ER3 code is: e-wvSrQ-NAywD-JkUEs-jcLRn-rAnfT
Opera v5.14 (ER5) (1MB) Opera v5.14 for ER5 machines (5mx, MC218, revo, mako, Series 7, netBook, netPad). Note that v5.14 is built into the latest version of the netBook's OS already and should not therefore normally be required. You may also be interested in the 'OperaSettings' file on the ‘Xtra Software’ page. This is a file for replacing the Opera.ini file in c:\System\Apps\Opera\ in order to optimise all of Opera's settings. In theory you can do this from within Opera - except apparently there's a bug within Opera v5.14 in that changes to the security settings are not saved/displayed correctly.

Update: Opera Software have very kindly provided free registration codes for v5.14 for general use. I've added the registration code to the zip file as well as quoting it here. ER5 code is: e-XfaKu-WsCLh-rLaKT-y3tjW-k76bs (5KB) Signature is a small helper app which allows you to add signatures onto the end of emails you write in Psion's email software. This is a version for ER5 machines (5mx, revo, Series 7, etc.). The program is supplied with a keygen utility (Signature.opo) as it's now been made freeware. v1.11 (5KB) Signature is a small helper app which allows you to add signatures onto the end of emails you write in Psion's email software. This is a version for pre-ER5 machines (i.e. using Message Suite). The program is supplied with a keygen utility (Signature.opo) as it's now been made freeware. v1.11 (235KB) This zip file contains both the TCP/IP Update for ER5 machines created by Psion Texlogix and IrLan drivers. The TCP/IP update is designed to prevent EPOC machines (Psion 5, 7, netBook, revo, Ericsson MC218, netPad, etc.) from freezing when connected to ISPs that don't filter out traffic to port 135. Effectively provides the same protection as the 'Sink' program by Hans Lub but without having to run another program. (222KB) The Psion WAPBrowser was developed by Purple Software and distributed for free on the latest PsiWin installation CDs. However, it seems to have largely disappeared from the Web. This is the latest version: 1.00f (56), Stack 1.00 (28) - and installs as v1.04 on the machine itself. The colour icons/patch are available on my colour icons page. (217KB) As above but German installation. (217KB) As above but French installation. (371KB) This was the last version of Web that Psion released - optimised for use on the S7/netBook (colour, etc.). v2.00(49) (398KB) As above but for the revo/revo+/mako.

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Friday, 7 April 2006