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"Take the future in hand." So said the tagline on Neuon's website and for many years they did! Neuon was one of the leading shareware (and indeed freeware) software houses during EPOC's heyday; writing many innovative and in some cases arguably definitive applications for the platform.

Towards the end of 2005, Neuon announced that they were no longer accepting registrations for their shareware apps. and there have also been some site stability issues. Hence I am providing an alternative download location for some of their programs here. For the shareware apps., I haven't uploaded any generic registration keys with them but I'll be happy to discuss anyone's individual requirements if they'd like to drop me a line.

Link to Neuon's site

‘Lost & Found’ - Neuon applications

File Author Description
AlterNet (69KB) Andre Hofmeyr AlterNet is a flexible website and email manager where you can store all your frequently used mail addresses and favourite web sites and a lot more beside. It interacts with Message Suite to offer you the ultimate in email and web integration.

Key Features:
- You can store information about your favourite Websites and Email addresses
- You can write Quick Emails and AlterNet allows you to choose entries from your database and automatically insert your preferred signature
- It lets you create, edit, delete and insert Signatures, categorize, edit and delete your entries for easy viewing, launch your entries in either Web or Email, and set up Mailing Lists on your EPOC machine
- Automatic encryption of sensitive data is done prior to writing it to file
- It lets you launch text and intelligently decides whether the text is an email or a website and then launches the respective application
- It can automatically create an entry for you which includes the URL of the current web page you are browsing
- AlterNet lets you print, import, export entries as well as search for text within entries
- Multiple zoom levels
- Comprehensive help file
- AlterNet now works with and without Message Suite installed.

NB: AlterNet only works with ER3 machines (Series 5, Geofox, Osaris). V2.00
Asteroids (55KB) Phil Gooch "Asteroids is the fast paced EPOC port of the old arcade favourite by the same name. One of the fastest paced EPOC games available, Asteroids recreates an arcade classic in full EPOC glory!" Features: Fast, smooth, flicker-free vector graphics, Inverse video feature to allow play in most lighting conditions, Variable vector beam width, Sound effects, Hi score table, Three levels of difficulty, Compatible with Series 5, Geofox, Series 5mx and Revo, Improved Revo compatibility by fixing the size of the 'Configure keys' dialog. Freeware v1.02
Asteroids - Source code (25KB) Phil Gooch Source code for the above game.
Castle III - Colour machines (260KB) Darren Prescott Castle III is the third in the Castle series of role playing games, and the first to run on versions 1-5 of Symbian OS. In Castle III, you play the part of a hero out to defeat the evil Storm Queen, who has taken all the maidens from your village. To do this, you\'ll have to face many different monsters, while visiting shops to buy new weapons and spells to help you. v1.10
Castle III - Monochrome machines (303KB) Darren Prescott As above but for Osaris, revo, Series 5/mx, and MC218. Will play in either 4 or 16 grey scales.
Castle III - 9210 Beta (179KB) Darren Prescott A Nokia 9210 Beta of the above.
Castle III Hints - EPOC Help file (192KB) Darren Prescott Hints
Castle III Hints - PDF file (768KB) Darren Prescott Hints
Castle III - Level walkthrough in PDF (217KB) Darren Prescott Walkthrough
Daleks (13KB) Jon Read Neuon's site described Daleks thus: "Daleks is a simple but infuriatingly addictive arcade strategy game that has been popular on many different platforms for several decades.

"The Game
You play Doctor Who, and have been thrown into a room of Daleks armed with only a broken teleporter and your trusty sonic screwdriver. Your only hope is to avoid the Daleks and to lure them into hitting one another, thus destroying them. Kill them all, only to be thrown into another room containing even more Daleks!

"The Objective
Your objective is to stay alive for as long as possible! The longer you stay alive, the more points you accumulate."

v1.01 Freeware. Colour icon and patch available on my Colour Icons page.
Doodler (80KB) Gary Belcher Doodler is a pen-based jotter for the Psion Series 5, where you 'doodle' notes directly onto the screen using your stylus/pen. v3.00

Key features:
• Easy-to-use interface, complete with custom toolbar and a bigger doodling area.
• An option to make DOODLER instantly available from within any application, as an 'on-top' icon or via a hotkey.
• Faster drawing engine.
• A powerful browser enabling thumbnail viewing of doodles, for quick selection and editing.
• An 'Auto-show' facility automatically flicks through all the doodle pages. On reaching the desired doodle, press a key, and it is loaded for editing.
• System clipboard integration allowing cut, copy and paste actions to and from any application which supports objects or pasting of EPOC pictures.
• A 'Merge in ' tool, to import both MBM and Sketch files directly into the current doodle page.
• A comprehensive set of export tools in both MBM or Sketch format. This permits attaching doodles to emails and inserting them as objects in Agenda, Word, Sheet etc. Includes re-scaling option of the exported output.
• Full printing and faxing support.
HexEditor (142KB) Jens Kaminski HexEditor makes editing or decoding binary documents and efficient process with features like saves bookmarks to disk and file compare. And in the event of an editing mistake the undo button can be used to revert back to the previous state.

Key features:
• Wildcard search and replace by ASCII or hexadecimal data
• Hexadecimal calculator/converter
• Navigation features such as jump forward byte count and jump to relative offset
• OPL program decompiler, OPO/APP file structure information and access in the form of a plugin (3rd party SDK available to write custom plugins)
• Last accessed history list
• Data insertion/deletion
• Bookmarks system (saveable to disk)
• Advanced 'undo' support
• Customisable user interface
• File compare feature
• Print document as hexadecimal data
• Decimal and ASCII views
• Informative display
• Fast file searching

HexEditor was originally 'registerable freeware'. However, since it is no longer possible to register this program, I have included a generic code in the zip file. v3.00
HexEditor - 'Decompiler' module (20KB) Jens Kaminski A 'Decompiler' plugin module for HexEditor above.
HotKeys - Series 5/mx/MC218 (157KB) Henry Hirst / Alex Skilton "HotKeys is a task launcher. It augments the system screen by extending the available options for launching programs and documents, and provides enhanced integration of the current system features. It is designed to be fast, flexible and very easy to use, and has a range of tightly focused features. These are presented on a custom interface, specially designed for the task, yet which has all the familiarity of the system folders." v3.00
HotKeys - Series 7 / netBook (157KB) Henry Hirst / Alex Skilton As above but for colour machines.

- Launching programs and documents including some not normally supported by the system, such as text, image, zip and html files
- The sharing of functions by any program or document on the machine
- Additional Bookmarks for the system folders to make navigation easier
- ClipBooks to create a glossary of frequently used text, phrases and objects (e.g sketch) to share amongst programs
- Options to control activity at power-on
- Support for Macro5 macros to provide automation and additional functions
- Hotkey switching between open programs and files
- Extended control of the backlight
Marker (100KB) Henry Hirst / Alex Skilton "Fed-up of having to spend a lifetime wading through layer upon layer of folders to find the one you want? Well it's time to cheer-up!! Marker is a simple freeware utility to make system navigation easier." So said Neuon's description of what is essentially a System bookmark manager. Specific features include: Create up to 255 additional boomarks for your folders, accessible from a configurable system-wide hotkey or pen tap, Cycle through open tasks using a system-wide hotkey, Special bookmarks for rapid return to the Marker menu, to jump to folders not previously bookmarked, and to set a bookmark for the current system folder without having to return to Marker, and Access to folders on all drives including the ROM (drive Z). Designed for 5/mx but works perfectly on S7/nB (and colour icons/patch available on my Colour Icons page which colour everything). Freeware v1.10.
Matience (112KB) Kevin Crate Matience is an implementation of Mah-jongg patience. The object of the game is to remove all of the tiles by repeatedly removing matching pairs of selectable tiles. Designed for use on 5/mx/MC218 machines, the program also runs on larger screened devices. v1.00
Matience - User Manual (61KB) Kevin Crate User manual in zipped PDF format.

Key features of program:
- Preview and Hint modes for easy gameplay for novices
- Includes 7 families of tile pictures and 14 different layouts
- Customisable board backgrounds
- Design your own games using the included Layout Editor
- Limitless numbers of tilesets can be added
Merlin - Colour version (169KB) Graham Parks Merlin is an macro compatible, toolbar-driven, application launcher. With Merlin you can create toolbars for any application and you can even have different toolbars for individual documents within an application. v1.00

The core Merlin distribution is supplied with the following plugins:-
- Battery Information
- Button (App/Doc/Macro/Folder/Web/ClipText and Key presses)
- Positioner
- Spacer
- Link Toggle
- Sound Toggle
Merlin - Mono version (162KB) Graham Parks Mono version of above for use on 5/mx/MC218. Merlin has been tested on a Psion Revo. It is fully compatible but some configuration dialogs are too large to fit on the Revo's smaller screen. It is, however, perfectly usable.
Merlin - User manual (135KB) Graham Parks User manual in zipped PDF format.

Key program features:
- Attach a variety of text, graphical or mixed buttons to the toolbar
- Configure the buttons to launch applications, documents, Macro5 macros, Web sites, custom controls, file browsers, file finders, your favourite menu commands, bespoke status indicators, Opm's and Opo's and much, much more.
- With its developer API for both OPL and C++ plug-ins, there is no limit to the options which can be attached to a toolbar button.
- Full Macro5 and Extrabars compatible macro support
Merlin - Plugin: Backlight (Colour) (4KB) Graham Parks Plugin: Backlight (Series 7/netBook)
Merlin - Plugin: Backlight (Mono) (4KB) Graham Parks Plugin: Backlight (Series 5/mx/MC218)
Merlin - Plugin: Caps Lock (Colour) (4KB) Graham Parks Plugin: Caps Lock (Series 7/netBook)
Merlin - Plugin: Caps Lock (Mono) (3KB) Graham Parks Plugin: Caps Lock (Series 5/mx/MC218)
Merlin - Plugin: Date & Time (Colour) (4KB) Graham Parks Plugin: Date & Time (Series 7/netBook)
Merlin - Plugin: Date & Time (Mono) (4KB) Graham Parks Plugin: Date & Time (Series 5/mx/MC218)
Merlin - Plugin: Memory Info (Colour) (5KB) Graham Parks Plugin: Memory Info (Series 7/netBook)
Merlin - Plugin: Memory Info (Mono) (5KB) Graham Parks Plugin: Memory Info (Series 5/mx/MC218)
Merlin - Plugin: Task List (Colour) (3KB) Graham Parks Plugin: Task List (Series 7/netBook)
Merlin - Plugin: Task List (Mono) (3KB) Graham Parks Plugin: Task List (Series 5/mx/MC218)
nArchive (75KB) Graham Parks nArchive allows you to compress and restore all of the files that belong to a program (or any other group of files) at the touch of a button. nArchive can automatically select which files belong to a program including any embedded files, using data from the Add/Remove control panel, or they can be selected manually by folder or file. Files are returned to their original location after decompression by either selection from the application's simple to use interface or by the user defined hotkey setup for the program group.

Compression ratios obtained by nArchive are typically 40-50% and files hundreds of KBs in size can be compressed in a few seconds. nArchive also includes the ability to quickly compress and uncompress individual documents. When a compressed document is opened from System it is first uncompressed, then opened with the appropriate application and then once the document has been closed any changes are save and recompressed. v1.01

Key Features:
- One touch compression and uncompression
- Program files are automatically selected
- Reduces file sizes by 40-50%
- Hotkeys allow fast access
- Single document compression
nConvert - Colour version (420KB) Neuon described nConvert as follows:
"nConvert is an on-board conversion application for all Symbian platform devices.

"The application allows you to seamlessly convert between Symbian EPOC native files and their external counterparts (in both directions). nConvert is primarily of use for those people who are operating in a mobile environment and therefore do not have access to a PC containing an Symbian Connect variant (such as PsiWin), the Microsoft Windows-based conversion suite. It is important to note that nConvert supports additional conversion functionality beyond that of Symbian Connect (including full embedded object conversion and improved graphics support).

"nConvert's user interface has been carefully designed as to provide the best possible environment for the application's plugin converters. Features include a file browser for speedy navigation of disk drives, files and folders, a recent files view which either shows recently converted documents on pre-ER5 machines or the System-wide recent file list on ER5 devices. One touch ZIP provides a method for you compress the sometimes large files and any associated documents into industry standard PKZip files. Optionally you can automatically attach the files to an email message for easy sending.

"nConvert also provides a "quick view" application that allows you to quickly open external documents in an equivalent native application. With this advanced functionality you could for example, just click a RTF attachment in "Email" and see it in Symbian Word." v1.01
nConvert - GIF graphics plugin (5KB) Additional graphics plugin for use on all platforms.
nConvert - Mono version (418KB) As above but mono version for use on 5/mx, revo/+, Mako, Osaris, MC218.

Key facts for both versions:
- Symbian Word -> HTML 4.01 Transitional, RTF 1.5, ASCII
- Symbian Sheet -> HTML, CSV, Microsoft Excel 4.1
- Symbian Jotter -> HTML, RTF, Symbian Word
- Symbian Program -> Text
- Symbian Sketch / MBM -> Various image file formats
- Microsoft Excel 4.1, 95, 97 and 2000 -> Symbian Sheet
- Microsoft Access '97 -> CSV (for import into Symbian Data)
- RTF (all versions) -> Symbian Word
- Netscape bookmarks -> Web Bookmarks
- Various image formats to each other (BMP, PCX, Symbian Sketch, Symbian Bitmap (MBM), JPEG, LBM, TGA, XBM, TIFF and GIF (optional download))
- CSV to Sheet, Text to Word, Program and plain text, HTML to Word
- Support for ER3 through to ER5 on all Symbian devices from colour 640x480 screens to mono 480x160.
- Powerful user interface with multiple views and quick view utility
- One touch Emailing & Zipping
nFTP - Colour (65KB) Chris Matthee nFTP is Neuon's FTP (File Transfer Protocol) tool, allowing you to transfer files to and from a remote connection, using the standard FTP format.

"Providing a powerful desktop-like FTP interface, nFTP strictly adheres to the look and feel of the standard "built-in" EPOC applications, nFTP is simple to operate, fast, and requires only 128k of compact flash space.

• Powerful hierarchical profiles - not found in any other client, allows you to maintain "folders" containing your favourite nFTP sites.
• Fast - streamlined in this new release to work more efficiently.
• Functional - providing a wealth of features, including transfer type selection, ports, profiles, multiple file transfer, progress information, and an unobtrusive user interface." v1.30

Update: Chris Matthee has kindly given me permission to offer a generic registration code for nFTP - essentially now making it Freeware! I've added this code to the zip file.
nFTP - Mono (65KB) Chris Matthee As above but for Revo, Series 5mx, Series 5, MC218.

Fact files:
- Requires Message Suite to be installed and a connection to the internet
- Graphical user interface
- Bookmarks for storing favourite ftp sites
- Automatically disables/enables the Remote Link
- Multiple zoom levels
- Commands include copy, delete, make new directory and change directory
- Log window stores all messages from server

Update: Chris Matthee has kindly given me permission to offer a generic registration code for nFTP - essentially now making it Freeware! I've added this code to the zip file.
nICQ (253KB) Dr David Kren nICQ is an EPOC version of ICQ (short for 'I Seek You'); the online instant messaging system. nICQ was initially shareware but the program's author has now released a generic key to make it free and I've enclosed that in the zip file. Features inlude: Easy to use intuitive user interface, On screen contacts list with filtering options, allowing on-line/off-line users to be seen at a glance, Allows multiple ICQ accounts with separate contacts list, and Supports sounds which are played when a message or URL is received. Compatible with all EPOC machines (requires that EPOC Message Suite be installed on non-ER5 machines). The author has released a generic registration key for it - essentially now making it Freeware. v2.2
Nightkeys - 5/mx/MC218 (36KB) T.A. Ross Described by 3-Lib as "A great little utility...", Nightkeys provides an on-screen, pen-driven, keyboard which allows you to continue using your machine when you cannot see the keyboard (e.g. in the dark!). Features include: 'Stay-on-top' implementation to make NightKeys permanently visible, all the time, without affecting the foreground application, Control,shift and function keys have been added, Shift lock and function lock are provided, Control keys (and Shift+Ctrl keys) can be generated, Hide in the background, and Moving the application off-screen iconises the application. Freeware v2.0
Nightkeys - S7/nB (36KB) T.A. Ross As above but for Series 7 / netBook / colour machines.
NoMore (41KB) Alex Skilton Neuon described NoMore thus: "NoMore is an application to hide infrequently used applications from the Extras bar to reduce clutter. With a small footprint, lightning fast operation and ER5 compatibility, this is a must for any avid Psion user's EPOC32 machine." v1.05 Freeware

Key features:
• Hides and reveals all applications including ER5 applications.
• Allows you to run any hidden application from within NoMore, or with an "Alternative startup" view
• Allows you to create links to applications
• Hidden applications are available as a list
nOPLPlus - EPOC program (258KB) Twiddlebit software nOPL+ features a project based OPL Developer's editor and OPP.exe, a back-end translator and pre-processor which supports standard EPOC OPL and adds a wealth of additional features such as #pragmas, Macros, 'C' style operators, re-use of code libraries, multi-dimensional arrays and STRUCTS. v1.20
nOPLPlus - Manual (61KB) Twiddlebit software Key features:
- Formerly known as OPL+
- 'C' style pre-processor
- #define directive for simple macros
- Auto layout, indent and prefix remove/insert
- Conditional translation directives: #if, #ifdef, #ifndef, #else, #elif,#endif
- Include files, both system and standard
- Line continuation character
- Multi-dimensional array support
- C style structures and pointers to structures
- C and C++ style comments
- Facility for creating library OPL source files
- Macro recording utility
- Associate files with a project
nOPLPlus - OPP for DOS (55KB) Twiddlebit software An OPP for MS-DOS.
nOPLPlus - SiBO Version (180KB) Twiddlebit software OPP & OPPDBG for SIBO machines (Series 3a etc.)
nOPLPlus - WINS C Library (86KB) Twiddlebit software WINS C standard library, required for nOPL+ WINS edition
nOPLPlus - WINS REL (221KB) Twiddlebit software WINS REL files.
nOrganiser (133KB) Dave Pearce "nOrganiser is the new “Today” style application with a combined view for Agenda To-do items, Email inbox overview and Agenda’s current appointments - all easily accessible with full EPOC integration." v1.27

Key features:
- A 'today-at-a-glance' view for agenda file items.
- Email summary details and shortcut buttons. (Currently ER1-ER3 only, an updated version featuring ER4-5 email view will be available in due course)
- Data file 'search' and 'card summary' facilities.
- Shortcut keys to built-in Agenda, Email, Data, Contacts and Jotter files.
- Creation of all types of Agenda entries from within the program
- Graphical note taker
- Very easy to use and clear user interface
- Large degree of customisability
- Works on all EPOC devices
nRSCUtil - Colour version (130KB) Jens Karminski & Stephen Goldsmith This application facilitates the creation and editing of EPOC resource files on EPOC devices themselves, primarily of use to OPL developers. RSC files can be use to easily create localised versions of your application without changing the actual source code, vital when an external party does the translation. Also because RSC files are normally quite small, it allows you to distribute just one SIS file that has multiple language dependant RSC files, thereby keeping distribution preparation time down. nRSCUtil also has the useful feature of viewing already compiled RSC files, including the option to extract a RSG or token list from the file for incorporation into an application. Tokens can be exported in 3 different formats, "Program" editor OPL, ASCII opl or an ASCII C headers. Editing resource files is done with a simple text interface and specially structured ASCII text. v1.00 Freeware
nRSCUtil - Mono version (130KB) Jens Karminski & Stephen Goldsmith As above but non-colour machines. Freeware

Key features:
- EPOC on board resource file creation
- Save resource tokens in various formats and with custom prefixes
- Resource file viewer
- Compatible with all machines
- Easy creation of multiple language resources
- Various resource file entry types
- ASCII text data source.
- Flexible text parser with support for comments and special characters
nSISUtil (146KB) Jens Kaminski With nSISUtil you can develop programs entirely on your EPOC machine, without ever having to use a Windows PC for the final build phase. Though nSISUtil offers more than the EPOC Windows SDK’s SIS compiler with a user Friendly user interface and helpful syntax checking and report and sometimes can automatically prepare a solution. Key features: Create/edit PKG files, Create SIS files, Recreate PKG files by extracting details from the SIS file, Optimise function, Syntax checking, Explore a SIS file and extract file details. Freeware v1.40.
nSwitcher (38KB) Graham Parks nSwitcher displays an icon bar with a button for each running program. It allows you to switch to or close any running program with a single touch of the pen. It can be minimised or hidden at any time, and is fully configurable. Features include: Popup list of open documents, Auto-minimise reduces nSwitcher to a small tab after use, Compatible with all EPOC devices, Make use of the System key when already in System, and Task cycling via Control+Menu/Space. Individual programs can be hidden from nSwitcher to save screen space. Freeware v1.02 (133KB) 'nZip Team' This is a 'stable beta' of Neuon's nZip program - which was never released. It's a zip management program - similar to RMRZip - but using the normal Neuon interfaces - and Freeware! I suspect that the code here was used as the basis for the zip functionality in others such as nConvert, nArchive, etc. This is the colour version for colour machines. (131KB) 'nZip Team' As above but the monochrome version for mono machines. Although I haven't actually tried it on a revo to check compatibility, my guess is that it'll work.
Q-Calc (112KB) Graham Parks Q-Calc is an advanced scientific calculator with integrated function grapher. It has a lot more features than the built-in calculator, including an advanced screen display and full fraction, hex and binary support. The history list provides easy access to previous calculations and results, and a hotlist is provided for frequently used calculations. A live calculation feature displays the answer to an expression as you type in real-time and an evaluate option simplifies entering complex calculations.

Q-Calc uses advanced display techniques to show expressions the same way they are written, with powers as superscripts, stacked fractions and square roots drawn around numbers. It also supports multiple zoom levels. Expressions can be exported as sketch files, so Q-Calc also works as an equation editor. The built in utilities will solve triangles, simultaneous equations and quadratics, as well as finding gradients and converting between rectangular and polar coordinates. The matrix calculator can multiply, add, subtract and divide, as well as transposing and inverting.

The integrated function grapher supports up to six graphs simultaneously, and will find y values, intersects, minimums and maximums as well as calculating gradients and second derivative. Graphing speed has been found to be far ahead of competition, with tests proving it to be up to four times faster.

The graph editor has the same editing features as the calculator. There is a choice of colour and line thickness for each graph. Graphs can also be exported as sketches.

Q-Calc is in a different league to the built-in Calc application and will prove invaluable for any EPOC users who need a powerful calculator and/or graphing program on their machines. v2.21

Program Features:
- Advanced display
- Fast integrated function grapher, with trace mode and analysis
- Previous calculation list and hotlist
- Comprehensive selection of functions, including advanced trig, hyperbolic, boolean and probability
- Configurable on screen keypad
- 8 number formats: fraction, general, scientific, engineering, fixed (dp and sf), binary and hex
- Live calculation
- Matrix calculator
- Export as sketch option for both expressions and graphs
- Graph expression preview feature
- Improved Revo compatibility
- Multpile enhancements to main engine
QuikList - NetBook/S7 (49KB) Richard Balch Neuon described this listing application as follows: "Quiklist 3's user interface has been designed to allow you to create and modify your list with the minimum of effort, either using the stylus or the keyboard. Completed items can be ticked just by clicking the small box to the side of the item and dates or priorities can be modified without needing to open a dialog. It is the ability to quickly navigate your tasks that makes the program so appealing to people who work in environments where there priorities are always changing.

The emphasis has been put squarely on simplicity and usability. Tasks can be easily grouped together using text based tags. The list can the be filtered using on screen drop down selectors to show just the items that match criteria you specify.. Tasks can also be filtered based on the due date. If you have a long list, a find function which supports wildcards will locate any items with matching text in either the title or the notes field that you are able to attach.

The final real distinction which Quiklist deserves is the fact that it's written entirely in C++ giving significant speed advantages." v3.71
QuikList - Revo/Mako (49KB) Richard Balch As above but for revo and mako machines.

Key features:
• Efficient todo list
• Intuitive user interface
• Task prioritisation
• Task grouping
• Filtering
• Find feature with wild card support
QuikList - 5/mx/MC218 (49KB) Richard Balch As above but for 5/mx and MC218.
Rally (256KB) Jonnie Walker Rally is "Micro Machines"™ style gaming for your EPOC device. This game is an arcade style plan view racing game for EPOC with excellent graphics and many other unique features. Rally works on the 'Ghost car' concept. This is for two reasons: Firstly, it improves game speed, secondly, it means the game's difficulty level will continually adapt itself to your ability. You are constantly racing against your best laps. Rally can be played in the 'Novice' difficulty level will pitch you against the slowest 3 (depending on number of opponents), 'Advanced' against the middle 3 and 'Professional' against the fastest 3. Also featured in this new game is a fully featured map editor to allow you to design tracks that can be easily shared between friends or over the internet. Psion Revo is fully supported as are all other EPOC machines (colour graphics not yet available for the S7 or netBook). v1.04

Key features:
- One of few fast action games available
- Race against you own best laps
- Impressive graphics
- Map editor
- Revo compatible
- New cars/tracks available online
- Over 15 tracks
- Highly customisable
- Improve your car with prize money
- Arcade style driving experience
Rally (260KB) Jonnie Walker v1.05 of Rally. I'm not entirely sure what this version is supposed to offer over and above v1.04 but I do know that some people have reported problems with this version - so use at your own risk.
Recycle (173KB) Richard Betts A Recycle-bin style application for EPOC. Recycle provides you with the ability to protect yourself against accidental deletion of files. After selecting files for deletion in the system screen, deleted items are then compressed and archived - these may then be deleted on a permanent basis or restored to their full entirety at a later date.
Recycle - ER3 Patch (32KB) Richard Betts Key Features:
- Dual mode operation - select single or multiple files for recycling
- PC style recycle features - recycle files or whole directories
- Deleted files are compressed for data efficiency
- Highly customisable
- Clear the entire contents of the recycle
- Seamless integration with the System screen
- Sort files by a number of criteria
Sound Off (10KB) Ben Vaisvil A simple utility that toggles the sound on and off via the extras bar. Sound state can also be determined by the icon on the extras bar, very useful when you need to know when the sound is off. Known to work on Series 5 but should work on other machines too. v1.30 Freeware
ThesLink (27KB) Alex Skilton ThesLink is a utility designed to integrate the EPOC word processor with the thesaurus. Just put the cursor in front of the word in question, and press the hotkey, and a list of synonyms will appear in Spell. Then select your synonym and press the hotkey, and the new synonym will be pasted back into your word processor! v3.01 Freeware
VPM (43KB) Nik Van den Wijngaert VPM - Virtual Psion Mouse. By just using your Series 5, with VPM you can replace your PC's mouse, keyboard and use your machine as a graphics tablet! Please note that it is important that you download both the EPOC and PC component (below) in the downloads section. V1.00
VPM - PC Component (819KB) Nik Van den Wijngaert Key Features:
- VPM consists of two applications, one which runs on the PC and one on the Series 5
- VPM PC has a transparent scalable window which translates touch screen input on the Series 5, into mouse input on the PC
- Use your Psion as a laptop style glidepad mouse, a graphics tablet, an alternative keyboard, to annotate presentations etc.
- On-screen mouse buttons for ease-of-use
- Capture areas of your PC's desktop directly to your Series 5 as a scaled bitmap
- Use your Series 5 in landscape or portrait mode
- The VPM PC program is suitable for Windows 95/98 or NT (although suspect that it will work with 2000 and XP)
Zheroes - Colour version (512KB) Joeri Capens "ZherØes - The garden's wargame" ZherØes is a tactical action game. The goal is to make your own team of soldiers survive the battle against the other teams. So be a hero, not a zero. There can be up to 4 teams playing, with up to 8 soldiers per team. There are four weapons: bazooka, grenade, shotgun and TNT. If you're not with friends, just turn on the Artificial Intelligence, and defeat your own computer! Fast graphics and the ability to zoom make it fun to play, also on devices with a smaller screen." Essentially this is the game of 'Worms' on the EPOC platform. Freeware - v1.10.
Zheroes - Mono version (377KB) Joeri Capens As above but for monochrome machines.
PacMan (External Link) Jérôme Dern Link to Jérôme Dern's website where this program can still be downloaded and registered.
Blobs (External Link) Adam Dawes Link to Adam Dawes website where this program can still be downloaded and registered. Currently he is offering to register all 3 of his EPOC programs for the price of one!
Chain Reaction (External Link) Adam Dawes Link to Adam Dawes website where this program can still be downloaded and registered. Currently he is offering to register all 3 of his EPOC programs for the price of one!
Tile Fall (External Link) Adam Dawes Link to Adam Dawes website where this program can still be downloaded and registered. Currently he is offering to register all 3 of his EPOC programs for the price of one!

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Friday, 24 November 2006