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A capture of most of the Psion support files available at in the 'MyPsion' downloads section for all the available EPOC devices (revo, revo+, Series 5, 5mx, 5mxPro, Series 7, and netBook). These were originally split out into different pages for each device but since there is so much file duplication, I decided to put everything onto one page with a description saying which machine(s) it applies to.

Psion Support Files: EPOC

File OS Psion Category Description
PsiWin 2.3.3 - English (24.6MB) Windows 98, NT, 2000, XP All Application PsiWin PC connectivity software enables you to connect your Psion to your PC or laptop in order to back-up your data, install additional software and synchronise your data. This version of PsiWin offers support for Windows 98, NT, 2000, ME and XP.

Please note: This download is almost 25Mb in size and will take approx 2hours 30mins to download on a 28.8kbps connection. Unless you are on a fast and reliable Internet connection I recommend that you use a download manager to download this file in order that you can resume the download should it be interrupted. It is a self-extracting file which when run will unpack to your system temp folder and autorun PsiWin setup.
Synchronization Upgrade for Series5/5mx (131KB) EPOC Series 5, 5mx Upgrade This upgrade improves synchronization between your PC and the Contacts application on the Series5/5mx. It eliminates the appearance of duplicate entries that occasionally appeared on some machines.
MacConnect OS 9.0 Upgrade (560KB) Macintosh All Upgrade Allows MacConnect to be used with Macintosh OS 9.0


This is an upgrade to Psion MacConnect 1.1.4, which allows you to back up and restore your Psion using your Macintosh computer and Mac OS 9.0.


This upgrade is only compatible with MacConnect 1.1.4. To find out which version of MacConnect you have installed, select About Psion from the Psion Icon on the System-wide Menu Bar. If you need to upgrade to version 1.1.4 from version 1.1.2 or 1.1.3 use the upgrade files below first to download the upgrade file and follow the on-screen instructions.
MacConnect 1.1.x Upgrade (407KB) Macintosh All Upgrade MacConnect 1.1.x upgrade. Once you have downloaded the file, use a suitable program to expand the files, such as StuffIt Expander™. Double-click on the expanded file and follow the onscreen instructions to install the upgrade.
InSync Pro upgrade for PsiWin 2.2 (2.0MB) Windows 95, 98, NT All Upgrade This upgrade provides InSync Pro with additional support for Notes R5. It is for users of InSync Pro and PsiWin 2.2 only. No additional functionality other than Notes R5 support is provided.

Installing Psion InSync Pro upgrade

Note: To install this update, you must have PsiWin 2.2 or 2.3 and Psion InSync Pro installed on your PC. If you do not have an InSync Pro licence, please contact your nearest Psion distributor for further details on obtaining one.

To install this program, follow the steps below:

1. Open the file '' and extract all files to a temporary location on your PC's hard drive.
2. From the files you have just extracted, run the file 'setup.exe'.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the Psion InSync Pro upgrade.
Email Synchronization Update 1.1 (for PsiWin 2.3/2.31) - English (1.2MB) EPOC All except Series 5 Upgrade This software is an upgrade for Psion Email Synchronization 1.0. To install this update, you must have PsiWin 2.3/2.31 and Email Synchronization 1.0 installed on your PC.

Installing this release resolves the following issues:

• There was no warning if you attempted to synchronize when the Email Synchronization software was not installed on your Psion.
• An email copied from the email Inbox to the Draft folder did not appear in the PC’s Draft folder after synchronizing.
• Synchronization log reports are now more comprehensive.
• Email Synchronization could not run multiple synchronization tasks.
• Emails with no body text would not synchronize.
• Emails were sometimes duplicated in the Inbox.
• Disconnecting the machine during synchronization moved all emails in the Inbox to the trash folder.
• PsiWin could not be uninstalled after Email Synchronization had been installed and uninstalled.
• Emails with HTML content were not synchronized from Outlook.
• Emails created on the Psion and then converted to PCmails did not synchronize.
• Emails created on the Psion and then moved to another folder were not synchronized to the PC.
• The Psion occasionally crashed after running an email synchronization task.

Installing Psion Email Synchronization 1.1

Note: To install this update, you must have PsiWin 2.3/2.31 and Email Synchronization 1.0 installed on your PC.

To install this program, follow the steps below:
1. Ensure that your Psion is connected to your PC and that it is set to use the link cable. To do this, select 'Remote Link' from the 'Tools' menu and set the 'Link' line to 'Cable'.
2. Open the file '' and extract all files to a temporary location on your PC’s hard drive.
3. From the files you have just extracted, run the file 'setup.exe'.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to install Psion Email Synchronization 1.1.
Series 5mx Mobile Connectivity Update v1.1 (605KB) EPOC 5mx, 5mxPro only Upgrade For the Series 5mx/5mx PRO only (English, German, French and Dutch) - an update that addresses some issues relating to connectivity with data-enabled mobile phones.

Siemens S25 - General IrDA & SMS problems.
Sagem M8300/RD750 -General problems with SMS. Bosch GSM908/909 - General problems with SMS.
Motorola Timeport L7089 - General problems with SMS, and data calls.
Support documentation for the Motorola Timeport L7089 is included in the update.

This update is NOT required for users of the Psion Series 5, Series 7 or Revo. The update is also NOT required for users of Spanish or Italian machines.
Lotus Organizer 5.0 and 6.0 Plugin for PsiWin (1.3MB) Windows 95, 98, NT All Upgrade This is a plug-in synchronizer for PsiWin 2.3.1 which provides synchronization for Lotus Organizer 5.0/6.0 Calendar and Address Book. This plug-in is not supported for use with PsiWin 2.3.3. Lotus Organizer does not incorporate a native email application.

Product Description:
The plug-in enables:

Revo, Series 3, 5, 5mx and Series 7 Agenda files (appointments, events, to-dos and anniversaries) to be synchronised with Lotus Organizer 5.0/6.0 Calendar.

Revo, Series 3, 5, 5mx and Series 7 Contacts file to be synchronised with a Lotus Organizer 5.0/6.0 Contacts list.
MacConnect OS 8.5 Upgrade (195KB) Macintosh All Upgrade Allows MacConnect to be used with Macintosh OS 8.5.

This is an upgrade to Psion MacConnect for Series 5 1.1.x which fixes a problem with Mac OS 8.5 and makes your version of Psion MacConnect fully Year 2000 compliant. This upgrade updates MacConnect 1.1.2 or 1.1.3 to 1.1.4.

Once you have downloaded the file, use a suitable program to expand the files, such as StuffIt Expander™. Double click on the resulting file to install the update. Note Users with MacConnect installed over PsiMac will only need to apply the MacConnect upgrade.
Java Virtual Machine 1.00 for the Series 5mx (1.3MB) EPOC 5mx Application Java virtual machine 1.00 for the Series 5mx. This allows you to run a new generation of Java applications and Java applets found on many web sites on your Series 5mx.

Java virtual machine 1.00 pour le Series 5mx : permet d'exécuter sur le Series 5mx une nouvelle génération d'applications et de mini-applications Java présentes sur de nombreux sites web.

Java Virtual Machine 1.00 für den Serie 5mx. Damit bringen Sie eine neue Generation von Java-Anwendungen und -Applets vieler Web-Sites auf Ihrem Serie 5mx zum Laufen.
InSync Pro (e) upgrade for PsiWin 2.3 (2.2MB) Windows 95, 98, NT All Upgrade This upgrade provides InSync Pro with additional support for Notes R5 and Email and Contact Manager synchronization, when used in conjunction with PsiWin 2.3 and a Psion Series 5mx, Revo or Series 7.

Installing Psion InSync Pro (e) upgrade

Note: To install this update, you must have PsiWin 2.2 or 2.3 and Psion InSync Pro installed on your PC. If you do not have an InSync Pro licence, please contact your nearest Psion distributor for further details on obtaining one.

To install this program, follow the steps below:

1. Open the file '' and extract all files to a temporary location on your PC's hard drive.
2. From the files you have just extracted, run the file 'setup.exe'.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the Psion InSync Pro E upgrade.
PsiMac for Macintosh OS (342KB) Macintosh All Upgrade Allows PsiMac to be used with a Macintosh OS.

This is an upgrade to PsiMac 1.0.x which fixes a problem with Mac OS 8.5 and makes your version of PsiMac fully Year 2000 compliant.

Once you have downloaded the file, use a suitable program to expand the files, such as StuffIt Expander™. Double click on the resulting file to install the update.

If you have Psion MacConnect installed over PsiMac, then you must download the MacConnect update instead.
PsiWin 2.x dBase Converter Update (558KB) Windows 95, 98, NT All Upgrade NOTE: This software is for PsiWin versions 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.3.1 only. It addresses the following problem that may be experienced when trying to convert Borland dBase files to the Psion data format.

dBase files created or modified after 31st  December 1999 cannot be converted to the Psion data format by PsiWin. PsiWin cannot recognise the file type and may prompt you to convert it to a Psion Word file. If you try to convert it, an error message is displayed.

This software fixes this problem for these versions of dBase:

• dBase III
• dBase IV
• dBase5

You only need to install the Converter Update if you have experienced the problems described above, or are likely to experience them. 
PsiWin 2.3.1 - English (25.0MB) Windows 95, 98, NT All Application PsiWin PC connectivity software enables you to connect your Psion to your PC or laptop in order to back-up your data, install additional software and synchronise your data. This version of PsiWin offers support for Windows 95b, 98 and NT.

Users of InSync Pro (E) will require this version of PsiWin.

Please note: This download is 25Mb in size and will take approx 2hours 30mins to download on a 28.8kbps connection. Unless you are on a fast and reliable Internet connection I recommend that you use a download manager to download this file in order that you can resume the download should it be interrupted.
ROM loader application (363KB) Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, XP 5mxPro, netBook Application This application will allow you to load the Operating System from a file on your PC to your 5mx Pro or netBook. Note that this is only applicable to the 5mx Pro and the netBook which have a RAM based operating system
Synchronization Upgrade for Revo (131KB) EPOC Revo, Revo+ Upgrade This upgrade improves synchronization between your PC and the Contacts application on the Revo. It eliminates the appearance of duplicate entries that occasionally appeared on some machines.
OPL editor for the Revo (38KB) EPOC Revo, Revo+ Application Released as-is for the developer community, with no technical support from Psion. Please refer to symbiandevnet for more information on developing applications in OPL.
Web for the Revo, version 2.00 (911KB) EPOC Revo, Revo+ Application Web browser version 2 for the Revo and Revo Plus.
Series 5 IrDA Update 1.00 (43KB) EPOC Series 5 only Upgrade This update will improve the IrDA connection of the Psion Series 5 specifically for use with the range of Infra-red data enabled mobile phones such as the Ericsson SH888 or Nokia 8810. Please ensure that you have IrDA Update v1.51 or below installed, this patch is not required for Message Suite v1.52 or above.
Message Suite v1.52f (1.3MB) EPOC Series 5 only Application Email, send and receive fax, and full html 3.2 web browser for the Series 5 handheld computer.

!NOTE - this software is NOT for: Series 5mx / Revo or Series 7 handheld computers, these already have this updated Message Suite software.

What do I need to run Message Suite?

You will need a Series 5, a suitable Internet account, a modem or a suitable mobile phone and enough memory / disk space free on your Series 5.

How do I install Message Suite?

See readme.txt. It is important to read this document before installing Message Suite. Note - if you already have version 1.0 or 1.10 installed, to retain all your settings do not uninstall the old version before installing 1.50f.


• Fax, email and web browser software
• Complete manual
• Internet service provider connection files for popular US and UK ISPs
• readme.txt
• New control panels: Internet, Modems and Add/remove
Series 5 Software Service Release (English) (370KB) EPOC Series 5 only Upgrade This Service Release addresses a number of issues, which are outlined below. It does not update the Series 5 to the Series 5mx.


This update applies to all versions of the Series 5.

Installing the Service Release resolves the following issues:


• Printing from the Agenda, when using MM/DD/YYYY date format now functions correctly. Previously the date would be omitted.


• Operator precedence now works correctly Inserting rows/columns will now insert a blank row/column in the correct place when more than one row/column is selected.
• Concatenation (adding two text strings together with the & command) no longer results in a syntax error.


• Spell-checking a word file (or embedded word object) no longer results in an unexpected exit.
• Receiving text via infrared into a word document now works correctly.
• Inserting a page break by pressing Ctrl + Enter will no longer replace highlighted text.
• Selecting a range of pages to print now results in only those pages being printed.
• A style with a border and insets applied to a paragraph is no longer adversely affected by inserting bullet points.
• Print preview now previews a file correctly after changing the margin size.
• Pressing Shift + Ctrl + 5 no longer causes Panic CBase 21.
Series 5 Software Service Release (Multi-lingual Version) (439KB) EPOC Series 5 only Upgrade This Service Release addresses a number of issues, which are outlined below. It does not update the Series 5 to the Series 5mx.


This update applies to all versions of the Series 5.

Installing the Service Release resolves the following issues:


• Printing from the Agenda, when using MM/DD/YYYY date format now functions correctly. Previously the date would be omitted.


• Operator precedence now works correctly Inserting rows/columns will now insert a blank row/column in the correct place when more than one row/column is selected.
• Concatenation (adding two text strings together with the & command) no longer results in a syntax error.


• Spell-checking a word file (or embedded word object) no longer results in an unexpected exit.
• Receiving text via infrared into a word document now works correctly.
• Inserting a page break by pressing Ctrl + Enter will no longer replace highlighted text.
• Selecting a range of pages to print now results in only those pages being printed.
• A style with a border and insets applied to a paragraph is no longer adversely affected by inserting bullet points.
• Print preview now previews a file correctly after changing the margin size.
• Pressing Shift + Ctrl + 5 no longer causes Panic CBase 21.
Series 5 Printer Update (37KB) EPOC Series 5 only Upgrade Series 5 printer driver enhancements

Since the release of ROM version 1.01(145) a number of enhancements have been made to the printer drivers for use with the Series 5. These enhanced drivers have now been made available to Psion Computers, who in turn are releasing them free of charge to Series 5 customers.

A brief description of the enhancements made to each driver is detailed below;

Canon driver: Canon Bubblejet (BJ Mode) A new Canon bubblejet (BJ Mode) printer driver has been added, with 2 typefaces supported - Prestige and Courier. NB It does not support italic text or printing in Landscape mode.

Epson driver: Epson LQ-860, Citizen PN60 and Canon Bubblejet (LQ Mode) A new Canon bubblejet (LQ Mode) printer driver has been added which is for use with Canon Bubblejet printers that have been set in Epson LQ mode. Strike through text is now supported. Bold text printing improved. Page positioning improved. Print speed improved. Printing large blank areas no longer causes the printer to hang. Bug fixed where text completely ignored if some text was scheduled to be printed off page borders. Last page of document now ejected from printer. Changing font no longer wipes previous formatting. New Courier font sizes added.

General driver: Page positioning improved.

Pcl5: HP LaserJet and DeskJet drive White text on a black background now prints correctly. New Courier and Letter Gothic font sizes added. Print speed improved. Laser jet drivers renamed.

All drivers: Certain printers don't support printing in Landscape mode. An error is now raised if printing is attempted in Landscape for these printers.

The enhanced drivers come as an .sis file called Updated_Printer_Drivers_v1.sis. Copy the file Printers.sis to a temporary folder on your PC. Using MacConnect or PsiWin 2.1 and above double-click on the .sis to install the new drivers The .sis file will install the drivers to any drive in \system\printers\. Updated Printer Drivers 1.00 will appear in the add/remove programs in the control panel.
Synchronization Upgrade for Series7/netBook (115KB) EPOC Series 7, netBook Upgrade This upgrade improves synchronization between your PC and the Contacts application on the Series7/netBook. It eliminates the appearance of duplicate entries that occasionally appeared on some machines.
EasySwitch for EPOC (12KB) EPOC All Application Please note that this is a .sis file for installation onto an EPOC device eg. Psion revo.
netBook OS .IMG file (UK) (6.3MB) EPOC netBook only Operating System Psion's .IMG file for loading onto the netBook after a hard reset. Full instructions included in the zip file. UK version. v1.05 (450), (Release 158)
netBook OS .IMG file (US) (6.3MB) EPOC netBook only Operating System Psion's .IMG file for loading onto the netBook after a hard reset. Full instructions included in the zip file. US version. v1.05 (453)
netBook OS .IMG file (France) (6.5MB) EPOC netBook only Operating System Psion's .IMG file for loading onto the netBook after a hard reset. Full instructions included in the zip file. French version. v1.05 (456)
Optional components: French (81KB) EPOC netBook only Application French versions of NetStatRF and nFTP.
netBook OS .IMG file (Germany) (6.7MB) EPOC netBook only Operating System Psion's .IMG file for loading onto the netBook after a hard reset. Full instructions included in the zip file. German version. v1.05 (457)
Optional components: German (211KB) EPOC netBook only Application German versions of NetStatRF, nFTP, Bombs, IMAP4, Record, and Editor.
netBook OS .IMG file (Spain) (6.4MB) EPOC netBook only Operating System Psion's .IMG file for loading onto the netBook after a hard reset. Full instructions included in the zip file. Spanish version. v1.05 (462)
Optional components: Spanish (81KB) EPOC netBook only Application Spanish versions of NetStatRF and nFTP.
Psion Support Documents (707KB) EPOC netBook only Documents Support documents written by Psion: Ethernet User Guide (pdf), GPRS User Guide (pdf), ISDN User Guide (pdf), and ispWriter (opo).
Opera EPOC All Operating System Versions of Opera (v3.62 and v5.14) for both ER3 and ER5 machines are available on the Lost & Found - Communications page.
Series 7 Patch - UK (1.3MB) EPOC Series 7 only Operating System This is a UK English patch for the Series 7 OS that was released by Psion in 2000 in order to upgrade it from build 754 to build 756. "How can you upgrade the Series 7? It's OS is in ROM!" Well, yes, but it has some Flash ROM also and this was a flash upgrade/patch. Apparently it fixed a number of system crashes that build 754 was prone to. Warning: Make sure that mains power is connected when you upgrade the FlashROM in a Series 7!
Series 7 Patch - US (1.5MB) EPOC Series 7 only Operating System This is a US English patch for the Series 7 OS that was released by Psion in 2000 in order to upgrade it from build 754 to build 756. "How can you upgrade the Series 7? It's OS is in ROM!" Well, yes, but it has some Flash ROM also and this was a flash upgrade/patch. Apparently it fixed a number of system crashes that build 754 was prone to. Warning: Make sure that mains power is connected when you upgrade the FlashROM in a Series 7!
netBook User Manual (1.8MB) EPOC netBook only Document The User Manual for the Psion netBook in pdf format.
revo User Manual (1.2MB) EPOC revo only Document The User Manual for the Psion revo in pdf format.
revo+ User Manual (1.2MB) EPOC revo+ only Document The User Manual for the Psion revo+ in pdf format.
Series 7 User Manual (2.3MB) EPOC Series 7 only Document The User Manual for the Psion series 7 in pdf format.
Series 5mx User Manual (2.7MB) EPOC Series 5mx only Document The User Manual for the Psion series 5mx in pdf format.
Mobile Connectivity Upgrade v2.0 (GPRS) (174KB) EPOC All ER5 (i.e. except Series 5, Geofox, Osaris) Upgrade This Mobile Connectivity Upgrade is required in order to work with certain phones, especially if GPRS connectivity is required.
Power / battery management upgrade (2KB) EPOC revo, revo+, mako Upgrade A power / battery management upgrade issued by Psion in early 2003 and designed to improve the way the revo deals with battery charging and cycling. v1.00
Install Add/Remove to Control Panel in a Series 5 (24KB) EPOC Series 5 only Upgrade This installs the Add/Remove icon to Control Panel in a Series 5 and allows programs in the standard 'SIS' format to be installed. Unzip and run the .exe file on the Psion to install this.
Symbian OS V5 OPL SDK (26.4MB) Windows All SDK Symbian's Software Development Kit (SDK) for developing OPL programs under Windows. Includes the EPOC Emulator. Intended for the netpad but I imagine it will emulate any device.
Symbian OS V5 SDK for Java (16.5MB) Windows All SDK Symbian's Software Development Kit (SDK) for developing Java programs under Windows. Includes the EPOC Emulator. Intended for the netpad but I imagine it will emulate any device.
Symbian OS V5 C++ SDK (94MB) Windows All SDK Symbian's Software Development Kit (SDK) for developing C++ programs under Windows. Includes the EPOC Emulator. Intended for the netpad but I imagine it will emulate any device.
Ericsson MC218 EPOC Connect CD (56MB) Windows MC218 CD A zip file of the image of Ericsson's MC218 EPOC Connect CD. Also contains the MC218 manual in PDF format. (8KB) EPOC Series 7 Driver These are the original beta Ethernet drivers originally released by Psion for the Series 7. In actual fact they're apparently more alpha than beta... Reported to work with both the Series 7 and the malayBook - but fairly buggy apparently. (132KB) EPOC netBook Driver Original alpha drivers for ethernet on the netBook. Now effectively obsoleted as release-quality versions of these drivers are built into all the last OS images. Included here for completeness in case they are useful to someone at some point.
RegClean (6KB) Windows 98, NT, 2000, XP All Utility RegClean is a small tool for cleaning the Windows registry. Sometimes useful helping to remove old versions of PsiWin before installing a newer version.

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Monday, 3 April 2006